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Some things that WPN needs to hear. Some things that WPN needs to hear.

10-06-2014 , 04:43 PM
Ok i have held back for a long time now my thoughts on this.

I really dont see why some of you guys complain that the lobby is a mess.

As a recreational player and before an sng grinder for me its sorted absolutely perfectly.

The sng's with the most players registered are at the top. If i only what mid stakes i click the medium tab. If i dont want DON;s i take that option out the filter.

I dont want to start a war but constructive criticism is welcome. You may think im bias but i really dont see an issue with the sorting?
10-06-2014 , 05:22 PM
You shouldn't have to change your filters every time you want to play a SNG because you don't want to go through an entire lobby of $10 DON sngs. If you're going to leave it how it is make it so the MTT filter and SNG filter aren't one in the same.

You guys have awful traffic so clearly it's time for WPN to quit thinking they know what's best and listen to what the players want. Enough is enough of this "we came up with it so it's the best idea ever" nonsense. If you guys knew everything you wouldn't be getting beat in traffic by Chico and a network like Merge that steals from players and bans them for winning.

It's pretty telling that no one plays here given the state of your competition. People have been begging for you guys to make a decent site for a long time now......

(and I mean this in the most respectful way possible, don't take it the wrong way)
10-06-2014 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
Ok i have held back for a long time now my thoughts on this.

I really dont see why some of you guys complain that the lobby is a mess.

As a recreational player and before an sng grinder for me its sorted absolutely perfectly.

The sng's with the most players registered are at the top. If i only what mid stakes i click the medium tab. If i dont want DON;s i take that option out the filter.

I dont want to start a war but constructive criticism is welcome. You may think im bias but i really dont see an issue with the sorting?
I'm not one to normally complain but you are simply flat out wrong about this. We (or at least I) really appreciate the help you have provided on here. That being said the SNG lobby is a disaster. If you don't believe me look at my account history and start with 9/18/14. I was registering for midstakes DON's (like I always do) and the lobby refreshed and put a nosebleed HUSNG right where my $15 DON was a split second before I clicked it. While multitabling I didn't catch that the price was wrong on the registration popup. Needless to say I got crushed in the HUSNG and had 25% of my roll wiped out in a matter of minutes. Also that I have to load up the tournament lobby to see whether the particular table is reg infested is a waste of time and impractical while multi-tabling. The fact that I have to go on a hunt for a needle in a haystack through hundreds of SNG types just to start a table when I'm constantly playing the same type and amounts DON's does not seem like a big deal but when I'm in the middle of 5 tournaments I dont have time. All of the table types having the same name screws up some of our HUD's forcing us to limit our volume to one table type at a particular stake at a time. This kills our volume and your rake.

I dont mean this as an attack on you and I am sorry if this comes off rude but your SNG lobby needs a major overhaul.
10-06-2014 , 05:50 PM
Winning_TD: Sorted for you perfectly doesn't mean sorted for me perfectly. I also play sitngos. I find it absolutely exasperating that I can't sort the columns in the way that I want. I want to be able to sort for game types and game buyins. I don't want to have to scroll down to the bottom of the list to search through the myriad of tables for an empty table for me to start because the sitngo lobby is locked into only sorting tables for players enrolled. I've played for a lot of years and I'm simply not used to doing that.

Filtering out DONs doesn't help me if I want to play both DONs and regular sitngos or just a wide variety of sitngos and buyins in general. Not to mention that if a person plays both tournaments and sitngos they lose their filter settings for whichever one they aren't playing. And the last thing that I want to do is mess around with the time consuming act of adjusting the filter settings while I am playing several tables.

Haven't you noticed that no other poker software in the world presorts the lobbies for players? To be honest, forcing players to use your preferences almost seems like a control freak type of thing. It serves absolutely no useful purpose. Online players are very adept at sorting columns very quickly. How can limiting functionality possibly be a good thing?
10-06-2014 , 05:58 PM
Sometimes criticism is difficult to take in and especially when its directed at our "pet" or "favorite" things. In that light I mean this in the most constructive way possible. TD you claim that the SnG lobby sort is perfect for you. And I don't doubt that is true, it most likely is perfect for you. The problem with that is not everyone is you. Before this forced sort was implemented we all had the option to sort the lobby according to each of our individual preference. This forced sort takes away our options for customization.

I understand that one of the driving tenets of a business model is to differentiate itself from the competition. WPN has done this in so many ways essentially by being one of the few sites that cater to the U.S. market and having reliable payouts. But at some point you have to learn to emulate the industry leaders and not take this differentiating tenet to an absurd degree. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, you can look at the industry leaders and see what they are doing right and basically copy it. Without naming names, the best sites give players the option to sort the lobby how they like, not how the network thinks they should.
10-06-2014 , 06:14 PM
Ok i will just quickly input, we dont have that way of sorting because its perfect for me.

Everyone does have their personal opinions and i respect that. This is why i like listening to good constructive criticism.
10-06-2014 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
Ok i will just quickly input, we dont have that way of sorting because its perfect for me.

Everyone does have their personal opinions and i respect that. This is why i like listening to good constructive criticism.
It's that way because you guys think it will draw traffic to SNGs, right? People see games about to go off and register. I get the logic behind it, but it is flawed logic and isn't working.

A lot of tournament players add in SNGs to get in more volume and reduce variance. How it's currently set up it's a huge pain in the ass to do that because you have to change the filters (which changes both SNGs and MTTs) to get through the stuff you don't care about.
10-06-2014 , 06:31 PM
Okay, maybe this is the point of contention. The lobby headings such as "date/time","tournament name","buy-in","state","enrolled" etc. used to be clickable sort filters. They no longer function this way. For instance I could click on the "buy-in" heading and sort all SnGs in the lobby by lowest to highest, or highest to lowest buy-in. I can't do that anymore. The same for the "enrolled" heading, so that if I wanted to see the SnGs with the most players enrolled I could click that heading and the list would be re-sorted with those at the top. I can't do this anymore.

This has been a source of frustration for me and probably a lot of other players since it was implemented at the same time Sit and Crush was introduced. I stopped playing SnGs at that point partly because of this. So while I think everyone wishes the best in this situation there is a lot of pent up frustration that is finding a relief valve in this thread.

Last edited by Limo Wreck; 10-06-2014 at 06:37 PM.
10-06-2014 , 08:06 PM
Taking away the red font would make it so much better. I'm not a SNG grinder, so listen more to those who play them regularly, but that's my main problem with it. Seeing a bunch or red text bunched up is just uncomfortable.
10-06-2014 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
Ok i will just quickly input, we dont have that way of sorting because its perfect for me.

Everyone does have their personal opinions and i respect that. This is why i like listening to good constructive criticism.
If the reason is to draw traffic as iPlO says then I don't see why the lobby can't be sorted by the enrolled column as the default when the lobby first opens, yet afterwards still allow for the players to sort it according to their own needs.
10-06-2014 , 09:26 PM
as a heads up player being buried in the lobbies by what seems to be a sea of red and dons is tough to get action sometimes unless i peacock the lobby of sorts and sign into 4 or more to kinda say hey look i want action

unless someone filters by just husngs

i don't play regular sngs just cuz i think the lobby is dumb and i honestly can't stand the sit and crush cuz it excludes the sngs i play always like to plug the hey give husng a bone when i can lol

i thought i read before husng are not involved in sngcrush cuz we generally are winning cashing out players from the td...i would love to hear what other reasons husng are not given a shot to compete in the sngcrush or some other promo

i have also heard the cost to gain argument when they had a promo the husng were popping...since sngcrush they are not..i believe that argument is not true

and even if it is true it still alienates a strong portion of your population and seems kinda unfair

i also agree separate the mtt and sng filters
lobby resizing would also be awesome that i have asked for since 2011
decline button for husng lobbies
i also think a spot in the lobby to prechat or during an event would be cool as i have seen that work well in other gambling formats...but that is just an idea

i do want to play here but i just can't because of the issues and what i perceive to be unfair promos to my desired game selection

i hope one day i come here and read things are fixed and a crowd starts to widen

i do like the spirit of the players wanting to help achieve that
i have never before seen such passion from the customer's to want a company to succeed in this business

i hope others have the energy to keep that moving forward...i just don't have it in me anymore to get excited at the future of this network

thanks all that have added input of any kind
10-06-2014 , 09:36 PM
SNC is just dumb in general. Quit giving the free money to the players mindlessly grinding (both Beast and SNC) and give it to the fish. In the end that would be better for everyone except maybe 10 people.
10-06-2014 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by iPlayPLOhigh
SNC is just dumb in general. Quit giving the free money to the players mindlessly grinding (both Beast and SNC) and give it to the fish. In the end that would be better for everyone except maybe 10 people.
10-06-2014 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
Ok i have held back for a long time now my thoughts on this.

I really dont see why some of you guys complain that the lobby is a mess.

As a recreational player and before an sng grinder for me its sorted absolutely perfectly.

The sng's with the most players registered are at the top. If i only what mid stakes i click the medium tab. If i dont want DON;s i take that option out the filter.

I dont want to start a war but constructive criticism is welcome. You may think im bias but i really dont see an issue with the sorting?
As long as you are happy with it, never mind what your paying customers think. Business 101, screw what all those people with money think, we're here to please ourselves.
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
Ok i will just quickly input, we dont have that way of sorting because its perfect for me.
As long as you, 1 person, an employee, are happy.

My last post about it, my last login @wpn, software deleted, I just gave up on you for good.

Last edited by Boson; 10-07-2014 at 12:16 AM.
10-07-2014 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
Ok i will just quickly input, we dont have that way of sorting because its perfect for me.
Originally Posted by Boson
As long as you, 1 person, an employee, are happy.

My last post about it, my last login @wpn, software deleted, I just gave up on you for good.
I think that you misunderstood Winning_TD's post. His post actually wasn't very clear. But I think that he was saying pretty much the opposite of how it sounded. He wasn't saying that it was done that way because it was perfect for him. He was really saying that it was actually for other reasons other than it being perfect for him that it was done that way.

On my first reading of that post, I read it the same way as you. So I think that it's important that I clarify that post so we don't have any unnecessary misunderstandings.
10-07-2014 , 01:18 AM
Def didn't mean it was perfect for him so that's why it is that way.
10-07-2014 , 03:02 AM
What I'd change about the SNG and MTT lobbies, prioritized:

1. Larger font sizes. I'm old-ish. Most of my waking hours are spent looking at screens. Stop making grandpa squint, dagnabit.

2. No more red and green text. Same reason.

3. Allow different settings for SNG and MTT filters, same reasons as mentioned by others above.

4. Clean up multiple empty SNG games offered more quickly. Having four completely empty Turbo 9s at a given level, for example, is clutter. Those "extra" games seem to get cleaned out eventually, but not frequently.

5. User-sortable columns, as mentioned by others above.

6. Refresh the lobby more quickly. I'm often glancing at the lobby while multi-tabling or multi-tasking. I don't want to have to click "Tourney" and then "Sit and Go" again to force a refresh, and then wait a few more seconds for the refresh.

7. Stop bringing me back to the lobby every time a game ends.
I understand the intention is to encourage users to register for another game, but the reality for multi-tabling users is that they are pondering whether to click "Call" when one of their other games ends. So they have to click the grey box that shows the standings. Then the lobby pops up, so they have to minimize that. Then they need to find their way back to the table where they were ready to act, and make their decision.
When I am not multi-tabling I am almost always multi-tasking (i.e. working) while playing. I'm probably not the only one. Focus stealing by the lobby is not appreciated then either.

Winning_TD, thanks for entering the conversation.
10-07-2014 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by AlexTheOwl
Winning_TD, thanks for entering the conversation.

And I believe a large majority of the complaining is intended as constructive criticism aimed and increasing traffic.
10-07-2014 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by iPlayPLOhigh
SNC is just dumb in general. Quit giving the free money to the players mindlessly grinding (both Beast and SNC) and give it to the fish. In the end that would be better for everyone except maybe 10 people.
Beast is fine.

SNC should be based on a point system like Stars. Less planets obv since the lower volume and all. Maybe give it a two week trial or something.
10-09-2014 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by iPlayPLOhigh
SNC is just dumb in general. Quit giving the free money to the players mindlessly grinding (both Beast and SNC) and give it to the fish. In the end that would be better for everyone except maybe 10 people.
Yup! I dont know how the SNC works but the beast is a ******ed promo that won't attract any fish. I dig a VIP system of sorts but this is not the way to go, its time to get a promo that the casual player has a chance of winning some money from.
10-09-2014 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
Beast is fine.

SNC should be based on a point system like Stars. Less planets obv since the lower volume and all. Maybe give it a two week trial or something.
But its not fine at all. All the cash players have to give rake to the beast which cuts into rakeback and there are way more players that have no chance of cashing from it than have a chance. Basically you need to grind a lot of low/mid stakes to have a chance at at making money from it. The rest of the player pool pays for it and sees absolutely no benefit as this promo doesnt even attract fish unless they misunderstand what the beast is about. It would be better if it was a silly bad beat jack pot as at least casual players have a chance in winning money from it.

10-09-2014 , 08:08 AM
Bad beat did seem to attract more
10-09-2014 , 04:03 PM
I remember when they took away the BBJ to add the money to the beast and for the most part everyone was confused as to why they'd make such a move...
10-09-2014 , 04:11 PM
hopefully a new client is in the works. this current software is like playing on a brick
10-10-2014 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by IHasTehBluff
hopefully a new client is in the works. this current software is like playing on a brick
Guess you know you're "known" in this biz when you get people parodying As long as you aren't trying to scam people, have fun. But if you are, I don't take that stuff lightly. Just a heads up.
