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HUSNG no love from the network HUSNG no love from the network

06-16-2014 , 12:38 PM
so why no promotion for HUSNG players EVER well once for a month last Sept

everyone else but a major population of the players get some extra rewards

half the beast sat tickets go inactive, what a waste and creates a shart show for the event allowing players to cherry pick chips till an actuall non inactive comes to the table

SNG crush for DON donks and other forms of SNG's

frustrated to crush rake all day everyday and see other fish get the rewards

I once read from the TD that most of the winning players come from HUSNG and that is why no promotions

I lol'ed

06-17-2014 , 02:19 PM
im curious as well
06-17-2014 , 07:25 PM
[ ] sng crush is worth anything

just sayin
06-18-2014 , 01:37 AM
I am not a husng player, but as a cash game player I got to ask:

How much do u actually pay them in rake for them to be able to give you promotions?

Balance that question with how much do you think they would get out of giving you a promotion?

They give promotions in order to get traffic on the site, or to keep the players there that pay them the most money. Your talking about a niche market of players, most of whom are not coming to the site to play husng. Players in that market are usually already online regs who know what sites are out there, and are going to play regaurdless of what promotions they offer.

I will state it another way. If monetary gains of doing an incentive/promotion for the niche husng market were balanced by cost of programming needed to make the offers then they would do it.

The truth seems simple unless i am completely off basis, husng is not a major enough money maker for the site. To make a promotion costs money to program into the system, and then also takes money out of there pocket when they pay out the promotion.

How much more more money do you think they could make, off husngs, if they did what you propose?

I think small sites are using there promotional money where they think they will get the most return. The biggest bang for there buck comes from cash games, and then from mtt's, and therefore that is where they spend there money on promotion.
06-19-2014 , 04:31 PM
while i agree to an extent "Nite"

I often see Sats,multi's with huge overlays
1 overlay is enough to keep peeps mouth shut like mine from complaining

we pay mucho rake as well
they add up
their justification of why is what makes me semi angry
because we cashout the most
without us regs constanly keeping lobbies popping I doubt anyone would even play
as I tend to think most fishlike relative to HUSNG come in the lobbies after a steamshow from cash or multi

in regards to gaining traffic, IDK seems people enjoy trying their luck at hypers on occassion

off topic but
I also ponder if a decline button would be cool, I read stories of PStars being crazy cuz of it

also to increase newbs to play HUSNG in general I think a best 2/3, 3/5, 4/7 formats would intrique them to play more

predefined buyin amount say $15 bucks for example winner of 2 ships it(in 2/3 format)
maybe give a set price on rake or maybe just discount 1 or something IDK
always thought that would help hypers get more play as it ofers a more "I have a chance" feel to the average player, instead of these suck and I always get sucked out,screw that idiot he always sits here must be a house player vibe

anyways been along time lurker, breaking the chains now
06-22-2014 , 09:51 PM
Yeah the husng on this site traffic is weak and non reg traffic barely exists
06-23-2014 , 04:28 AM

HUSNG traffic would improve with a husng leaderboard again.

Come on WPN , merge has stripped all forms of rb and is limiting the max table number of several players. No one wants to play there but there is more traffic than WPN atm.

Now would be a opportune time to induce both of the recreational and non-recreational players away from merge.

Wouldn't more promotions be a way to do that?
06-26-2014 , 08:46 PM
free for all no restrictions site that has auto shipped shift 4 quickly for years and years can't knock off site that don't even like to payout in a timely fashion

I will prob dye never knowing why the hammer head lock has not been squezed to their not even worthy villians
06-27-2014 , 12:18 AM
+1 do some promoting for traffic.
06-27-2014 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by tornunderware
free for all no restrictions site that has auto shipped shift 4 quickly for years and years can't knock off site that don't even like to payout in a timely fashion

I will prob dye never knowing why the hammer head lock has not been squezed to their not even worthy villians
so much yes

A decent client (can't you like rent from someone? lol), a new mtt schedule, a few promos and WPN would be KILLING it. Merge would literally die
06-27-2014 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by TomoDaK
so much yes

A decent client (can't you like rent from someone? lol), a new mtt schedule, a few promos and WPN would be KILLING it. Merge would literally die

I'm going to have to disagree with you there. WPN probably has the biggest promotional budget of any US site at this point and it's great. But it attracts a certain type of player. You may find this surprising, but not all players want a site with tons of promotions because of the environment it breeds.

With that said, I agree. I think everyone wants the MTT schedule to grow and flourish. This summer/WSOP is a terrible time for online poker right now. Very low volume this year is causing lots of overlays. I can't speak for WPN, but I sincerely doubt that we'll see a massive MTT expansion during this slow season from any online poker network...

06-27-2014 , 04:25 PM
I'm inclined with ya to agree that they have the biggest budget on promos, I was more thinking along the lines of roll out a few new ones for a month or 2 long promos along side a new client/schedule to help get the ball rolling a bit!
06-28-2014 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by kahntrutahn
I'm going to have to disagree with you there. WPN probably has the biggest promotional budget of any US site at this point and it's great. But it attracts a certain type of player. You may find this surprising, but not all players want a site with tons of promotions because of the environment it breeds.

With that said, I agree. I think everyone wants the MTT schedule to grow and flourish. This summer/WSOP is a terrible time for online poker right now. Very low volume this year is causing lots of overlays. I can't speak for WPN, but I sincerely doubt that we'll see a massive MTT expansion during this slow season from any online poker network...

And im going to have to disagree I understand your doing your job but you can not tell me that the average/rec fish is turned off by the fact he could get promotions etc especially if they realize there not a winning player at no bonus. I can personally say I left merge because of rake change and leaderboard changes and I am sure I am not alone. I put up with tougher games and less traffic for the sole reason that atleast theres hope. Between Bovada and WPN on complete opposite spectrums imo no reason to be on the fence with merge. Just my two cents as someone who honestly played exclusively merge and gave up.
06-28-2014 , 10:07 PM
no lobby resizing can be added to that list, having a netbook for the road is about useless on this site as I can't even get to cashier.....that was prob 3 years ago I cried about that to them...they still don't think it is an issue

since the "update" I can at least reg sng's now before couldn't even do that

back to HUSNG, when they had the leaderboard last Sept would love to see the numbers of how many more sat lobbies...actually since then some fish have become regs..directly related to that promo

what about a HUMTT they used to be fun on other sites...well unless I fell asleep waiting for4 victim after a crushing

I enjoy bovada's 4 ways also

piss off the regs that play HUSNG's and you risk losing some major rake

I say HUSNG strike!!!! let the russians sit there and rot in the lobbies and watch them pop a promotion real quick...
06-29-2014 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by tornunderware
no lobby resizing can be added to that list, having a netbook for the road is about useless on this site as I can't even get to cashier.....that was prob 3 years ago I cried about that to them...they still don't think it is an issue

since the "update" I can at least reg sng's now before couldn't even do that

back to HUSNG, when they had the leaderboard last Sept would love to see the numbers of how many more sat lobbies...actually since then some fish have become regs..directly related to that promo

what about a HUMTT they used to be fun on other sites...well unless I fell asleep waiting for4 victim after a crushing

I enjoy bovada's 4 ways also

piss off the regs that play HUSNG's and you risk losing some major rake

I say HUSNG strike!!!! let the russians sit there and rot in the lobbies and watch them pop a promotion real quick...

Exactly despite cash games being the bread winner how do you not promote a demographic where your raking games that average 5 minutes or less with constant rematches and super high variance...
07-01-2014 , 04:24 PM
rake rake rake and more rake maybe someday we will get a promotion
07-11-2014 , 09:16 AM
maybe a petition ha
07-11-2014 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by 3donnie165
Exactly despite cash games being the bread winner how do you not promote a demographic where your raking games that average 5 minutes or less with constant rematches and super high variance...
Because the rake you get from it barely ever cover the expenses for any kind of promotion in this direction, likely they would always have to pay at least 25% on top. And you would only feed a very limited amount of players, which makes it -EV for the poker site.

They already have a regular SNG promotion, why would they want to split that up further?
07-11-2014 , 10:42 AM
then just include husngs in the "sng" promotion
to make it a true sng race

are we not worthy?
07-11-2014 , 10:44 AM
furthermore lol

i predict husng players crush the race proving we crush more volume
07-11-2014 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by 39suited
Because the rake you get from it barely ever cover the expenses for any kind of promotion in this direction, likely they would always have to pay at least 25% on top. And you would only feed a very limited amount of players, which makes it -EV for the poker site.

They already have a regular SNG promotion, why would they want to split that up further?
It's sad, but very true.

The only sort of promotion that could be possibly feasible is do a leaderboard for 4 different buyin levels. $2-10, 11-25, 26-60, 61+(something like this) Then have the top 4 players from each of the leaderboards play each other in a 16man shootout for like $500 or something.

Last edited by blobbloblob; 07-11-2014 at 11:48 AM.
07-25-2014 , 07:55 AM
it is bad enough husng get no promotions now when the lobby is deep with don donks
it is even harder to catch the fish

i understand there is filters but doubt the peeps filter to just headsup

super bogus husng players are left out always

i demand an answer from network if they ever plan to throw a bone

must be nice for all other player population to get some extra love
08-04-2014 , 01:08 PM
coming up on a year since husng promotion

wonder if we will get our once a year bone again?

and we still had to compete against all sng traffic
08-04-2014 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by tornunderware
coming up on a year since husng promotion

wonder if we will get our once a year bone again?

and we still had to compete against all sng traffic
there is a simple solution for you, just don't play on the site. if enough players leave maybe wpn will try something to bring you back. complaining yet still playing will get you nowhere. its like the old saying "you cant keep doing the same things and yet expect things to change" that's the definition of crazy.
08-05-2014 , 09:56 AM
hey dbag you are part of the problem and fyi i am on a boycott till husng get a promo
and i send an email everyday and have gotten others to cease play

you seem like a mega dork
