The colors are maybe the diffrents ranks, like Goldstar, Platinium, Supernova and SNE on stars in the past (acr use only diffrent military-rank-names for that), but I'm not sure.
And yes, with 10,5k points u should get easy the 250$ beast money, my rough calculation was, that you have to play around 900$ rake/week for the 250$ beast-price, thats around 130$ each day and I think that's impossible, with normal play on nl25. But maybe I'm wrong or I just underestinate your massgrinding skills.
I thought myself to play for the 250$ beast price but I'm not sure because of this ****ing bots and I made a short test and played 7 sessions this month on acr and every session I was running under ev. Ok, could be bad luck, but the odds to have 7 under EV sessions in a row are 1 to 128. Ok, no matter what u do, take care of this bots (with less bots, acr would be a dream, because software, vip-programm and support are really good), good luck