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This Network Is Dead...Convince Me Otherwise This Network Is Dead...Convince Me Otherwise

06-09-2015 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by bef99hwk
I would like a larger pool to play with, is what I actually want; whatever gives me the more likelihood of a fish playing. I'm not a 400/800 dude in Bobby's Room wanting to go chill with my homies on an evening with one terrible whale in the game. I'm here to make money. I don't need to just bumhunt, but don't want to play one street or no street of poker, either. If I could, I'd rather play mixed games entirely, where almost 99% of the people who sit are complete fish. I mean, I can be a fish, sure...not saying I'm a top notch cash playing regular. If you mean stranger as in I don't know their name (Bovada tables) vs playing a known reg (BCP), then sure, I'll take the name if they are both going to be regs. But, on Bovada you can only play 4 tables, so that regular isn't just going to sit there completely and nut hunt...especially with more fish at the table. Guess what I really need to do is start running 60/40/20 and min 3betting preflops to get their skin in the game.

To be honest, I'd rather just stick to mtts as well, since there will always be an unlimited supply of people playing badly. The only problem is sites negate any edge you have by making absolutely no room to play postflop; or, like BCP, they just make ridiculously long late reg/reentry with 1 mtt in your range per hour so you can't get hands in (but good stacks/structure). It's like everyone is trying their best to get rid of multi street poker. Nits will be nits and play fit/fold pre and on flop, mtts will never see turns/rivers. Not sure what casinos are worried about when even online doesn't seem that much fun anymore.
I feel you, though. A large player pool was always my first want in a poker site.

Originally Posted by CmonSon
i rather play live cash and get raked out the ass and have dealers ask for a tip than the nitty boring games with the same 3-4 guys on each table tbh!
I feel you dude. On ACR it's been the same dudes playing pretty much all the time lol. Not very fun after a while, gets boring.
06-10-2015 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by WaitingRoom
I feel you dude. On ACR it's been the same dudes playing pretty much all the time lol. Not very fun after a while, gets boring.
I mean, I guess if making money is boring...

The guys playing at all the tables are there for rakeback, mostly. I wouldn't be surprised if most of them were break-even at best. There is a method at play that isn't exactly rocket science to figure out,'s not like they are unbeatable.

Familiar faces can be an advantage. I'd love to see a ton of casual players too, but I don't know what better situation exists, pound for pound, for cash games that US folks can play that doesn't have anonymous tables.
06-11-2015 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by IHasTehNutz
I mean, I guess if making money is boring...

The guys playing at all the tables are there for rakeback, mostly. I wouldn't be surprised if most of them were break-even at best. There is a method at play that isn't exactly rocket science to figure out,'s not like they are unbeatable.

Familiar faces can be an advantage. I'd love to see a ton of casual players too, but I don't know what better situation exists, pound for pound, for cash games that US folks can play that doesn't have anonymous tables.
In most cases, it is boring. I make money at my job, and it's boring. Playing against onlinelivepro, thegreendiarrhea, cellardoor, and ihateyourguts all day is also boring.
06-11-2015 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by bef99hwk
I would like a larger pool to play with, is what I actually want; whatever gives me the more likelihood of a fish playing. I'm not a 400/800 dude in Bobby's Room wanting to go chill with my homies on an evening with one terrible whale in the game. I'm here to make money. I don't need to just bumhunt, but don't want to play one street or no street of poker, either. If I could, I'd rather play mixed games entirely, where almost 99% of the people who sit are complete fish. I mean, I can be a fish, sure...not saying I'm a top notch cash playing regular. If you mean stranger as in I don't know their name (Bovada tables) vs playing a known reg (BCP), then sure, I'll take the name if they are both going to be regs. But, on Bovada you can only play 4 tables, so that regular isn't just going to sit there completely and nut hunt...especially with more fish at the table. Guess what I really need to do is start running 60/40/20 and min 3betting preflops to get their skin in the game.

To be honest, I'd rather just stick to mtts as well, since there will always be an unlimited supply of people playing badly. The only problem is sites negate any edge you have by making absolutely no room to play postflop; or, like BCP, they just make ridiculously long late reg/reentry with 1 mtt in your range per hour so you can't get hands in (but good stacks/structure). It's like everyone is trying their best to get rid of multi street poker. Nits will be nits and play fit/fold pre and on flop, mtts will never see turns/rivers. Not sure what casinos are worried about when even online doesn't seem that much fun anymore.
I only play Mtt,s....

That late reg with 15 minute blinds just rakes all the fun out of it..

I'm from New York. After bf I joined club wpt. I really had fun playing that daily sometimes all day..
06-11-2015 , 05:42 PM
2nd the motion im also from NY give us faster structures youll!!

make the 109 3k starting 10min a 33 3k and itll hit. Structure is good but 109 is alittle high for a faster structure for some guys to shot take they rather play the 15k
06-11-2015 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by CmonSon
2nd the motion im also from NY give us faster structures youll!!

make the 109 3k starting 10min a 33 3k and itll hit. Structure is good but 109 is alittle high for a faster structure for some guys to shot take they rather play the 15k
From what part, I'm from the Bronx...
06-11-2015 , 06:59 PM
I made a small deposit on a.c.r yesterday..

I played a couple of scheduled tournaments that had 60/90 late and then saw nothing else for hours.

On the same day I then made a deposit on full flush and played for the rest of the night also played 2 satellite,s on club wpt. One for the 10k and the other for the wpt package.(i keep the account because of my uncle).

I do not play satellites on a.c.r. there's no point to it. All those lead to games with 180late and 15minutes blinds..

You have to gear your,attention to rec players.. The grinders in there sweat stained boxers to spend rake but we deposit money and the grinders will always follow the rec,s..

People want to leave carbon but won't because there not enough rec,s and the crazy late reg. Bovada as well..


Go on other forums listen to poker podcasts.your like Obama telling us the unemployment is 4.5 when everyone.knows it's at least ! 12..

Or Alfred e Newman."what , me worry" or

A typical Jon lovitz comedy sketch acting like we're crazy..
06-11-2015 , 07:44 PM
where do these droolers come from (at least youre right about catering to fish like you)
06-11-2015 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by TheGift&TheCurse
where do these droolers come from (at least youre right about catering to fish like you)
I have improved my game and gets better all the time..

I actually have a day job and a life and scottrade has served me well.

At poker perhaps I'm a donk at heart. It's more of an entertainment value.

JUST ONE THING WHILE YOU.NIT IN YOUR BOXERS OUT OF YOUR MOTHER'S BASEMENT "I just happen to be right about the Mtt schedule and the business model they should employ .

Your response to my post just solidifies why a.c.r. would do well to cater to recs.. you will follow regardless..

Last edited by thesparten1; 06-11-2015 at 08:13 PM.
06-11-2015 , 09:17 PM
I have just browsed through 3 other poker forums and all the posters,have the same complaints about late reg and 15min blinds.

I even read one post wear they were saying that people who actually played pre bf tried a.c.r. and never came back preferring to wait for another room lol..

I've experienced the same with friends preferring to wait or stay on club poker.

I even have relatives that play zynga poker and spend real money there who only deposited once with a.c.r...

All having the same complaints about late reg is no fun and a rec player doesn't have a chance..

Even carbon players preferring to wait 12 weeks to get paid then come to a.c.r. and have very little rec players,""only nits" and the crazy late reg..

W.t.f. is a.c.r stuck on that...

Traffic would increase if they made all the tournament,s 60 min late and lowered the g.t.d.

The regular recs would play more tournaments and actually play satellites to bigger tournaments knowing we would have a chance at them.

Also people from carbon and quit a few people who spend thousands on playchips course they don't want to play a tourney with 3 hours late. W.t.f.
06-11-2015 , 09:31 PM
paint chips are not edible fwiw
06-11-2015 , 09:42 PM
This is the most depressing thread I've ever read.
06-11-2015 , 09:53 PM
^^ In what sense? In a way it depresses me about the future of I mean, I get having an opinion, but some of the whining is a bit much.

We can all sit back and throw ideas out there on how to make things better - but better for who? Better for us? The company? We don't have all the information in any case. So while Monday morning QB'ing is fun, it's ultimately up to those in charge to act in the best interest of their company's survival and continued existence.

There's a reason WPN does what they do. Are they infallible? Hell no. But stating as fact that taking away late reg in its current form, or simply adding GTD events on the schedule, is the silver bullet that will make it rain money for WPN, isn't going to magically make them the next Pokerstars.

Plus, think about it from this sense - how big does one really want to get in this day in age? WPN is not Bovada. Bovada doesn't really care (in my view) who they arouse with their operation. But imagine WPN doing everything everyone wanted and for sake of argument, say they start competing with Bovada and then surpassing them.

Is that really the attention you want? Probably not.

Bottom line is this...have an opinion and be strong on it, but SHOUTING IN ALL CAPS that the sky is falling every day is not the way to approach it. The MTT schedule may not be perfect, and there may not be tons of 'easy' traffic at the cash tables (though I'd argue there is plenty of opportunity there for the taking).

But how many rooms'/networks still allow P2P and rakeback? How many ran $1 mil GTD's?
06-11-2015 , 10:22 PM
How many ran $1 mil GTD's?
"Ran" is a strong word for that debacle.
06-11-2015 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by IHasTehNutz
We can all sit back and throw ideas out there on how to make things better - but better for who? Better for us? The company? We don't have all the information in any case. So while Monday morning QB'ing is fun, it's ultimately up to those in charge to act in the best interest of their company's survival and continued existence.
I think that the key to PokerStars' success was that they understood that what was best for the players was ultimately what was best for the network. In the last couple of years a number of sites have been practicing trickle down theories trying to convince players that what is best for the networks are what is best for the players. I don't think that the trickle down theories work out so well.
06-11-2015 , 10:41 PM
3+ hours late reg is the only reason certain gtd's are met and broken. I am also glad ima tourney player exclusively, ya'll cash guys got problems
06-11-2015 , 11:29 PM
I'm strictly a Mtt player also...

If you took a poll the overwhelming majority would want 60 minute late and lower g.t.d to start with instead of the same 50 guys reenter ing..

Within time people like me which I believe is the common.majority would play more tournaments as well as higher buy in and satellites to the larger ones.

Thus crazy late reg stuff is a downward spiral and self fulfilling.prophecy of alienating the masses, the majority.

It's self evident!!!

The only people stating otherwise is the overwhelming minority who are nits to begin with.

I would think.They would want to steal players from other sites and attract more rec players as well as so many people on the fence..180 late does exactly the opposite, lol lol lol lol!!!!!!
06-12-2015 , 05:43 AM

games are confirmed dead
06-12-2015 , 07:17 AM
It's nice you ran hot and all for all of 5k hands. How about a 500k hand sample? Would love to see what other mid stakes are making bb wise on ACR. I always assumed many were breakeven or with a very low winrate with so many regs but TGS kinda crushed that idea lol.
06-12-2015 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by uradoodooface
I always assumed many were breakeven or with a very low winrate with so many regs
A lot of the regs are bad. There are some rly good regs for sure but they are in the minority.
06-12-2015 , 11:02 AM
sucks when a guy rather play only 3 tourneys and 1-2 table($60 4k, 109 25k or the 215 sunday) or play nonstop jackpots on your network

played 10x more jackpots in 3 months than i did mtts on network
**Confirmed jackpots arent dead mtts are**

CLIFFS: Rather play jackpots and have fun than to play any mtt under $60 due to how long the tourneys are and isnt worth my time

thesparten1 pm me im from brooklyn but tons of fun cash games in the city action players reloading having fun, mandatory straddle and good times better than the nitfest on network rewarding the 12 hour grinders than catering to the 9-5 working class guys thatll keep depositing.
06-12-2015 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by glutenfree
A lot of the regs are bad. There are some rly good regs for sure but they are in the minority.
they'll grind as high as 3/6 and as low as .10 .25 just to get beast point and hope they profit off of rakeback and leader board. There goal is to lose as least as possible on tables and profit on leader board.
06-12-2015 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by uradoodooface
It's nice you ran hot and all for all of 5k hands. How about a 500k hand sample? Would love to see what other mid stakes are making bb wise on ACR. I always assumed many were breakeven or with a very low winrate with so many regs but TGS kinda crushed that idea lol.
Considering that was for the last 30 days and I only play 5-10k hands on wpn a month, your going to have to wait a while
06-12-2015 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by RU18LOL
Considering that was for the last 30 days and I only play 5-10k hands on wpn a month, your going to have to wait a while
happy you run hot but can you show who the highest pots were won from

lets see if it was from other nitty regs or fish/fun player/nonregs that sit and was bumhunted and lost there deposit to you.
06-12-2015 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by CmonSon
happy you run hot but can you show who the highest pots were won from

lets see if it was from other nitty regs or fish/fun player/nonregs that sit and was bumhunted and lost there deposit to you.
