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New TD for the WPN network!! New TD for the WPN network!!

10-15-2013 , 05:16 AM
i second the post about the rebuys that are missing that use to reach there gtds..the one at 11am i miss a lot because i start at 12pm est and it gives me something to start right away when i jump on..also there isn't one mtt that starts at 2pm est..use to be a 12$ 500gtd that use to be in that slot. if you could add that back or a rebuy there it would be pretty sweet. also thanks for the high five series i hope it turns out well
10-15-2013 , 09:50 AM
Can you get support to fix it so when you swap tables in a mtt you don't automatically sit out anymore, its really annoying to auto swap to utg/utg+1 and autofold a good hand.
10-15-2013 , 01:07 PM
also a show one card feature would be awesome, I love showing the dirty card
10-18-2013 , 12:00 PM
WINNING TD please change the 11am 6/500 back to 4/500. The 6/500 are not popular and barely profitable. The 11am im in atm and has 39 regwith 5 mins to go. The origional tourney regularly had over 51 people a met or exceeded gtd. The 12 pm 6/500 barely even started. It is not liked. Please just try and return the $4 rebuy and u will c. This is the 3rd place i have posted this please listen.
10-18-2013 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Runit2Timesmore
WINNING TD please change the 11am 6/500 back to 4/500. The 6/500 are not popular and barely profitable. The 11am im in atm and has 39 regwith 5 mins to go. The origional tourney regularly had over 51 people a met or exceeded gtd. The 12 pm 6/500 barely even started. It is not liked. Please just try and return the $4 rebuy and u will c. This is the 3rd place i have posted this please listen.
Ive seen the other posts. Right now it meets the guarantee at $6. From what i have seen from old reports. $4 R/A just were never that popular. I dont want to get your hopes up and tell you that i will change it. If you want to start a thread and see if people want $4 R/A in that time slot then i will be happy to do it. Just wont give it a GTD. If they are popular it will run just as well.
10-18-2013 , 12:14 PM
WINNING TD please change back the 11am back to 4 rebuy. The 6 rebuy is unpopular and ruined a good tourney. As you see the 12pm 6/500 didnt even go off today. And the 11am only got 44 people when it would get well over 51 players consistently. Dont understand why u multiplied a unpopular tourney. Please try this and u will see this is correct. Bringing back the late night one wouldnt be bad either. Ty for taking the time to conzider rhis
10-18-2013 , 12:54 PM
Dude, you posted the same thing above and he responded. Dont come in here cluttering up our threads just because you want whats profitable for you. he already responded, which if you took the time to look you would see.

Last edited by Next Level; 10-18-2013 at 01:04 PM.
10-18-2013 , 12:59 PM
Yes I know and I apologize. I should have looked first. And I appreciate the TDs fast response. I dont think i need to start a thread. All you have to do is look at history. The4/500 would consistently have over 51 players. And perfect examle the noon 6/500 didnt even go of. And I am confident if you put the 2 at the same time the 4/500 would be the favored choice and exceed gtd.
10-18-2013 , 01:03 PM
An 1 more thing the 1pm 1k that you added an hour to reg when it exceeded its gtd regularly is unnecessary. Ll that happens now is players wait longer to reg. When they would play anyways. Just an observation.
10-19-2013 , 12:54 PM
thanks for adding the rebuy at 1am winningtd..fwiw it did use to be a 4$ one at 11am and it did well.. it doesnt matter to me either way what the buy in is though.. just happy to have something to play as soon as i start.
10-19-2013 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Runit2Timesmore
WINNING TD please change back the 11am back to 4 rebuy. The 6 rebuy is unpopular and ruined a good tourney. As you see the 12pm 6/500 didnt even go off today. And the 11am only got 44 people when it would get well over 51 players consistently. Dont understand why u multiplied a unpopular tourney. Please try this and u will see this is correct. Bringing back the late night one wouldnt be bad either. Ty for taking the time to conzider rhis
You tilt me so hard bro, half of this thread is your incoherent bitching. Appreciate what we have man, network is the closest thing we have to the glory days right now.
10-19-2013 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by MadMaxLV
You tilt me so hard bro, half of this thread is your incoherent bitching. Appreciate what we have man, network is the closest thing we have to the glory days right now.
Agreed 100%
10-19-2013 , 11:30 PM
Do WPN cancel running tournaments because they might miss GTD?

I see sometime it starts then closes down?
10-19-2013 , 11:31 PM
It has to start with atleast 6 players I believe
10-19-2013 , 11:43 PM
If we thought we would miss the guarantee there wouldnt be very many tournaments at all. Everyone should thank me because we have overlayed more since i have been TD ;-)
10-19-2013 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
If we thought we would miss the guarantee there wouldnt be very many tournaments at all. Everyone should thank me because we have overlayed more since i have been TD ;-)
Thanks you

I didn't think you would cancel but sometimes felt strange. Now I know I thank you
10-20-2013 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by Alwayssemibroke
What to you think about your disconnetions and you tournament continuation policy after disconnects? Not everbdoy can act again at the same time, I had more than twice as much chips as my at the time of the disconnection , but Icould react only 7 minutes later than my opponent again, that time the tourney was decided, you know who won it. It was the big 15000 gtd ID1310347 . It makes a huge difference in prize money and an even bigger difference in somebodies mood.
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
Well Japan, I dont usually look at this thread. So when he looks at it all he will do is tell me about it. He is a good friend of mine but in this sense he is kind of like a middle man.

Can we please try and keep tourney related posts to the new WinningTD thread. It will give you guys a much quicker response.

Alwayssemibroke. When we lose connection we will suspend the tournaments for these things not to happen and try and give everybody a chance to have long enough to re connect. But yeh i fully get what your saying and im really sorry you had to go through that. I do feel our policy is fair but in your case it was a rare thing to happen. I will take a look into the tourney and the hand histories. But as i said please move these conversations to another thread.
So what have you found out and why havenīt the rules been changed before that incident.
10-20-2013 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by MadMaxLV
You tilt me so hard bro, half of this thread is your incoherent bitching. Appreciate what we have man, network is the closest thing we have to the glory days right now.
Lol if its that easy off the felt! How easy is it on? But anyways to the TD. GOOD job bringing the 4r back. But as you promised no gtd. I do believe it wont be able to compete without a gtd of some kind, maybe 400. As some non gtd mtts dont get the interest, cause people r looking for free money. Your doing a good job trying to please all of us whiners, as some would put it.
10-20-2013 , 01:23 PM
Wasn't sure whether to post this here or in software improvement... Can we please get a seperate filter for the SNG menu and Tournament menu?

First of all, the stakes people are likely to play are different and secondly I like to keep the "running" tournaments in the normal menu, but not in the SNG menu.
10-21-2013 , 07:32 AM
Winning TD... Without some kind of GTD the 4r wont even start. Especially needing 6 min to start, how about 4 or 3. You lose nothing by this. Especially early, non of the non GTD mtts are getting minimal interest. For example i couldnt even get the 2r turbo to get started and i was asking at tables. Granted in the evening they are getting a surprising amount of entrants. I do want to say THANK YOU for your willingness to listen and try. You are doing a great job.

Last edited by Runit2Timesmore; 10-21-2013 at 07:34 AM. Reason: forgot half my thought
10-21-2013 , 05:11 PM
anyway we could get some sattys into the nightly big 10 5k gtd? currently i dont think i see any throughout the day. tx for what your doing so far btw
10-22-2013 , 01:25 PM
Winning_TD :So what have you found out and why havenīt the rules been changed before that incident?
10-22-2013 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Alwayssemibroke
Winning_TD :So what have you found out and why havenīt the rules been changed before that incident?
We havent experienced anything like that before so this is why we could not do anything about it. TBH i am pretty fair when people come to me with problems that they have had.

Now we know that this can happen but praying that we dont have anymore issues but we can deal with it alot faster and alot more efficiently now so this shouldnt be a problem again.
10-22-2013 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
We havent experienced anything like that before so this is why we could not do anything about it.
Sir, I know your new but this has been an issue for at least 2 years now. I've seen them randomly resume an hour later only to have them cancelled 15 min after that. You can't expect recreational players to all sit by their computers and wait. Just do the fair thing- cancel right away and pay by chip count.
10-22-2013 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by stlboy05
Sir, I know your new but this has been an issue for at least 2 years now. I've seen them randomly resume an hour later only to have them cancelled 15 min after that. You can't expect recreational players to all sit by their computers and wait. Just do the fair thing- cancel right away and pay by chip count.
I was certain that the rule was to automatically cancel after 30 minutes of a tournament being down. But I checked the rules, and there seems to be no tournament rule that addresses this. But there is one rule that definitely needs to be looked at:

18. No discussion of a hand or hand possibility is allowed while the hand is in play. Any discussion of play will result in a penalty or automatic expulsion from the tournament and possibly Americas Cardroom permanently.

If in chat if I ask someone if he has aces, that is clearly "discussion of a hand or hand possibility". Could such a question really lead to "a penalty or automatic expulsion from the tournament and possibly Americas Cardroom permanently"?

If that really could happen, the safest thing would be to never use chat, because a simple mistake could be way too costly--and very unfortunate for someone in the 99% of players who have no idea that such a rule exists.
