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Player Feedback for NEW MTT schedule 2016!! Player Feedback for NEW MTT schedule 2016!!

02-09-2016 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by jfiiue4
I didn't say anything about cutting back on the reentry period. And if most people re enter with say no less than 30 bbs, then they can do the same with a shorter structure. It wont change the number of re entry's. As a matter of fact it might create more re entries if people are willing to do so with a shorter stack. Some people don't re enter after say level 8. The only difference with 12 min blinds is that the re entry will come at an earlier time in the day.
By lowering each level by 3 minutes, you are essentially cutting back the time that players can reenter, and yes it will change the number of reentries unless your plan is to add new early levels (which then defeats the purpose in changing to 12 min blinds).
02-09-2016 , 06:51 PM
My suggestions are perfect. The gtds are a tad to high tho I agree. Cut them in half even and the schedule will explode.

Also try testing out bumping daily gtds on the current schedule.
02-10-2016 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by chrisp200
and yes it will change the number of reentries
It might increase the number of rebuys because there could be more people playing on the site.

The structure needs to force action to force rebuys. When you start with 5,000-10,000 chips and $20 blinds nobody rebuys for 2 hours. This is the reason WPN can't meet their guarantees in less than 5 hours like every other poker site in history. When you structure every tournament as a deep stack competitive structure it makes it more difficult to hit guarantees in rentry style events.

Pokerstars 2009-2010 had daily rebuys of $3,$5, and $10 six times a day. All with $45K guaranteed that would hit $60K+ daily and a $100K+ on the weekends. These tournaments had a vastly different structure than what WPN currently has in their rebuy style events. It was very popular with recreational players.

The structure was:

1,500 starting chips (not 5-10K)

Double rebuy option for 3,000 chips

10 minute blinds

1 1/2 late registration

4,000 chips add on option at the end of late registration

This structure was a push fest for the first hour and a half of the tournament. People rebought numerous times and the $45K guarantee was crushed easily six times a day. Then the deep stacked competitive poker that everyone currently request started after the rebuy period ended.

This structure forces action. Compare it to Bovada's nightly premier event. They appear to be copying Pokerstar's 2009-2010 MTT structuring. And, they're currently the 3rd largest American facing poker site. HMMMMMMMM.

Are we seeing a pattern here?

Bovada's nightly 30K Guaranteed:

3,000 starting chips

10 minute blinds

2 hours late registration

Just copy what works. There is no reason to try to innovate. We had something we liked A LOT in 2009-2010. It was taken away from us. We would like you to give a small piece of what was taken away from us back. So far, with your current MTT're not doing that. Bovada is doing this with their MTT schedule, but Bovada is also disrespecting paying customers with gimmicks like non-synced breaks in MTT's and anonymous tables.

I would much rather give my money to WPN. You just need the schedule for me to do it. That means more 10-30K MTT's each night of the week in a variety of buy in ranges and structures.
02-10-2016 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by LeakyChips
It might increase the number of rebuys because there could be more people playing on the site.

The structure needs to force action to force rebuys. When you start with 5,000-10,000 chips and $20 blinds nobody rebuys for 2 hours. This is the reason WPN can't meet their guarantees in less than 5 hours like every other poker site in history. When you structure every tournament as a deep stack competitive structure it makes it more difficult to hit guarantees in rentry style events.

Just copy what works. There is no reason to try to innovate.

I would much rather give my money to WPN. You just need the schedule for me to do it. That means more 10-30K MTT's each night of the week in a variety of buy in ranges and structures.
Very good points here.
02-10-2016 , 07:31 PM
This is my last post on this subject, whether good things happen or not who knows. I just think this site has a ton of potential. I think that's why you see a lot of frustration from your customers We don't mean to be harsh. We all want it to succeed. It just seems most of us are getting impatient for good reason. I know stuff takes time but what about needs like adjusting the satellite bubble and reducing the time bank in these? This should be done tonight with no problems. You turned the nightly 150 into an 88 turbo over night basically. Why are these other needs taking so long? Hopefully good decisions are made soon. GL

Last edited by jfiiue4; 02-10-2016 at 07:38 PM.
02-11-2016 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by LeakyChips
It might increase the number of rebuys because there could be more people playing on the site.

The structure needs to force action to force rebuys. When you start with 5,000-10,000 chips and $20 blinds nobody rebuys for 2 hours. This is the reason WPN can't meet their guarantees in less than 5 hours like every other poker site in history. When you structure every tournament as a deep stack competitive structure it makes it more difficult to hit guarantees in rentry style events.


About the boded:

So you are basically asking to encourage more re entires? You do realize the re entry is the biggest plauge to tournament poker that exists? I understand everything on wpn is RE and there is no going back from that, but why adjust structures to encourage it even more? Bigger prize pools? (barely).Sorry to inform you but re entry only favors regs and better players (with bigger bankrolls) in the long run as they will be the one re entering, making the tournament progressively harder. DUCY? Also have fun paying rake 2-3 times+ per tournament ( yes I know you don't HAVE to re).

This is NOT what we want. What we need is more tournaments of value and more variety, not squeezing out as much RE as possibly on every tournament on the schedule.

Last edited by Longstructures; 02-11-2016 at 03:08 AM.
02-11-2016 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by jfiiue4
This is my last post on this subject, whether good things happen or not who knows. I just think this site has a ton of potential. I think that's why you see a lot of frustration from your customers We don't mean to be harsh. We all want it to succeed. It just seems most of us are getting impatient for good reason. I know stuff takes time but what about needs like adjusting the satellite bubble and reducing the time bank in these? This should be done tonight with no problems. You turned the nightly 150 into an 88 turbo over night basically. Why are these other needs taking so long? Hopefully good decisions are made soon. GL
Great post.

Please something new (additions not replacements) and exciting. Anything. How has it taken this long for the "new schedule". Not trying to be rude, genuinely curious how long we are going to have to wait.

I must say the technical team at WPN is doing an awful job. No hand for hand, long satty time banks, auto seat STILL doesnt work when u change tables (at least for me). The stalling in bubbles of sattys is unreal, it ruins so many peoples playing experience. These problems would 100% be fixed overnight on stars or even 888. There is NO excuse for this in 2016.

Last edited by Longstructures; 02-11-2016 at 03:12 AM. Reason: real talk
02-11-2016 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Longstructures
Sorry to inform you but re entry only favors regs and better players (with bigger bankrolls) in the long run as they will be the one re entering, making the tournament progressively harder.
They'll be the ones dumping rebuys faster at a 3-4 to 1 chip disadvantage against the field. Sorry to inform you, but buying in multiple times with a smaller stack doesn't give you an edge. It forces a reg who would win more consistently (and cashout) to invest his money into a tournament where he has a chip disadvantage against the field. As opposed to buying into a freezout where he is even money against his them more of an edge. Your logic is flawed.

Forcing experienced players to start with the same sized chip stack as everyone else in freezouts is what gives an experienced reg a significant advantaged over recs. Which, is probably the reason you want it so bad.

I agree WPN's REs are a joke and a plague, though. Meshing together rebuy and freezout formats into a hybrid "rentry" format was one of the most terrible decisions in the history of online poker. I'm not even arguing with you on that aspect at all. They've dug themselves into a hole and live under the delusion that they can't meet 10-30K GT's without a 5 hour late reg. The Tournament Director responds to request for more freezeouts by putting up 1-2K tiny MTT's that nobody wants to play in, regardless of the structure.

The entire purpose of a rebuy structure was to force action/rebuys with 1,500 starting chips and 3,000 chip double rebuys. It promoted gambling and made it easy to hit guarantees very quickly. Much more quickly than freezeouts.

Freezeouts= Deep starting stack, emphasis on post flop play.

Rebuys= Small starting stack that encourages push fests during the rebuy period. The importance on post flop play became significant after the rebuy period...NOT BEFORE.

There was never any reason to create deep stacked reentry MTT's. It defeats the entire purpose of a rebuy structure. Which, is to encourage gambling during the rebuy period. Having 5-10K starting stacks in a rentry format with 15 minute blinds is POINTLESS. Nobody gambles in that format and that's detrimental to building the prize pool. People often wait 2-3 hours to even register because the blinds/antes are no threat to their chip stack. It's the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

Here is what "plagues" the site. This is how TD has responded to request for 10-30K MTTs with faster structures:

Players: TD, we want more 10-30K GT's with faster structures.

TD: I posted a 2K with 10 minute blinds, or freezout, and it overlayed. So, I'm not posting anything bigger, EVER.

This is the problem. The guy won't post additional 10-30K's in faster 10-12 minute structures, or a freezout structure. The nightly $30 buy in $10K was moved from 15 minutes to 12 minutes and now consistently hits $13K. That was an improvement. That should be all the evidence the TD needs to post more 10-30K GTD MTTs with shorter structures. Posting 2-4K GTD MTTs in freezeout and faster formats won't give WPN an accurate picture of how those structures preform with a 10-30K GTD prize pool and he doesn't understand that.

It amazes me this company will dump HALF A MILLION on 4 tournaments trying to host a Million Dollar MTT, but won't even take the slightest risk on posting more 10-30K GTD MTTs in shorter and freezout formats daily.

Originally Posted by Longstructures
DUCY? Also have fun paying rake 2-3 times+ per tournament ( yes I know you don't HAVE to re).
I'm not sticking up for WPN's structures. I'm trying to adjust them to meet guarantees faster and end the tournament more quickly. If they can do that than they can add more MTT's to the schedule with a variety of structures...including freezeouts.

I don't think that "extra rake" existed on Pokerstars' rebuys in 2009-2010. That's probably the reason they have trouble hitting guarantees in a timely manner in rentry format. Nobody wants to pay extra rake to buy in with a smaller chip stack.

Originally Posted by Longstructures
This is NOT what we want. What we need is more tournaments of value and more variety, not squeezing out as much RE as possibly on every tournament on the schedule.
Adjusting starting stacks from 5K to 3K, or blinds from 15 minutes to 10-12 minutes, would probably mean less rebuys. The revenue would be made up by the fact that the structure is more appealing to recreational players who want shorter tournaments and more people would play.

No aspect of the structure matters if the money isn't there, though. The MTT must have a 10K+ GTD prize pool for it to be successful and attract players in any format.

Last edited by LeakyChips; 02-11-2016 at 10:43 AM.
02-11-2016 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by jfiiue4
This is my last post on this subject, whether good things happen or not who knows. I just think this site has a ton of potential. I think that's why you see a lot of frustration from your customers We don't mean to be harsh. We all want it to succeed. It just seems most of us are getting impatient for good reason. I know stuff takes time but what about needs like adjusting the satellite bubble and reducing the time bank in these? This should be done tonight with no problems. You turned the nightly 150 into an 88 turbo over night basically. Why are these other needs taking so long? Hopefully good decisions are made soon. GL
Pretty much this...

I criticize out of love...not hate.

I just find your business decision to be totally bizarre. I understand what the TD meant when he said, "We were trying to create a buzz with the Million Dollar promo."

I get what you're saying, BUT this is essentially what you did:

You opened a store that sold Harley Davidson Motor Cycles for a weekend. Then, when all the people's friends showed up the next week to buy a Harley all you had in stock were Fisher Price Motor Cycles.

There is no point in generating a buzz over a product you can't keep in stock. So, make 2016 about generating a buzz over a product you can sell. Which, are more daily 10-30K MTTs in a variety of structures and buy in ranges.


Last edited by LeakyChips; 02-11-2016 at 10:51 AM.
02-11-2016 , 11:04 AM
great posts leaky chips. Feels like a giant waste of time though.
02-11-2016 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by LeakyChips

There was never any reason to create deep stacked reentry MTT's. It defeats the entire purpose of a rebuy structure. Which, is to encourage gambling during the rebuy period. Having 5-10K starting stacks in a rentry format with 15 minute blinds is POINTLESS. Nobody gambles in that format and that's detrimental to building the prize pool. People often wait 2-3 hours to even register because the blinds/antes are no threat to their chip stack. It's the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

Here is what "plagues" the site. This is how TD has responded to request for 10-30K MTTs with faster structures:

Players: TD, we want more 10-30K GT's with faster structures.

TD: I posted a 2K with 10 minute blinds, or freezout, and it overlayed. So, I'm not posting anything bigger, EVER.

This is the problem. The guy won't post additional 10-30K's in faster 10-12 minute structures, or a freezout structure. The nightly $30 buy in $10K was moved from 15 minutes to 12 minutes and now consistently hits $13K. That was an improvement. That should be all the evidence the TD needs to post more 10-30K GTD MTTs with shorter structures. Posting 2-4K GTD MTTs in freezeout and faster formats won't give WPN an accurate picture of how those structures preform with a 10-30K GTD prize pool and he doesn't understand that.

It amazes me this company will dump HALF A MILLION on 4 tournaments trying to host a Million Dollar MTT, but won't even take the slightest risk on posting more 10-30K GTD MTTs in shorter and freezout formats daily.

I'm not sticking up for WPN's structures. I'm trying to adjust them to meet guarantees faster and end the tournament more quickly. If they can do that than they can add more MTT's to the schedule with a variety of structures...including freezeouts.

Adjusting starting stacks from 5K to 3K, or blinds from 15 minutes to 10-12 minutes, would probably mean less rebuys. The revenue would be made up by the fact that the structure is more appealing to recreational players who want shorter tournaments and more people would play.

No aspect of the structure matters if the money isn't there, though. The MTT must have a 10K+ GTD prize pool for it to be successful and attract players in any format.
If WPN td is still reading please read this post and really think about it. This is 100% correct.
02-11-2016 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by jfiiue4
If WPN td is still reading please read this post and really think about it. This is 100% correct.

02-11-2016 , 02:35 PM
I am reading every comment and i really am taking on board many ideas. I will be very honest and tell you its one of those things where i just dont know where to start.

I do feel like the later mtts such as the $30 3k could be changed to a 12 min clock. My question to you guys is, in something like this do i need to still change the blind structure so that there is 10bbs by the end of late reg?? thoughts
02-11-2016 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
I do feel like the later mtts such as the $30 3k could be changed to a 12 min clock. My question to you guys is, in something like this do i need to still change the blind structure so that there is 10bbs by the end of late reg?? thoughts
I don't think this is really necessary. From what I've observed on the Merge network, people will re-enter towards the end of late reg/re-enter with as little as 5bbs over and over, a 10bb starting stack by the end of late reg is unnecessary.

Of course, if the structure was changed to a 3k/12min, you could always shorten the late reg/re-entry period to 2hrs 10mins.
02-11-2016 , 03:04 PM
Might I add, this site NEEDs an $11 regular speed MTT at peak time with a decent GTD.

Bovada is able to run multiple $11 10k's each day and hit the GTD without Re-Entry, the biggest $11 MTT on your site is a $1.5k gtd, and the regspeed one starts wayyy too late. Somewhere around the $30 10k, you need to put in an $11 MTT, and start it out with a 2-3k gtd and watch it grow into a much larger one. I really only play the turbos on WPN since there's no decent $5.50-$22 regspeed MTTs and all of them take too long or are $5.50 250-400 gtds.
02-11-2016 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Longstructures
WPN rep this is literally all that is needed on WPN.

Daily 50 20k 2-4pm 3hr lr
Daily 11 6:00 Pm 10k 3hr lr
Nightly 11r 20k 90min LR/r 2500 r 4k add on

Bump the 44 4max to 8k+

Sat 6max 160 30k
Fri frenzy rebuy 33-55 R
Mon Plo 135 KO 6max
Wed 6max 135 KO
Thursday 215 8max 20k

I would a lot of money that 0 of these tournaments would overlay excluding maybe the bump of the 44 8max.
This tournament in bold is a great start, Winning TD.

That's basically the structure to Pokerstars' 2009-2010 daily rebuys. Those daily rebuys generated far bigger prize pools than any other daily tournament on the site. That tournament in bold would be a significant step towards giving players from the pre-Black Friday Pokerstars' days one of their best tournaments back.

A tournament like that does well because it's appealing to players of all bankrolls and skill levels. Recreational players like the gambling aspect and players with larger bank rolls enjoy it because they believe their larger bankroll gives them an edge. Which, causes them to gamble more in hopes of building a bigger chip stack with more rebuys/add ons.

90 minute late registration is a little ambitious for a $20K GTD, but a longer registration period isn't. You need the $20K GTD to attract enough players who average 3 figure buy in MTT's. The bigger players won't play if it's less than $20K.

Players who average $10-20 buy in an MTT will want to play this tournament as much players who average $100+ an MTT. And, every player from Pokerstars pre-Black Friday will play it.
02-11-2016 , 03:26 PM
Ok i will add this...

$10 + 1 @ 7.45pm - 2 HR LR - 3k SS - $2k GTD with 10 min blinds??

start that on Saturday.. It wont play on a Sunday as it will be right next to the 3.5k gtd $5

Mon - Fri and Saturdays?
02-11-2016 , 03:29 PM
Haha leaky, i can promise you that we wouldnt have a chance of hitting a 20k GTD with that.

The guarantees are so unrealistic and yes i know we need to go bigger to get players but there is a limit in what we can overlay daily. If i made that a 5 hr lr im sure we would have a chance but thats not going to happen
02-11-2016 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
Ok i will add this...

$10 + 1 @ 7.45pm - 2 HR LR - 3k SS - $2k GTD with 10 min blinds??

start that on Saturday.. It wont play on a Sunday as it will be right next to the 3.5k gtd $5

Mon - Fri and Saturdays?
That sounds good, thanks!
02-11-2016 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
Ok i will add this...

$10 + 1 @ 7.45pm - 2 HR LR - 3k SS - $2k GTD with 10 min blinds??

start that on Saturday.. It wont play on a Sunday as it will be right next to the 3.5k gtd $5

Mon - Fri and Saturdays?
Sounds good, think m-f you could go to 2500 on the guarantee. It will get almost all of the players in the 30 10k. Maybe add a 22 4K starting 30 mins later with the same structure? That would get almost all those players too. promote it. call it mo mo something. Let people know about them. Some decent options every 30 mins. 16.5 6max 2k at 8:45. And then a fourth tourney 30 mins later. Put decent guarantees and let people know about them and they will fill.

So maybe 7:45 11 2500
8:15 22 4K
8:45 16.5 6max 2k
9:15 21.5 ko 2500

What happened to the big Saturday tournament you were talking about adding last week? It sounded like you were going to do it.
02-11-2016 , 04:23 PM
Yes this Saturday starting also .. sorry
02-11-2016 , 04:53 PM
Are you really adding an $11 dollar holdem tournament while you continue to ignore the PLO8 players requests for a fair schedule? Unbelievable. dude just asks for a tournament and receives it while we get sht on for months.
02-11-2016 , 05:04 PM
What Saturday tournament are you guys adding?
02-11-2016 , 05:34 PM
$30 + 3 $20k
02-11-2016 , 07:37 PM
