Down again? Cash tables Froze 17 PM GMT
Join Date: Jan 2012
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Server Down again? Cash tables Froze 17PM GMT
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 54
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 130
The outage we experienced today around 11am -6 was the result of a main carrier / ISP in Casta Rica, Racsa, having a "routing outage" that caused about a 40 second drop in service through out Costa Rica, this affected both our Primary ISP and or backup ISP, most of the country basically lost service due to this.
I assure you we have been working tirelessly since October to put into place extensive additional fail over for or network increasing it from where it was to prevent outages like this, but this was one case where all the redundancy in our network would not of helped unfortunately.