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The TGS June Challenge The TGS June Challenge

06-06-2015 , 12:03 PM
06-06-2015 , 11:41 PM
sorry all, will update after tonight's session! Still going steady- be back in a few hours to report in for day 4/5/6

06-07-2015 , 02:38 AM
Okay, gonna give a quick recap of days 4/5/6. I think I have finally gotten back into the "zone" of playing...I think next time I am about to do a big volume challenge like this, I will start off with lower stakes until the kinks are worked out so I don't dump a few $K's off initially

That's a pretty good lesson right there...after any extended break from playing where you don't feel perfectly sharp- I think it is a great idea to drop down in stakes until you are back in your groove.

So anyways, back to the challenge! I am behind pace, but not by too much. Let's start with day 4.

Day 4: Looks like I got in 13 hours and 19 minutes on Day 4. Got in 15,483 hands, and I lost around $600 on the tables. Unfortunately, I can't remember what I ate that day now that it was too long ago.

Day 5: This was my biggest day so far profit-wise. Funny, because I only got in 6 hours Reason being: I had to get in a golf session with my buddy!

I was really on the fence about whether I should go golfing or not, but I can't ever say no to just can't happen. My volume suffered because of it, but it was very refreshing to get outta the house for a bit and be a social human being. Shot a 101...too many blow up holes- I started off par par bogey bogey bogey on the first 5 so I thought I was gonna break 90- oh well

So back to the poker. Day 5 Recap: 6 hours, 6,039 hands played, and made $2,662 on the tables. I was grooving very nicely this day So, even though I missed out on volume, at least I had some live +ev things going on and also made some good booty on the tables.

Diet was no bueno on Day 5. Another thing I have a hard time doing is saying no to beer when golfing. Had 2 24 ounce yuengling's, but golf and beer is a lovely combination that I cannot deny- oh, also hot dogs...but I didn't have any of those because the halfway house that has all the food was closed on up. Had a ham/egg/cheese sandwich before playing though...and holy god it was tasty.

Day 6: Got in 11 Hours on Day 6. Didn't play as many tables, as there wasn't as many running as normal. Only got in 11,786 hands for the day...

Made about $750 on the tables. Had a really rough day running into some unfortunate situations, so I'm pretty happy about the result. I ate pretty much vegan all day, and even got to the driving range with my lady. It was her first time attempting golf, so it was interesting. She actually did really good, which was pretty awesome.

Anyways, I'm gonna end this because I have to get back on the tables. Let me slap in a graph/chart of all hands in the challenge so far:

Cash table graph:

Jackpot SNG graph:

Current Monthly Totals:

Rank Points Earned: 32,068

Hands Played: 67,839

$ Won/Lost: +$2,700 cash tables, -1K chips through 279 Jackpot SNGs (not sure if that equals just 1 buyin down, so -$40?)

Welp, that about wraps it up. I'll try to keep the updates coming daily. Good luck at the tables!

06-07-2015 , 07:44 AM
I heard this being talked about before for WPN cuz of the mucked cards situation. Isn't the all in ev basically worthless on this site since unless you lose you never get to see the other persons' hand when it goes to show down. I noticed u were putting to much importance on that in one of the vlogs u had and wonder what thought u or anyone else had on that. Seems like ignoring it might be the best option till the mucked cards thing is fixed if ever.
06-07-2015 , 01:09 PM
nah its only cap games where ev gets skewed. when two players get all in on regular tables all cards are exposed. its just when a hand gets to showdown without an all in where the losing hand is left up to the losing player whether they want to show or not.

TGS, sick grind man! I want to resent you for always being on the tables making my games worse but I just cant do it that's some sick work ethic my man.
06-07-2015 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by The Green Smoothie
Had 2 24 ounce yuengling's
I'm not a big beer drinker. I do remember drinking this years ago when in the states, up in the NorthEast when that was the only place it was circulating... Damn fine beer and I can see why you'd have trouble resisting

06-07-2015 , 10:05 PM
29 left in the Beast/SNC WSOP weekly tourney and TGS has the chip lead... and streaming...


Last edited by kahntrutahn; 06-07-2015 at 10:25 PM.
06-07-2015 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by kahntrutahn
29 left in the Beast/SNC WSOP weekly tourney and TGS has the chip lead...

Thank you, railing, glgl!
06-07-2015 , 10:43 PM
Final Table with 4x lead over 2nd place!

06-07-2015 , 11:57 PM
Nice take down for the ME seat! Congrats! Great to see you streaming again!
06-07-2015 , 11:59 PM
The rich get richer , good job smoothie ! ...i thought today was my day , im disappointed and jealous ! ;0)
06-08-2015 , 12:35 AM
clearly the site favors the high volume grinders in these wsop sats
06-08-2015 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by Menace ll Society
nah its only cap games where ev gets skewed. when two players get all in on regular tables all cards are exposed. its just when a hand gets to showdown without an all in where the losing hand is left up to the losing player whether they want to show or not.

TGS, sick grind man! I want to resent you for always being on the tables making my games worse but I just cant do it that's some sick work ethic my man.
Haha, I hear you man. Thanks for the kind words, gl to you!

Originally Posted by kahntrutahn
I'm not a big beer drinker. I do remember drinking this years ago when in the states, up in the NorthEast when that was the only place it was circulating... Damn fine beer and I can see why you'd have trouble resisting

It was delish!! Not a beer guy either...but golf/beer/hot dogs is amazing!!

Originally Posted by tedd_e_KGB
Nice take down for the ME seat! Congrats! Great to see you streaming again!
TY sir! Hopefully streaming nearly everyday now, and a great way to start it off

Originally Posted by Jmas8310
The rich get richer , good job smoothie ! ...i thought today was my day , im disappointed and jealous ! ;0)
Not remotely close to rich yet (well, rich in life ) but working on it! Thx for rooting for me! You'll get it next time, gl!

Originally Posted by WaterFall21
clearly the site favors the high volume grinders in these wsop sats
Haha, sure does! Just saw you won a seat too- congrats man! Keep up the good grind

Andddddddd a pic of the victory!

Will update for Day 7 cash table play soon!

06-08-2015 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by Menace ll Society
nah its only cap games where ev gets skewed. when two players get all in on regular tables all cards are exposed. its just when a hand gets to showdown without an all in where the losing hand is left up to the losing player whether they want to show or not.

TGS, sick grind man! I want to resent you for always being on the tables making my games worse but I just cant do it that's some sick work ethic my man.
Ah ok gotcha, thanks for clearing that up. Ya TGS has some sick ****ing work ethic, he's like one of the pros just like in any other endevour that just show you how to take it to the next level. I don't even think I could play poker as long as he does, my brain would melt down especially mass tabling lol.

edit: LOL just saw about TGS winning the WSOP seat. Pretty sick stuff mang!! LOL this blog is getting GOOOOTT!!!
06-08-2015 , 08:33 AM
Aw man you streamed and nothing to let us know?

grats tho
06-08-2015 , 11:37 AM
Grats man... You play 40bb pretty well in cash games as well
06-09-2015 , 11:29 AM
TGS must be putting in some sick grinds. He has 20k points at the moment and the next dude has 12k. Is he even sleeping?
06-09-2015 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by uradoodooface
TGS must be putting in some sick grinds. He has 20k points at the moment and the next dude has 12k. Is he even sleeping?
And high on the sit and crush leaderboard as well. Confirmed not sleeping
06-10-2015 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by sharkymcstevens
Aw man you streamed and nothing to let us know?

grats tho
Ahhhhhh great point! I should have came in and let you guys know I was streaming- my fault Going to attempt to get the stream going regularly again soon enough.

Originally Posted by Sammy21
Grats man... You play 40bb pretty well in cash games as well
Thanks sir, trying my best

Originally Posted by uradoodooface
TGS must be putting in some sick grinds. He has 20k points at the moment and the next dude has 12k. Is he even sleeping?
I have been slacking tbh. Next week I am nearly certain I will be trying to get 1st in both races...feeling out if it's possible this week (it is). As for sleep: I definitely have been! Oversleeping tbh...still have to nail down my schedule- it's getting close.

Day 7 update: Played 10,715 hands and made $708 on the tables. Played for 9 hours and 45 minutes... Lost 4,000 chips in JPG's which I think means I lost 8 tourneys x 500 chips = -$320 in JPG's? (Not sure if i'm looking at that correctly).

Day 8 update: Played 10,008 hands and lost $300 on the tables. Played 8 hours and 45 minutes. Made 3200 chips in 100 JPG's (again, not sure what that means money-wise).

Day 9 update: Hmmmmm only played 2 hours 11 minutes of cash tables. Made $612 in 1,762 hands. Played 120 JPG's and lost 3500 chips total...not sure how many hours of JPG's I played...Really slacked yesterday as I was doing some real estate research for most of the day.

Cash game graph so far this month:

JPG graph so far this month:

Current Challenge Totals:
Hours played: 75
Cash Hands Played: 90,733
Cash $$ Won/Lost: +$2,857
JPG's Played: 557
JPG's Chips Won/Lost: -2,108 Chips (No clue what this even means )
Rank Points Earned: 44,338

Well, I am certainly behind pace-wise for 200K points. It's going to be a very profitable month, and has been already...which, unfortunately, is making it hard for me to grind big hours. It's very easy to make a good amount of money and feel satisfied and want to get along with other things in life...but alas, I will do my best to get back on pace.

I am glad that I am still pretty much at my "softest" goal of 150K rank points. Pace would be 5K points a day for that, and I am pretty much right on pace.

Pace for 200K would mean I should be at 60K points already, so I'm behind by 16K points...that amounts from anywhere between 20 to 40 hours behind 200K pace...that's starting to become a pretty big deficit, so I will really need to get my grind on going forward if I want to achieve this goal.

That's it for now! Talk later guys, love you all

06-10-2015 , 11:21 AM
You can't look at chips won and figure out how much you're up or down because of the multipliers. You could be up a lot in chips, but down in money because you only won 2x multipliers, or, you could be down a lot in chips, but up money because you won some bigger multipliers.

If you want to know your winnings in $ then you can try the software Max Cut created:

Otherwise, I'd just look at EV chips per game to figure out where your expected ROI is and ignore the $.
06-10-2015 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by The Green Smoothie
JPG's Chips Won/Lost: -2,108 Chips (No clue what this even means )
For one thing, not being a multiple of 500 means you're missing hand histories somewhere.
06-10-2015 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Tapirboy
For one thing, not being a multiple of 500 means you're missing hand histories somewhere.
Pretty sure he's counting $30 WSOJ's in the mix, which leads to odd chip counts since it ends after 1 bust out.
06-10-2015 , 04:39 PM
your chip ev in JP shows you should be down a lot in them, no matter what multipliers show
06-10-2015 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by futurized
your chip ev in JP shows you should be down a lot in them, no matter what multipliers show
not in HM2, chipev properly tracks
06-10-2015 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by p2 dog, p2
not in HM2, chipev properly tracks
i am not sure what you mean. its like 33 chips a game to break even with 6% rake.
