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How does WPN justify its atrocious policy regarding unregestering from satty'd tourneys? How does WPN justify its atrocious policy regarding unregestering from satty'd tourneys?

03-29-2015 , 04:20 PM
On most other major sites, players can unregister from events and receive tournament dollars in exchange. WPN does not adhere to this norm, leading players like myself who haven't scrutinized the tournament rules, to play satellites for the purpose of gaining tournament bucks only to find you cannot unregister from an event that you are unable/do not want to play.

Here are the rules from a couple other sites:

With rare exceptions, if you win a seat to any event via one of our satellite tournaments, you can choose to unregister and receive T-Money instead.
Unless specifically stated in the description of the tournament, players will have the option to cancel their participation and receive the T$ equivalent to the tournament buy-in.
Can I get my Tournament Ticket back if I decide to unregister from a tournament?

Yes. Here’s how: click on ‘Unregister’. A message will pop up that confirms that you are no longer registered in the tournament. Your ticket will reappear in your account and you will be able to use it again at a later date.
Now check out ACR's policy on satellites:

Tournament entries won in satellites may not be redeemed for cash and hold no cash value.
This raises the question: why does WPN even have tournament bucks? How would one gain tournament bucks if you cannot unregister from an event that you have satellited into? Is the only way by sattying into a tournament you're already registered for?

All in all this seems like a terrible policy on WPN's part. It not only negatively affects those who do not know about WPN's satellite policy, but also players who have any kind of schedule change. Satellite into the Million dollar gtd $540 tournament only to have a family emergency? Tough luck, you're out $540. It is an exploitative disservice to the players (many of whom are not aware of the policy as it is not made well known by the site), it goes against the industry norm, and as far as I know there's no actual justification for it.
03-29-2015 , 04:30 PM
This raises the question: why does WPN even have tournament bucks?
T$ are a major part of the VIP program. They are the most efficient method of exchanging VIP points for rewards actually.

03-29-2015 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by kahntrutahn
T$ are a major part of the VIP program. They are the most efficient method of exchanging VIP points for rewards actually.

That's an oversight on my part then (I'm on rakeback). Good to know, but I think the rest of my rant still stands.
03-29-2015 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by misk
That's an oversight on my part then (I'm on rakeback). Good to know, but I think the rest of my rant still stands.

For the most part I agree with that part of your post. Most tournaments should be able to be refunded to T$ IMHO. However, their major live events and the $1,000,000, I don't think they should be allowing people to unreg. Those are signature events that NEED to fill up and show strength for the network.


Last edited by kahntrutahn; 03-29-2015 at 06:30 PM.
03-30-2015 , 12:58 PM
The reason we have specific satellites is because we need those players or as many as possible individual players to reach guarantees.

Comparing us to the biggest sites in the world and our policy is not very fair imo.

Im sorry you dont like it but we are just not big enough at the moment to have sat players to redeem tourney bucks.
03-30-2015 , 01:02 PM
You use to be able to just contact support and they would refund you in tourny bucks for seats you win. not sure if this is still allowed.
03-30-2015 , 01:14 PM
I wasnt aware of that but i have been here 2 years and that hasnt been our policy.
03-30-2015 , 05:16 PM
Comparing us to the biggest sites in the world and our policy is not very fair imo.
Maybe their more equitable policies are part of what attracts traffic and make them the bigger sites.

Im sorry you dont like it but we are just not big enough at the moment to have sat players to redeem tourney bucks.
I understand this, but given that your site has a unique policy in this regard, shouldn't you be more up front about your policy by specifying in the satellite lobby that members will not be able to unregister from the event that entry is won to? If you're not going to do this, perhaps allow support to have some discretion in refunding buy-ins based on a particular players circumstances to avoid hard feeling/wasted money over unforeseeable circumstances that may prohibit a player from playing an event he or she satellited into. You could even redeem only a portion of the buy-in in T$ (I asked support if I could be unregistered for 1/2 the buy-in in tourney bucks, they didn't even consider it).
03-30-2015 , 05:57 PM
I will say that you cannot blame customer service for anything. They do not have the authority to make these kind of decisions.

Satellites are primarily there to allow players to get in to the target tournament at a cheaper cost. I understand and do know players like to just play them as a way to start building a tb roll.

As i said we need as many players through satellites to get in the tournaments that is why they are there. I will say with some certainty that at some point in the near future we will be changing our policy but at the moment it will be staying as it is.

I am sorry that you feel like we have wasted money or your time and be sure to know that if/when we change our policy you guys will be the 1st to know.
03-30-2015 , 06:32 PM
Thanks for your responsiveness. Look forward to seeing that change in the future.
03-31-2015 , 10:00 AM
Yeah three years ago you could
Had to give security your password though always thought that was strange to unreg

Can't you just cold buy in to event before you sat reverting the seat to tbs then just unreg your cash ala old ub method
03-31-2015 , 11:34 AM
Can't you just cold buy in to event before you sat reverting the seat to tbs then just unreg your cash ala old ub method
If I were quick thinking enough, definitely. Interesting idea -- I'll have to try this in the future (never played on UB).
03-31-2015 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by misk
Maybe their more equitable policies are part of what attracts traffic and make them the bigger sites.
Not really, no. They offer tournaments with much larger prize pools based on a steady number of players where Satellite bumhunters don't make that much of a difference to have it covered.
03-31-2015 , 04:42 PM
How it works in my mind.

Ability to unreg for $T means more players playing satellites (with grinders in the mix), means more satellites running, means more people that want to play the target tournament having satellites available, means more of them satelliting in, means bigger GTDs, means we're all gonna get laid!
04-01-2015 , 02:36 AM
lol I thought this thread was going to be about people registering and then unregistering after they win
04-01-2015 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
How it works in my mind.

Ability to unreg for $T means more players playing satellites (with grinders in the mix), means more satellites running, means more people that want to play the target tournament having satellites available, means more of them satelliting in, means bigger GTDs, means we're all gonna get laid!
I'm pretty sure this is right, except for maybe that last part, but if WPN could guarantee this I suspect traffic would soar.
04-03-2015 , 10:04 PM
Just curious, whats the policy on winning multiple seats to same event?
04-04-2015 , 01:24 AM
YES, T$ satellites would bring more action
04-04-2015 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by PokerPunFun
Just curious, whats the policy on winning multiple seats to same event?
you get tourney bucks except for WSOP sattys are must play I think
04-05-2015 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by rm81
you get tourney bucks except for WSOP sattys are must play I think
Why would WSOP satellites be must play? They pay out 11.5k and 1k more if you prove you played. If anything those are the opposite of must play. Unless I'm misunderstanding you somehow.

But yeah, if you win more than one seat you get TB.
08-17-2016 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
I will say that you cannot blame customer service for anything. They do not have the authority to make these kind of decisions.

Satellites are primarily there to allow players to get in to the target tournament at a cheaper cost. I understand and do know players like to just play them as a way to start building a tb roll.

As i said we need as many players through satellites to get in the tournaments that is why they are there. I will say with some certainty that at some point in the near future we will be changing our policy but at the moment it will be staying as it is.

I am sorry that you feel like we have wasted money or your time and be sure to know that if/when we change our policy you guys will be the 1st to know.
So did this policy ever change? Will it be changing?
08-18-2016 , 12:05 AM
FYI Pokerstars is transitioning or at least many say it should transition into not allowing unreg from sats. Far too few recs get through sats when the sat grinders can easily unreg for T$ and rarely if ever play the target tournaments.
08-31-2016 , 10:43 PM
Interesting aside about Poker Host, which is a WPN skin, but apparently not discussed here (l would assume their claim is that CS is different)...

They have their own unique satty's to "interesting" tournaments and run them on a regular basis (like every 2 hours). The first time I had played in them, I was all excited because I won multiple seats to the target tourney. Being an old school player (meaning I'm new to "new" online since November and even newer to skins other than ACR) I just automatically assumed that the policy would be the same as it was on every single site I've ever played on from 2001-2011. I thought that not only would be able to retain the seat, but I had just earned the equivalent buy-in if not in cash, a cash equivalent such as T$ or something.

LOL, how naive I was. It was brought to my attention that winning multiple seats to the target tournament had no effect/impact whatsoever except for limiting the number of other players who were able to win a seat. Was that supposed to be a comfort to me? lol
08-31-2016 , 11:24 PM
That sounds very wrong, unless they are free satellites or I misunderstood.
09-01-2016 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
That sounds very wrong, unless they are free satellites or I misunderstood.
You didn't quote anyone, so I'm not sure who you are replying to. But if to me, yeah, they were "free satellites" but you could pay for rebuys and add-ons. I don't really see how that's relevant though. A win is a win, and I've never dealt with a site (including the BS browser-based nonsense "casinos" from early 2000s) handle this situation so poorly, in my view.
