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Payout structure Payout structure

11-09-2013 , 11:00 PM
I'd bet this has been discussed at some point before, but I'm just curious what everyone thinks of the payout structures for the mtts. Right now it seems to be around 20%. I think that's too flat and would like to see at least some tournies pay at a steeper rate (10%, maybe 15%). Thoughts?
11-10-2013 , 02:42 PM
+1 I agree. I hate playing a Big10 for $5 and 3.5 hrs till bubble to get like $4.30 + .017%. I'd rather have less people paid and more substantial payday.
11-11-2013 , 03:43 AM
15% sounds good, min cashing on WPN is worthless
11-11-2013 , 01:20 PM
depends on which tourney.. Kinda some other sites methods where these are changing depending on which tourney it is.. some 20 some 15 and some even 12..
11-11-2013 , 03:06 PM
I agree and this has been discussed before to no avail. It should be 12-15% to payout... but they want to hand out prizes to all the kids in class and make everyone feel special and super. I get it to get something is better then nothing (Kinda not really)...but to play almost 4 hours and get maybe your buyin back is wack arnold imo
11-11-2013 , 04:19 PM
I wonder if WPNTD can chime in on this. Ive stopped playing anything under $10 (except rebuys and omaha) b/c i just cant stand to play for 4 hrs, finish like 10th or something and win $15 after accounting for buy-in/rake.

WPNTD, is creating a steeper structure something you would consider and we can discuss? Or is the current structure not up for tweaking?
11-11-2013 , 05:08 PM
It seems like the smaller you get the higher % payout, which makes zero sense to me. I tend to avoid the $5 and $10 tourneys for this reason. The more people that register simply = more people that mincash. That shouldn't be the case.

Another thing that bugs me is typically 10-18 = 19-45+. It shouldn't be top 5 or mincash.
01-18-2014 , 04:54 PM
Ive greatly reduced my mtt play bc of the terrible structures. I used to play almost every $10+ mtt but barely play more than a couple now.
The structure needs to pay less people and reduce the amounts at the very top.
There is virtually no circumstance where I would make the following claim, save these mtt payout structures-
Emulate Paris Hilton! Become relatively flat and shallow.

Also, would be nice if WPNTD would rejoin discussions as he once did. I think that built a lot of goodwill and hope for change. Now it feels a lot more like howling at the moon.
01-18-2014 , 05:11 PM
I agree that it needs to be 15% or less get paid. Just ridiculous how long it takes these tourneys, especially with the already too long re entry period, etc.

WPNTD please chime in. Luckily for WPN there aren't many other options for US players but I'm already starting to play more on other sites because WPN seems too arrogant to change their own ways.
01-18-2014 , 05:14 PM
Definitely change it to 10% but flatten the FT payouts.
01-18-2014 , 11:39 PM
It's been discussed, WTD said basically that no, it won't happen because someone higher up in management won't let it. He did say that he'd consider adding in a couple final table paid only tournaments, but never got back around to that.
01-19-2014 , 04:31 AM
Its better for the site to pay more spots. The more money you weight at the top the quicker players can take money off. So the best players take a hit so other players can play more and rake more. (which is not bad for the recreational player cause they get more bang out of there buck)

This sounds horrible but its probably not as bad for grinders in the long run as you would think. Since more money stays on the site the GTDs stay high and it attracts the casual player. Also the casual player might cash more often and choose WPN as their network. Which is good for the network and the grinders alike.

If you have re-entry and top heavy tourneys the games would likely dry up fast then they could attract new players. I personally would love to pay less spots but I see why its good for them and maybe good for the long run too.
01-19-2014 , 03:24 PM
I see the argument for the current structures. Its catering to the lowest common denominator and I guess if that brings in the most players its sensible. Perhaps I just dont understand the mentality of those who feel good, emboldened by 'cashing' and just making your money back after playing for 4 hours. Even if you do substantially better than mincash the payout is weak.
If they wont reduce the number of payouts I still think they could flatten things a bit. Reduce the top 2-3 payouts a few percent and spread that down the field. Id personally prefer that to the current state of affairs.
01-23-2014 , 12:48 PM
these tournies are ridic easy, final 2 tables should be no issue with minimal luck...esp in anything in the $5-$20 range..but alas I gave up on ACR when they butthurt my feelings
01-23-2014 , 04:35 PM
Would prefer a lot more players to get a bigger pool!

Man I miss the days when we could play on PS and FT!

Thanks USSA! <not a typo.
01-27-2014 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by dj493939
these tournies are ridic easy, final 2 tables should be no issue with minimal luck...esp in anything in the $5-$20 range..but alas I gave up on ACR when they butthurt my feelings
yea huh...u must be
01-27-2014 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by wilmont
Would prefer a lot more players to get a bigger pool!

Man I miss the days when we could play on PS and FT!

Thanks USSA! <not a typo.

Agree w/ posters above that a 10-15% payout structure would be nice but is not happening anytime soon bc 20% payouts draw in more recreational players
01-28-2014 , 01:11 PM
Guys this is simple. Like someone already said-look what happens if they paid fewer people: More money would go to fewer people. Those few would be successful tournament grinders who would cash out. They can't rake money that's not in play.

Pay more people and fish stay in play longer, top prizes are smaller (grinders cash out less as a result), and more money stays in play and thus they rake it longer.

This ain't gonna change. And WPNTD isn't going to come on here and say this. It's just the way that it is.

The real problem in all this is the re entry games. They started it because it allowed them to create the largest prize pools we've seen in America since BF. But it changed the game because it significantly reduced the luck factor in mtts for the top players. More of the best players routinely make it deep/final table.

Since they aren't going to scrap re entry, they CANNOT change the flat payout structure as it is the only way to keep even the smallest amount of liquidity in the network.

If you want things more like they used to be try Bovada. Just get ready to hate the unsynched breaks and the ****ty structure. Every single mtt that isn't a rebuy or 6 max turns in to crap shot structure wise.

In this era of online poker there just isn't an "ideal." You'll have to pick your poison or just quit playing.
