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SNG Collusion Complain Unresolved on WPN SNG Collusion Complain Unresolved on WPN

04-09-2015 , 02:11 PM
Earlier this week, I reported an incident that is unarguably collusion. $15 9 man SNG, one player with several thousand chips and the other with 910. Blinds at 150/300 and player A limps, player B raises to 600, player A reraised to 900, player B goes all in for 910 and player A folds.
I reported this issue to security, and only asked for a refund for that game and that these players be investigated. I couldn't even get a refund despite the agent agreeing that it was chip dumping. Plus, it looks like no real investigation was done as these players have been allowed to continue to sit the same SNGs all week.
#1 and #2 on the Sit and Crush... go figure.
I think it's pretty sad that a site will see something like this, admit that it happened, and not do anything while hiding behind their privacy policy.
But thanks for making me distrustful of online, since the hour drive to the local casino has paid off all week since. lol
Just figured everyone else might need the same motivation, or ACR might handle this in a proper way. We'll see.
04-09-2015 , 03:26 PM
The blinds were actually 50/100. This was most likely just a misclick bty, brizz plays a ton of tables.
04-09-2015 , 04:11 PM
lol brizzle and solando deff dont collude, and why are you mad that they play alot? some people play for a living and these guys grind the leaderboard to make money lol the site won't do anything because its good for them and they arn't colluding. is it like an epidemic to call collusion on any instance you think is wrong? nut up and deal with a mistake
04-09-2015 , 07:55 PM
I've played a lot with both. Solando is some guy from Portugal who plays way different then Brizzle85 whom I've played much more with.

It's definitely a misclick imo but if you see any player do that a lot write down all the hand #s but one hand alone where a guy playing 20+ tables makes a mistake like that don't show enough. He might not even realize he actually folded either.
04-09-2015 , 08:05 PM
Yeah it's more than likely a mass-tabler mistake.

Colluders would not make their play that obvious.. but we can probably chalk this up to be an honest mistake.
04-09-2015 , 10:44 PM
Definitely a mass tabling mistake. Brizzle just folded 3 times in a row with a decent stack in a PLO8 DON where the guy was all in for his BB and he was in the SB with more chips committed then the BB but this network makes you press call and Brizzle folded to the guy sitting out each time costing me the game since I was short riding it out as the blinds were so high and that guy had barely anything (standard icm play).

After that I will never reg a plo8 double up again when Brizzle is sitting. I make mass tabling mistakes too but never would do that 3 times in a row in the same game.
04-10-2015 , 03:41 AM


+1 they dont collude.
04-10-2015 , 09:44 AM
There were multiple raises before folding for 10 chips more. But ok, if you take that stance you're either; a) stupid, or b) in on it. The support email even agreed with me, so the character reference doesn't mean anything. Funny that I can still profit when this type of scene happens, but I'll happily leave the online scene to you dinks and focus on live.
04-10-2015 , 11:35 AM
happily leave the online scene and focus on live EWWWW
04-10-2015 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Annunaki
There were multiple raises before folding for 10 chips more. But ok, if you take that stance you're either; a) stupid, or b) in on it. The support email even agreed with me, so the character reference doesn't mean anything. Funny that I can still profit when this type of scene happens, but I'll happily leave the online scene to you dinks and focus on live.
Can you step outside your mental box for a minute and consider that a misclick can happen when someone is mass multi-tabling?

Of course one reason Brizzle might make this fold is to chip dump, collusion. I would report it too. It looks like a chip dump, but there is another (non-collusion) reason this fold might happen that does occur in online poker sometimes.

And the support email doesn't agree with you that this was collusion btw. The support rep agrees it looks like possible collusion (duh) and they will investigate the players further because of it, but also points out that later in this same exact SNG solando is busted by Brizzle (which is sort of the antithesis of chip dump collusion).

I'm not saying they're not colluding, but what I can tell you is that the week I recently grinded the snc board I played a lot of sng's with both these players (hard not to, they're in all of them basically lol) and I never saw anything between them that looked like collusion over a reasonably large number of opportunities. I did see Brizzle make mistakes similar to what BeerBottlez posted, but none with any specific player.

Does this play look like collusion? Yes. Is it 100% collusion? No, it could just be a misclick. Will an investigation reveal this? Yes, with extreme accuracy imo. If it was a misclick then a look at their playing history will reveal this as a one off type incident. If they are colluding to chip dump, then this would be seen frequently in their history, they wouldn't bust each other until heads up, and regs like BeerBottlez that play all the games with them would have outed this long ago, not be here replying to you in defense of them.
04-10-2015 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Annunaki
There were multiple raises before folding for 10 chips more. But ok, if you take that stance you're either; a) stupid, or b) in on it. The support email even agreed with me, so the character reference doesn't mean anything. Funny that I can still profit when this type of scene happens, but I'll happily leave the online scene to you dinks and focus on live.
You know some of the dinks in the online scene play live also right? So does that mean they are still online dinks or do they morph into live dinks?
04-10-2015 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Dalsue214
Colluders would not make their play that obvious..
Unless it's dem Alaska boys

04-10-2015 , 08:38 PM
Those Alaska boys....they sucked so bad at poker I didn't mind their cheating I miss them

Where you been Ho?!
04-10-2015 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by TomoDaK
Those Alaska boys....they sucked so bad at poker I didn't mind their cheating I miss them

Where you been Ho?!
Ho's been on tha Bo

