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love a.c.r. but??? love a.c.r. but???

05-29-2015 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by ccisbeast
Case in point - I just finished playing a micro-stakes tourney, played well over an hour and lost a few from the money bubble (174 total entrants) because I ran AKo vs KQs and a queen came on the flop, then I ran KQo into pocket hour's hard work and I was still just trying to make the bubble, let alone make actually good money or be able to finish and go to sleep. Come to ACR, get sucked-out and burn your time!
In fairness, this is not an ACR issue. If you can't deal with sometimes playing for several hours and coming away empty handed, simply don't play MTT's. This occurs in all MTT's of all formats, across all venues live and online. It's the nature of the MTT beast. You have to accept this is part and parcel with getting that occasional 8 hour game that nets you a big score... the road to those few and far between large returns is laden with small and zero return efforts.
05-29-2015 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by Tapirboy
slow tournaments are fine. Having *only* slow tournaments is ridiculous.

The Turbo10 is the only real alternative (5 min levels, 90 min late reg/re-entry). It's a start, but is lacking imo in the prime time evening US hours. For example, let's take after 6pm ET when the avg east coast rec can probably think about getting into a tourney after work:

6:30 $33 6-max NLHE 1.5K gtd (recs tend to prefer 9 max over 6 max and the buy in is high for most recs)
7:30 $7.70 PLO8 (I personally like that we have PLO8 but there's no PLO ever during prime time and recs prefer NLHE or even PLO over PLO8 in generaal)
8:30 $22 NLHE 1.2K gtd (this is a nice fit, maybe the best of the lot imo, but denies the micro-stakes player)
9:30 <crickets chirping> Nothing in this slot??
10:30 $11 NLHE Mega Stack 1.2K gtd (Love this one, except, uhhh.... start it an hour earlier?
11:30 $5.50 6-max NLHE $400 gtd.

(Note: anyone looking for these or the afternoon roster of these go to your tournament all tabs and set the filters for tournament name TURBO10)

These are the tourney experience the people itt are talking about, events that last roughly 3 hours total. The offerings needs to be beefed up though imo to provide more fat in the prime time hours, and more micro player options (currently only a $5 6-max at the latest slot, and a .50c $100gtd at 5:30 ET).
05-29-2015 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by glutenfree

The Turbo10 is the only real alternative (5 min levels, 90 min late reg/re-entry). It's a start, but is lacking imo in the prime time evening US hours.
I 100% agree, I like some of the games they have late but I can't play them. Seeing as how the majority of the players are from the U.S., how does it make sense to start really late? There is nothing under $5 for U.S. players unless you want hypers. Not everyone can play above $10 either, seems that's where all the good games are. Again, they think in order to cater to players they have to make it a GTD....who cares, if people are interested in the type of game they will play it. If people don't play a good game in a good time slot then I guess we have nothing to complain about.
05-29-2015 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Tapirboy
As others have said, the structure is what's absurd. And not even necessarily the structure - slow tournaments are fine. Having *only* slow tournaments is ridiculous. Especially now that SnGs are dead, you're offering essentially nothing to tournament players who want to play longer than ten minutes but less than five hours at a stretch. And most people don't have time to play five-plus-hour sessions. To do that you have to be either a pro or an addict, and even many of us in those categories don't want to, or have other commitments that prevent it.
In the summer it is pretty hard to play a 5 hour session, I can play 8 hours in the winter. Which is another reason why I like SNG's, I can get some volume in in a few hours, but like you said the SNG's are dead now. Good to know someone else feels the same.
05-29-2015 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Windpspro
Again, they think in order to cater to players they have to make it a GTD....who cares, if people are interested in the type of game they will play it.
This +1
05-29-2015 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Windpspro
Seeing as how the majority of the players are from the U.S., how does it make sense to start really late?
The late slots are needed... 11:30 isn't appealing to the guy in NY who has to get up for a day job but 8:30 is pretty good, and 11:30 ET is the left coasts 8:30.

It would be nice to see a beefing up of offerings in the prime time hours and like you said, some more $1-$10 offerings as well.
05-29-2015 , 01:26 PM
I was just looking at the $2 5 hours late reg and blind go up by 50 each 12 min. blind level after 2 hours! The pattern seems to be make everything higher GTD and just make the tourney super long.
05-29-2015 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by glutenfree
The late slots are needed... 11:30 isn't appealing to the guy in NY who has to get up for a day job but 8:30 is pretty good, and 11:30 ET is the left coasts 8:30.

It would be nice to see a beefing up of offerings in the prime time hours and like you said, some more $1-$10 offerings as well.
I'll give you that, I wasn't really saying they need to move them just add more for all the time slots, Again they don't even need to be GTD.

BTW, is there any difference in MTT's between ACR and BCP?
05-29-2015 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Windpspro
BTW, is there any difference in MTT's between ACR and BCP?
No, they're both skins of WPN, should be the same schedule.
05-29-2015 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by glutenfree
It would be nice to see a beefing up of offerings in the prime time hours and like you said, some more $1-$10 offerings as well.
Still researching site and with an avg buyin of $7.29 this would be right up my alley.
05-29-2015 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by glutenfree
No, they're both skins of WPN, should be the same schedule.
Some skins on other networks use to have some unique Small MTT's is why I asked. I couldn't find a list online.
06-01-2015 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by Windpspro
Besides the long time for a tourney, I think it messes up the flow of the tourney. You have people keep rebuying, people coming in that haven't played the game yet it's 3 hours in and they shove 10bbs. I've seen many people in these tourneys just shove any 2 cards and then keep rebuying.

It Takes the fun and skill out of poker just to fold everything, then risk your stack on a guy shoving all in non stop because he keeps rebuying. He turns over aces and your either out or your stack is down and may never recover.

I hate bingo poker, it use to be you bought in with a 30 min late reg, couldn't rebuy if you got knocked out, unless it was deemed a rebuy tourney. now sites have changed, they figured out "hey, we can make more rake if we make it a re-entry". I understand why all these poker sites do it, it's just for the money and always will be but it's not good for many if any tourney players. Unless you like 8+ hour tourneys with little player pool.

Also the GTD stuff is so much hype and not really needed IMO. If they don't meet the GTD they either lower the GTD or take out the tournaments from the schedule. It's all an illusion, I prefer the non-GTD, they seem to have a better structure.

I would play 10+ tourney's a day if they weren't so long, right now I play maybe 2-3 if I'm in the mood. People that have any life just can't play in these long winded games. I would understand if it was a special series that were longer but man PS did most of the SCOOP 2 day events in this year, some with 4 hour late registration!

Two main reasons people play online Vs. live is speed and multi-table. If I wanted to I could play live local in a much shorter time.
Once again your on

I've seen people literally come in at the end of a long winded late reg and rebuy 5x!!!!

The 180 is just too much and they are too concerned with gtd..

I come home from work want to play a tourney for a couple of hours and can't. 4 hours max. I'm just a competent rec player. Some other guy mentioned there taking too much advice from pro,s..

Last week I actually played club wpt instead, lol.. I generally only.prefer tournaments style. I got that for my uncle.

I would actually play more tournaments per day as well if I could find reasonable ones...
06-01-2015 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by WPN Rep
So, I'm wondering why the late registration is absurd. I'm hearing time constraints as the main problem. I'm not a tournament player, but this doesn't make sense to me.

Let's look at a $1,000 GTD tournament with a $10 buyin as an example. This tourney needs 100 people to cover. There are two ways to get it to cover.

1. 100 people start the tournament with a full stack. There is no late registration. The tournament covers and goes x hours.

2. 25 people start the tournament with a full stack. 75 others come in at the end of late registration with 10 big blinds. The tournament covers and goes x hours.

Are you telling me having 75% of the playing field start the tournament with push/fold stacks makes the event run longer? If anything, I would think it's the opposite.
Come to defend the structure on 5/22, it's now 6/1 and nothing. How about saying ANYTHING? It's not like we don't know you're watching lots of people agree that it's just way too much.

I signed up for the site a couple of weeks ago. Played a $2 just for fun to try out the software and swore to never ever play another tournament there. Fun fact, I'm verifying my documents right now so I can get my money back off because of it. Bovada ftw.
06-01-2015 , 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Come to defend the structure on 5/22, it's now 6/1 and nothing. How about saying ANYTHING?
I took his/her post as more asking us about his thoughts on it more so then defending it one way or another.
06-01-2015 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by WPN Rep
I'm not a tournament player
This here is one of the problems, why comment about MTT's if you don't play them? Probably no power to get them in anyways.

Sigh, I'm stuck losing money at JP's suck outs or quitting.
06-01-2015 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Windpspro
This here is one of the problems, why comment about MTT's if you don't play them? Probably no power to get them in anyways.

Sigh, I'm stuck losing money at JP's suck outs or quitting.
Its a good mix because i am and he is a cash player so we can help each other out with certain things. So not so much an issue.
06-01-2015 , 04:45 PM
Listen, I get it. Whatever u do, people will complain and I hate nitpicking..

I manage retail on the upper east side of Manhattan. We have a 38k rent and and never mind the boss who put this all together. He deserves return on his investment. In this economic environment your better off working.for the state or denouncing your citizenship and then come back. But invest in the private sector with obamacare taxes and regulations. Better off enjoying your life and not investing at that level. It's a shame.

I have NO PROBLEM with a.c.r making money and I don't feel sorry for the anal attentiveness of parasitic grinders BUT

I'm playing a 150gtd with 120 late reg. I get it and accept it. A.c.r is worth it BUT

IT HAS 5k startling chips with 15 min blinds. Everyone is going to come in at the end with 5k and 15 minutes blinds is not enough of a deterrent, especially with 5k in chips...
I generally play micro on work days and low on days off when I have 5 freaked hours,

I know I'm a small guy in the poker world but c,Mon man. I just happen to be right, rational and compromising.:-)
06-01-2015 , 05:25 PM
The sit n go is dead.....

The on demand is cool...

But when you want more then a quickie on demand but don't want to DO an all day marathon.


I think it's obvious I'm loyal to a.c.r and personally promote it. In my heart I.kinda.wish these g.t.d with all the late reg don't cover.

Last edited by thesparten1; 06-01-2015 at 05:31 PM.
06-01-2015 , 05:58 PM
Im going to put the PLO8 on demands back very shortly today.
06-01-2015 , 06:14 PM
So....are you saying we are nitpicking or you want them shorter?
06-01-2015 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
Im going to put the PLO8 on demands back very shortly today.
+1 Hopefully low buy-ins too
06-01-2015 , 10:04 PM
Need average lower buy ins in order to attract rec players.
06-02-2015 , 12:44 AM
Only for the $7 one, not sure why not make one $2, $5 with the same blind as the $25 on demand. I thought about playing the $7 but blinds are long again. Sigh, I dunno why.
06-02-2015 , 01:03 PM
That was a mistake. Thanks for pointing it out.

They are also meant to be 5 min blinds.

Last edited by Winning_TD; 06-02-2015 at 01:12 PM.
06-02-2015 , 03:13 PM
the best tournies where late registration is involved are at the low level.

thats cool, its time i uped my game...

but there should be more! TURBO10 on micro and medium

ive done my time on micro, i actually cashed a couple of times yesterday on low with 'normal' late reg
