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Downtime and Disconnect/Lag Issues thread Downtime and Disconnect/Lag Issues thread

04-07-2017 , 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by Mohsen
Hi everyone.
I am going to explain to you what is going on recently at WPN on some level of technicality so you might understand the situation a little better.
I'm a player at ACR myself , Cashgame , Micro Player (Not even a grinder!) playing 2-3 tables 10NL max!
And I'm not connected to ACR or anything. But I guess some explanation on the situation might help some people on this frustrating time.
So , What's a DDOS? (Simplified)
I have a Website. My website has a network that can accept 5000 viewers per second.
Now all of a sudden , somebody with control of a huge network of over 50.000 Nodes (devices) start to open my website in 1 second.
Booom , My website can't answer any other viewers. That's Called DOS (Denial Of Service)
Now , imagine 20 people with the same amount of devices available to them , from 20 different places run their attack (viewing my website) at the same time. now I have what , 1,000,000 viewers !!!!! That's called Distributed Denial Of Service.

How can we stop it?
First of all , It's really hard to mitigate a simple DOS attack , But imagine the attack is much bigger scale!

BUT a simple explanation on how the tech team is working on mitigating the attack at the moment:
Remember I told you there is 50.000 devices trying to view our website? (In this case , Open poker client app)
We have to identify WHO is really our customer and WHO is just a crazy dude who is attacking us. Drop the request from crazy dude and allow our customers to get through.
"Why can't you upgrade your internet connection to support 50,000,000 viewer per second" You might ask! The answer is , even if we do that , a person whose running this sort of attack is powerful enough to visit our site 50X as much as we can support! So believe me when I say it can't get fixed by throwing money at it and upgrade the uplink..

So , We go through some logs that we have of attacker and see some patterns on it. (For example , You will see a lot of IP's from a Country named X and Y trying to attack you.) btw , IP (short for Internet Protocol) is a unique identifier that everyone connects to internet has his/her own.
We close our website to them using our firewall. in the very next few minutes , We see attacks start all over again with a different set of IPs.. And this process goes on and on!
We have to DENY everybody's access to website EXCEPT the ones we now are real.(Not bots , Not hacked servers etc..)
How can we do it?
We gather information through the web that tells us about well-known attacker's IPs. And will tell us the list of IP's that are real and in the hand of Customers (Not some shady Hosting provider that is known to serve attackers!)
It takes time to list ALL of the true IP's of people.
And like any other IT matter , there is ALWAYS False positive involved.
you might be blocked by mistake... You might not be "White-Listed" yet.

That's why some people can access the servers , And some Can't.

My suggestions to you:
# DO NOT USE any sort of Proxy , VPN , etc... to get access to site. Most of the proxy/VPN servers are listed as "NO People" at databases.
# Stay away from MTTs until a formal confirmation of REPS.
# for SNGs or Cashgames , start with a small game and check your status. If your okay at 2NL (Don't see any lags etc...) You will be OK at 2000NL as well.

### I suggest If it's possible for you at the moment , Don't try to play and wait for the tech team to finish their job.

And think about this , How much Can you earn per hour? $10? $20? $500? $10,000 ?
How much WPN can earn per hour? (I'm not saying numbers :-D ) Beside the fact that there are a massive amount of people who will stop using WPN and their reputation will suffer from this situation in the long run.

Bottom line is , This is WAAAAAAY more -EV for them than it's for us (Players)
So stop blaming WPN for this and be realistic.

Sorry for my English. (Second language in a third world country) and for a LOOOOng letter.
I hope this post can help some of you guys to chill a bit.
Great post, although i already knew what was a dos attack, i learned a lot of other stuff as well.

Thank you.
04-07-2017 , 01:08 PM
Just had to harass live chat to get my disconnection refund from 2 days ago.

Kobe S.:
I have sent the request for your refund. It will be performed within the following 15 minutes or so.
alright thanks
so what happens to all the money from people who didn't request refunds directly?
13:00Kobe S.:
Everyone got it , but in the case the they don't we do it manually.
13:00Kobe S.:
Is there anything else I can assist you with?
obviously everyone didnt get it if i didnt lol

SO shady!
04-07-2017 , 03:10 PM
Do tournament refunds appear in your financial history?
04-07-2017 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by HundredsOfStuff
Do tournament refunds appear in your financial history?
04-07-2017 , 05:48 PM
do .50 ODs award SnC points?
04-07-2017 , 05:50 PM
Anyone having issues getting into late reg right now??
After logging in, I can enter upcoming tourneys, but it doesn’t show tournaments running that allow late entry.
I had this happen right before the site shut down the other day.
04-07-2017 , 05:53 PM
I guess i had the wrong tabs selected.
I just logged back in and its working... so must have been my fault.
04-08-2017 , 06:32 PM
Tried to play ACR from Thailand/Phuket and from Russia/Moscow(during last 4 month)(all other sites i play at the same time with ACR never lose connection to tables but ACr it happens regulary, servers businness doesnt matter): getting some random sit outs at tables after missing to post bb/sb(auto post is on) never at the other positions, have to close table and open it again to be able to post, since if i dont close table i wont be able to post because acr client will think i lost connection (but i can see whats going on at table), never lost the connection during been involved in a hand as well... Can WPN representative suggest something, its obvious the problem lays in your servers(hard to reach them for some reason), is there any way to tunnel them?
04-08-2017 , 11:58 PM
looks like they are down again?
04-08-2017 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by hurrrrr
looks like they are down again?
ok it's not just me lol
04-09-2017 , 12:02 AM
Effy the customer service agent is telling me everything is fine as im looking at 4 tables all frozen.

what happens to the money that was in pot during this time?

2 of them were pretty far into the hand and I had just hit the "call any" button
04-09-2017 , 12:02 AM
all games just went down again? what an awful time for this to happen
04-09-2017 , 12:07 AM
how long does it take to usually come back on?
04-09-2017 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by YALLIGNENT
how long does it take to usually come back on?

5 minutes to 5 hours , they've been down a ton last few days

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
04-09-2017 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by hurrrrr
5 minutes to 5 hours , they've been down a ton last few days

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
this typically happens when other tables open except mine and i can't mov emy $ from that table cause it's locked?
04-09-2017 , 12:28 AM
Once again they took all our tourney entries, and wasted our time even though they did not have it together. Stop running tournies maybe if your site isn't working? Now, not only will I not be ICM compensated for deep runs that are getting blown up, but I'll also have to harass support just to get my buy initial buy-ins refunded. Joke is on me for trusting this site to have it together I guess.

And I'm sure the rep will delete this post anyway. God Bless!
04-09-2017 , 12:42 AM
o m f g
04-09-2017 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by NJSpaghetti
Once again they took all our tourney entries, and wasted our time even though they did not have it together. Stop running tournies maybe if your site isn't working? Now, not only will I not be ICM compensated for deep runs that are getting blown up, but I'll also have to harass support just to get my buy initial buy-ins refunded. Joke is on me for trusting this site to have it together I guess.

And I'm sure the rep will delete this post anyway. God Bless!
Maybe if you didn't sound like an insufferable prick it would help some, just saying.
04-09-2017 , 12:44 AM
Yep it's definitely me who in is in the wrong here.
04-09-2017 , 12:45 AM
i just don't understand how other tables have been running just fine for the last 45 minutes and i'm f***ed because i can't move my money from the tables to these games.
04-09-2017 , 12:46 AM
cant join any cash tables. tables open but shows no seats or players.
04-09-2017 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by HundredsOfStuff
Do tournament refunds appear in your financial history?
mine always have
04-09-2017 , 12:48 AM
So I haven't played on ACR in forever, I play today and win one small tourney. We are deep in the $2.5k gtd new and then they say its suspended, then a message pops up saying we are having small technical difficulties and the tournament should start soon, not to close the table or the client.

Whats the chance of it starting back up?
04-09-2017 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by trolea12345
So I haven't played on ACR in forever, I play today and win one small tourney. We are deep in the $2.5k gtd new and then they say its suspended, then a message pops up saying we are having small technical difficulties and the tournament should start soon, not to close the table or the client.

Whats the chance of it starting back up?
04-09-2017 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by NJSpaghetti
Lol, I figured, but thought I would ask
