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Screwed out of money transfer deposit on BCP Screwed out of money transfer deposit on BCP

01-10-2014 , 10:18 PM
Winning_TD and Kahntuthan have tried to help me out and I appreciate it greatly. It appears that I won't be receiving any compensation or anything for this mess. I won't post any PM's sent to me from either but I'm going to post my response to Winning_TD just now...


I appreciate your help.

I just got off the phone with a supervisor at WU. The reason you guys are still seeing the money as held is because the funds won't be released to you. The funds won't be returned to me because activities for this receiver as well as others are under suspicion.

They, WU, just happened to catch my transfer. Apparently instant transfer using debit cards are under more scrutiny than bank transfers which take days.

I'm not under suspicion of money laundering or fraud and am free to use their service at any time. The reason I won't get a refund was simple, funds under suspicion for illegal activities are prohibited and by law they are required to confiscate these funds and notify the attorney general of the state in which they were sent from. In this case, NY where I'm located. My name will not be attached to that report apparently.

Also, WU informed me that I need to contact the Attorney General's office of my state and explain my situation in case there is ever any action/judgement taken against this receiver/processor.

So as you can see I've done my due diligence. Supplied everything to you guys, emails and screenshots. I've called WU about 5-6 times now as you guys keep directing me. When is enough, enough? Your site has acted very poorly in this situation. I'm sorry to say that but it's the truth. Blaming me non stop and refusing to work with me at all is just not acceptable.

I have a couple higher stake friends who play on BCP and they are in the process of removing their entire rolls. They are also reputable members of 2+2. Once they have gotten their money off the site they will be addressing this issue in the thread. Until then they are afraid of any negative retribution. They have seen in person this whole situation unfold.

Once again, I appreciate your help. If there is anything you can do to sway the site to just make this right I will have the respect of the site and can promise I will be a regular. Until then I have no choice but to state the facts in the thread and those facts don't shine a positive light on BCP.

I've basically been told the same as I've been told all along, take it up with WU we never received the money. Well I never asked to send it to a receiver that would result in my $550 being confiscated. This whole thing is beyond aggravating and as of this moment I can't say anything positive about BCP other than these two individuals trying to help.
01-11-2014 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by AABBCCDD
Winning_TD and Kahntuthan have tried to help me out and I appreciate it greatly.

I don't find this to be a satisfactory resolution to the matter. I'm not through with it yet...

01-11-2014 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by kahntrutahn
I don't find this to be a satisfactory resolution to the matter. I'm not through with it yet...

Either do I, obviously not satisfied, but I keep getting the same answer, call WU. WPN/BCP act like WU will just decide to refund my money if I keep calling and questioning their policies. Beyond frustrating because I have lost 2 weeks of playing in any tourneys or cash games. BCP is so quick to offer a new receiver name for me to get cash on to play though. Even went as far to initiate a new transfer with a new receiver when I never requested it. It's pending in my cashier for the exact same amount as the last transfer, $500. Like I'm going to try to deposit additional money on the site before this is resolved.
01-11-2014 , 11:27 PM
Whata world class site. lol

BCP its simple. you offer half at minimum to help one of your customers out and make sure u take measures from this happening to any1 else
you do nothing and stay ignorant to the pickle your customer is in and lose a lot more than 550 overall.

Your rep is getting crushed because its taken you this long and you haven't even offered any meet half way resolution which any reasonable business would have done by now. Unless your strongly believe op is scamming you, you need to at least meet half way. Just the fact we have to spell it out for you what the right thing to is a bad sign. your losing creditability fast.

disclaimer: I Have no idea who op is, my opinion is coming from outside viewpoint
01-12-2014 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by TicKinTiMeBomB
Whata world class site. lol

BCP its simple. you offer half at minimum to help one of your customers out and make sure u take measures from this happening to any1 else
you do nothing and stay ignorant to the pickle your customer is in and lose a lot more than 550 overall.

Your rep is getting crushed because its taken you this long and you haven't even offered any meet half way resolution which any reasonable business would have done by now. Unless your strongly believe op is scamming you, you need to at least meet half way. Just the fact we have to spell it out for you what the right thing to is a bad sign. your losing creditability fast.

disclaimer: I Have no idea who op is, my opinion is coming from outside viewpoint
Thanks for the post. I'm not scamming them. Have no need or desire to put that much time into it. It's been almost 2 weeks and I have not heard a peep regarding some sort of resolution. Although the rep did post in this thread at the beginning to "bear with them while they work on a resolution". I think I have done plenty waiting. Their resolution is for me to keep contacting WU over and over in hopes they'll change their mind and refund my money. Not happening.

I'm willing to forget about being reimbursed for the WU fees at this point which is their policy. I will be happy with just my $500 deposit. No less at this point after having to go through all of this. Maybe I will change my mind if something is offered but that has yet to happen.
01-13-2014 , 02:09 PM
15 days and counting. Nothing to show for my WU deposit.
01-14-2014 , 05:57 PM
Seeing as I've been told this thread will be deleted tomorrow I would like to thank Winning_TD for trying to rectify this matter. Unfortunately he has been fed false information. Here is my last PM conversation with him.

Originally Posted by Winning_TD Well i spoke to a few different people today. I wont go public but the end of the day, at first you sent it to the wrong name when we gave you the correct name. They investigated a name that we have never given. You cancelled the transaction so there is no way for us ever to receive it. From what i have been told you have also tried before this to send money via western union and you had other issues although im not exactly sure what they were. Also from what WU have said, they will only accept cash from you because they have had issues when you have used your card on two separate occasions. By no means are we at fault for this and as sorry as i am this has happened we will not just give you $500 when we have not done anything wrong. Also i have spoken with my boss and he said that if you are to ever deposit let me know and i will give your account a bonus upto $500 where it will be released to you like getting 100% rake back.

Also after seeing all this information i am a little upset that the title of the thread is Screwed out of money transfer deposit on BCP. We really havent done anything wrong and its made us look really bad. Tomorrow i will delete the thread.

Originally Posted by AABBCCDD WU will only accept cash from me? They've had issues when I've usdd my card before? I've never used their services so that is a lie. I just created my account the day I sent the first transfer. I also never cancelled any transaction woth them. Never!

Also as repeatedly stated I never sent it to the wrong person. Never. To say Maria Ballar in Costa Rica is different than Maria Andrea Zuniga Ballar in Costa Rica who frequents WU in Costa Rica is absurd.

You don't like the title of the thread? That's laughable. Threatening to delete it because of the title? Why because it is the truth? You guys didn't receive or steal the money but supplied a faulty receiver name. Why not just change the title rather then delete all evidence?

In closing, thanks for YOUR help. The actual lack of contact from WPN support is disgusting. Also, WU doesn't give out any specific info on someone elses account to a person other than that individual. So whoever has told you what to say has lied. Although if they did actually say they will only accept cash from me it has to do with my transaction to your receiver. Probably so I go in person with an ID.

I never attempted a deposit via WU to BCP except for this one time. I also was willing to do a 3 way phone call with WU and WPN support if they and WU were willing but never received a response. WU does NOT give out accont information to anyone other than the account holder.

In closing I don't think WPN is shady in anyway and I wouldn't tell anyone to not play there. This thread was started to try and seek compensation for a WU transfer gone wrong, not to rip WPN. I do feel WPN handled this situation extremely poorly and simply refused to accept at least partial blame. I don't think this thread should be deleted but that is out of my control.
01-14-2014 , 06:24 PM
Ok I will respond publicly. I have a screenshot and clearly with your full name WU has stated they will only accept cash deposits from you. I will not get into a war about this and everyone is entitled to there own opinion.

But we have the chat when we clearly gave you the full name where to send the money to. The fact that WU have done what ever they have with the money is not at fault of ourselves. We are not in control of what they do. I guess even if you try and send money to John Smith but write Jhon Smith. I would guess that the receiver will not be able to get the money. I have tried to help you but we cant just give $500 to you considering we gave you the full correct information.

Again i really am sorry this has happened to you and im sure that everyone who I have helped will back me up in saying that i try and help all people that come to me and 99.9999% of the time everybody is happy.

The reason that i want to close the thread is because we have not screwed you out of money so i feel its a little harsh. We didnt collect any monies. Your issue is with WU.
01-14-2014 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
Ok I will respond publicly. I have a screenshot and clearly with your full name WU has stated they will only accept cash deposits from you. I will not get into a war about this and everyone is entitled to there own opinion.

But we have the chat when we clearly gave you the full name where to send the money to. The fact that WU have done what ever they have with the money is not at fault of ourselves. We are not in control of what they do. I guess even if you try and send money to John Smith but write Jhon Smith. I would guess that the receiver will not be able to get the money. I have tried to help you but we cant just give $500 to you considering we gave you the full correct information.

Again i really am sorry this has happened to you and im sure that everyone who I have helped will back me up in saying that i try and help all people that come to me and 99.9999% of the time everybody is happy.

The reason that i want to close the thread is because we have not screwed you out of money so i feel its a little harsh. We didnt collect any monies. Your issue is with WU.
Have I not thanked you repeatedly? I never put into question your customer service here. I am thankful for it. Never once wasn't.

The comparison of misspelling a name and simply not using all 4 names isn't correct. Maybe going forward WPN should specifically state in the email how to write out the receivers name if it is more than two names long. That would be a major improvement for those who are only able to deposit through money transfer.

Did you guys ever stop to think that going forward I can only use WU services by cash resulting from this transfer gone bad? Maybe I'm flagged now. All I know is this is the first time I ever used WU. I signed up for my account online that day and utilized the online instant debit card transfer that only has a section for first and last name of the receiver. Honest and very easy mistake to make which I did correct on the second transfer.

Whatever screen shot you have I have the one from my WU account as well. Bottom line there was something that went wrong and to totally blame me is not fair. To not accept partial blame with me is not very professional.

I also was never involved in a chat to get the receivers name. I clicked the WU deposit option and the name was generated and listed in the cashier screen. Then I received an email with the name. No chat prior to the initial deposit attempt was ever had.
01-14-2014 , 07:05 PM
I'm not satisfied by your argument Winning_TD and this thread should not be closed yet.

His funds were confiscated by WU because this was a transaction for online gambling, which is prohibited by WU. He sent the funds to Maria Ballar. You can argue that's not the same person you told him to send to. But that's a bull**** fallacy. Do you REALLY think this "wrong person" is actually a different person who just coincidentally enough is flagged for connections with online gambling!? NO, you cannot possibly think that to be true. Which means, had he used the exact name you to him to use, it wouldn't have made any difference; the funds would still be confiscated.

And on top of that, explain what you're doing having your customers deposit through Western Union when they prohibit transactions for online gambling in the first place.

The issue here is not between OP and WU. Its between you, WPN, and Western Union, and as a result, your customer is being, as this thread title VERY APTLY states, screwed out of his money transfer deposit.

If I see this thread is deleted, or it's title changed, I'm withdrawing. This is by principle unacceptable. I am hoping either you have some very convincing statement to change my mind or you act appropriately to refund this guy. I'm really hoping WPN can honestly say that its hands are clean of this mess and the fault lies totally with OP.

Last edited by the potato; 01-14-2014 at 07:14 PM.
01-14-2014 , 07:23 PM
WINNING_TDs post was perhaps the stupidest I've ever seen on the boards.
01-14-2014 , 07:30 PM
when it comes down to it, you have a customer raising absolute hell. It's making you guys look really bad. I, myself, am a business owner. Sometimes, as a business, we're better off biting the bullet for the sake of avoiding a messy scene. There have been times where the customer has been completely off their rocker and totally wrong, and I've still bent over backwards for them. 500$ is not worth bickering over when you look at the collateral its causing your name. Give him his money back, let him get on his way, and be done with this. By extending this issue and failing to resolve it you're costing yourself way more than 500$. So even if this guy or western union is totally wrong (which is looking unlikely) you'd be better off eating this 500$ and getting him on his way.

Last edited by the potato; 01-14-2014 at 07:43 PM.
01-14-2014 , 08:15 PM
Thanks for the posts guys.

Please don't take it out on Winning_TD. He has been professional and very responsive even though I don't agree with everything.

I don't want this to turn into a bashing of WPN as I think their site is decent. Like I've stated I have a few friends who play high stakes there. I'm going to take the high road here and chalk it up as a loss and just move on. I would like to have CC/Debit card deposit options re-added to my account because I can't and won't use money transfer to deposit. Trying to find a card that works is the difficult part.

They did offer a deposit bonus up to $500, not sure if this is much more than other deposit bonuses they currently have but maybe I will make up the $500 that way. If I decide to play there again I will certainly take them up on the offer.

Thanks for the support and I hope WPN takes my advice and explains in detail going forward how to make WU transfers using the whole name supplied.
01-14-2014 , 09:05 PM
I think that rather than closing or deleting the thread, perhaps the thread title should be changed to something a little less hyperbolic. If a rep doesn't have the technical ability to change it, I'm sure a moderator can.
01-15-2014 , 12:33 AM
hard to believe that WPN won't take at least SOME responsibility for this, very very shortsighted not to IMO
01-15-2014 , 01:25 AM
OP: The problem that I'm having with your perspective is that if Maria Andrea Zuniga Ballar had been flagged, there would be many depositers in this thread by now complaining about their money being confiscated too; but there isn't. I'd like to also mention that putting her name in the forums was a really really bad idea if you intended to ever get your money back. You need to consider that there could be someone out there with the name Maria Baller who WU sees as trouble and someone named Maria Andrea Zuniga Baller who could still receive funds.

After reading your post history on 2+2, I can say that I've come across few posters who have written about and given so much advice about depositing and withdrawing money on a myriad of poker sites as you have. Not to mention you've stated that you used to work for Western Union. If anybody should have known better than to take the initiative to abreviate a sender's name it should have been you.

I think part of the problem here was that you were too sure of yourself, so consequently chopped off half the name without giving it a second thought, whereas most people would have asked for clarification from WPN before making such an important change to the name of the sender. You are absolutely right, though, that WPN should have given better instructions, all things considered.

You've been challenging WPN to take part of the responsibility. By offering to let you play on the site essentially rake free until the $500 is made up to you, they are offering to take part of the liability which is just as good. This is clearly also partly your fault so it makes sense that you also take part of the liability. They've made their offer. What is your counteroffer?

Last edited by SantaCruz; 01-15-2014 at 01:30 AM.
01-15-2014 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
OP: The problem that I'm having with your perspective is that if Maria Andrea Zuniga Ballar had been flagged, there would be many depositers in this thread by now complaining about their money being confiscated too; but there isn't. I'd like to also mention that putting her name in the forums was a really really bad idea if you intended to ever get your money back. You need to consider that there could be someone out there with the name Maria Baller who WU sees as trouble and someone named Maria Andrea Zuniga Baller who could still receive funds.

After reading your post history on 2+2, I can say that I've come across few posters who have written about and given so much advice about depositing and withdrawing money on a myriad of poker sites as you have. Not to mention you've stated that you used to work for Western Union. If anybody should have known better than to take the initiative to abreviate a sender's name it should have been you.

I think part of the problem here was that you were too sure of yourself, so consequently chopped off half the name without giving it a second thought, whereas most people would have asked for clarification from WPN before making such an important change to the name of the sender. You are absolutely right, though, that WPN should have given better instructions, all things considered.

You've been challenging WPN to take part of the responsibility. By offering to let you play on the site essentially rake free until the $500 is made up to you, they are offering to take part of the liability which is just as good. This is clearly also partly your fault so it makes sense that you also take part of the liability. They've made their offer. What is your counteroffer?
Thanks for the post. You gave all valid points. Can't argue any of them but I didn't work as a WU store employee or in any department that dealt with processing transfers. I worked in their accounting department making monthly gl entries and working month end close responsibilities once they became a publicly traded company. I wasn't "too sure" of myself. The email from WPN should clearly state this is her whole first name and this is her whole last name.

And what is my counteroffer???? I said it was great of them to offer that and if I decide in the future to play there I will take them up on it.

I'm taking this as an expensive lesson. I hope it doesn't happy to anyone else because it's a crappy situation.
03-30-2014 , 06:16 PM
So I'm not going to get into whether this is legit or not, I just have a question: If I got this name for example to send to: John Man Woman Doe.

And I have first name and last name fields. Where do the middle two names go??

03-31-2014 , 12:11 AM
As this thread is out of date I will say this to today's poster. Whenever you have a question just email support or use live chat. I did this the first time I got 4 names. They said put the first two in the first name field, and the second two in the second name field. I forget what they said about 3 names, but you do need to have the exact and entire name they send you on the form. Honestly I think you can put the middle name in a 3 name receiver on either the first or last name slot, just ass long as it reads out the 3 name in the correct order.

I will also say this. Always use cash for money transfers to poker/gambling sites. It is not illegal for WU to transfer money to people in cash, but if they think the money is going to a poker site they are supposed to block it, if u pay by card, under UIGEA. The UIGEA says US banking institutions can not knowing transfer money to gambling sites, and using WU to get around this is not allowed. If you use cash it is not going from a banking institution. So when a receiver is blocked they will not release the money to the poker site, but they will allow you to reverse the transaction and get your money back immediately.

I had this exact situation happen to me in February. I sent $300 to ACR, but paid in cash. Receivers name was blocked by WU. I called WU, they reversed it and sent me back the money. ACR sent me a new name, I resent the money seconds after getting it back. It went through without issue on the second try. Not only did they refund my transfer fee from the second deposit, as they do on all money transfers $300 and up, but they refunded the transfer fee from the first failed deposit also. Additionally I was sending the money to get the $200 reload bonus. The failed name happened on the 3rd, I got my money back and resent on the 4th, as it was after WU closing time locally when I found out the first name failed. ACR still gave me the reload bonus even though it was a day late.

Back when Tilt and Stars were US sites, they always told US players using WU to only pay in cash, not in card. They actually said all card payments to WU, debit or credit, would fail, and take a long time to get reversed or would never get reversed.

I want to also add, I did actually received the exact same "blocked" name a second time a 14 days later(again for the reload bonus), emailed support asking if is was unblocked and they sent me another name. It does seems like they would stop sending out blocked names as soon as they know there is an issue.
03-31-2014 , 08:20 AM
It is no surprises to me that a guy that cannot follow simple instructions cannot also figure out how to obtain a refund of his money from WU. Blaming his woes on the site and arguing for the money from them is standard from a guy who clearly has no idea how to resolve his self created problems.
04-07-2014 , 01:08 AM
That's why you always triple check who you are sending the money to.... I learned my lesson and always fussed western Union to get my money back and always work, that it always good to have debit card with them and they are more likely to help you more.
