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DON Collusion Thread DON Collusion Thread

03-03-2015 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
Well, since Herpes put it out there...I sent this to td and rep:

I broke it down for them player by player but I'm sure everyone here is fully capable of seeing how ridiculous this is.

Also sent a separate list of players but it all seems pointless.

It's like every cheater flocked to WPN lol
Did you also send this to the security department with a full explanation?
03-03-2015 , 04:36 PM
Guys make sure to watch the team of cheapleader DrKronos and AcnupuH4uk. They will be regging all day today. Just open up some tables and help me get some good hand #'s for evidence
03-03-2015 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by A_Schupick
Did you also send this to the security department with a full explanation?
I hate everything you are. this is the exactly the type of response someone like you would have to the guy taking time out his day to gather evidence and send it to support.
03-03-2015 , 05:02 PM
Sent to acr and betcoin.



I didn't think there was anything wrong with his question fwiw
03-03-2015 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
It's like every cheater flocked to WPN lol
yep. the ceo going on record and saying "if you think you are being cheated in a game, just dont play it" doesnt help either..
03-03-2015 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
Sent to acr and betcoin.



I didn't think there was anything wrong with his question fwiw
perhaps I have hate in my blood but personally I think the question is whiny and annoying. here you are gathering all this stuff. you say in your post you sent it to support and he is like "meh but did you send it to security".

if you sent that info to support and they cant forward it to the relevant department that's just sad. it seemed rather nit picky/annoying to me for his comment to be that, rather than something like "thanks appreciate the work you did".

that being said, i do want to say thanks for bringing this info to support's attention and doing the research and what not. i sometimes see things but i am way too lazy to gather facts etc so thanks.
03-03-2015 , 05:28 PM
tool bag alert, tool bag alert
03-03-2015 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by AllinNoRubbers
perhaps I have hate in my blood but personally I think the question is whiny and annoying. here you are gathering all this stuff. you say in your post you sent it to support and he is like "meh but did you send it to security".

if you sent that info to support and they cant forward it to the relevant department that's just sad. it seemed rather nit picky/annoying to me for his comment to be that, rather than something like "thanks appreciate the work you did".

that being said, i do want to say thanks for bringing this info to support's attention and doing the research and what not. i sometimes see things but i am way too lazy to gather facts etc so thanks.
Calm down, seriously. The question was serious, as you can depend on someone to do the work for you, or you can forward it to the people who can do something with it faster. Further, if you forward it to security yourself they can contact much more easily if they have more questions. Also, you open up a line of dialogue with a particular person you can then contact if something else comes up in your investigation you think is important.

Not really sure what your issue is, but it's kind of annoying and completely unjustified. I'm not really sure who you think I am, but you have a very skewed and biased opinion of me that I find rather unfair. You can take your hate somewhere else.

In this thread, the only thing I have asked for is some evidence, which he is providing. That is awesome. Further, since CastleFrank didn't have his chat transcripts i actually went on with life support and got them to confirm the same thing about refunds, so pretending I am some terrible person who only cares about the site is exceptionally misguided.
03-03-2015 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by A_Schupick
Calm down, seriously. The question was serious, as you can depend on someone to do the work for you, or you can forward it to the people who can do something with it faster. Further, if you forward it to security yourself they can contact much more easily if they have more questions. Also, you open up a line of dialogue with a particular person you can then contact if something else comes up in your investigation you think is important.

Not really sure what your issue is, but it's kind of annoying and completely unjustified. I'm not really sure who you think I am, but you have a very skewed and biased opinion of me that I find rather unfair. You can take your hate somewhere else.

In this thread, the only thing I have asked for is some evidence, which he is providing. That is awesome. Further, since CastleFrank didn't have his chat transcripts i actually went on with life support and got them to confirm the same thing about refunds, so pretending I am some terrible person who only cares about the site is exceptionally misguided.
I definitely over-reacted about your question. it was meant mostly in jest. the question still reminds me of someone coming over to shovel your driveway for free and for no reason then you asking..."did you put salt down?". it was prob nit picky of me to get annoyed. never take anything I say too seriously bud. i don't actually hate you lol i don't even know you.
03-03-2015 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by HisandHerpes
Guys make sure to watch the team of cheapleader DrKronos and AcnupuH4uk. They will be regging all day today. Just open up some tables and help me get some good hand #'s for evidence
It's possible they are colluding together and the registration tendencies of one registering then the other right behind always creates suspicion but if they are working together then they play BADLY because one always seems to bust in 6th and Ive seen them do some really spewy plays.

Since the sharkscopes are blocked we would need some bubble hands but if they don't get to the bubble together much then it's going tough to prove anything even if DrKronos seems to register in games only with CheapLeader.
03-03-2015 , 09:01 PM
Give it a few days Bottlez. I've been watching for the last week, and they have hardly ever battled each other, and when they have its been big coolers. Cheapleader splits the action between AcnupuH4uk and DrKronos. There was one hand where I missed getting the #, but Kronos was at 3k ish in sb and Cheap in bb for 800 total, blinds 150 300, button shoves for 2k-ish and Kronos calls with Q 3 off, and hits, types in the chat box "oops misclick" lmao Keep watching though man, it'll become very obvious.
03-03-2015 , 09:08 PM
Cheapleader splits the action between AcnupuH4uk and DrKronos.
You're probably right, just noticed Cheap unregistered from a don where Dr was in then Acnu registered. Seems like the other three accounts are done and these two accounts are alternating. obv this isn't sufficient proof and that might have very well been a misclick but it's pretty obv Acnu is cheating.

They prob. bring in enough rake for WPN to look the other way.
03-03-2015 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
You're probably right, just noticed Cheap unregistered from a don where Dr was in then Acnu registered. Seems like the other three accounts are done and these two accounts are alternating. obv this isn't sufficient proof and that might have very well been a misclick but it's pretty obv Acnu is cheating.

They prob. bring in enough rake for WPN to look the other way.

Exactly bro, it'll get even more obvious within the next few days just watch.
03-04-2015 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by HisandHerpes
All of these are 100% certainty

Flopnuts6969 - NoTurnUnStoned1 (MId -High stakes)
You can throw in Mango in there.
03-04-2015 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
At this point it's pretty much safe to assume there are players colluding in every DON due to WPN's incompetency.
If that's true, then it is clearly time to do what PokerStars did and close down the DONs.
03-04-2015 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
You can throw in Mango in there.
That is the third account and I question another Dr******F**h .

NoTurn is playing a few games right now by himself but they do that from time probably to try not to be so suspicious. however, if you take a look at last weeks SNC leaderboard seeing where this account finished and who is 11th who frequently has near the same amount of points many weeks all I have to say is hmmmm.
03-04-2015 , 03:30 AM
Not sure where to post this, but it's a testament to the complete lack of any type of automated detection of cheating/collusion/dumping etc... These guys each dumped ~100 HU sngs in a row to each other (with what motive I do not know) The point is that they did this a month ago and are still playing...wouldn't any normal security department been aware of this without a player having to bring attention to it?

03-04-2015 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by BeerBottlez
That is the third account and I question another Dr******F**h .

NoTurn is playing a few games right now by himself but they do that from time probably to try not to be so suspicious. however, if you take a look at last weeks SNC leaderboard seeing where this account finished and who is 11th who frequently has near the same amount of points many weeks all I have to say is hmmmm.
Lol Mango started playing with Flopnuts, then they both left for a few minutes, then Mango and NoTurn jumped on. So Fukkin obvious. Good thing is I didn't see them both cash that often, but still. I haven't seen the other account you mentioned, I'll keep an eye out.
03-04-2015 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by HisandHerpes
All of these are 100% certainty

Flopnuts6969 - NoTurnUnStoned1 (MId -High stakes)

AcnupuH4uk - Cheapleader - DrKronos ( Mainly High stakes)

POTDRAW - JumpingJacks1 - BallsofSteel - Chootem - Thundercat69 (Low to mid stakes)
Add "HyHuxepaCe" to the middle list. First day in a while AcnupuH4uk is not playing, and here comes this account from the same place and joined Feb 22nd 2015 LMAO
03-04-2015 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Dr0n3
Not sure where to post this, but it's a testament to the complete lack of any type of automated detection of cheating/collusion/dumping etc...
This is most likely an SS error.
03-05-2015 , 02:04 AM
I realize this hand isn't ZOMG COLLUSION but it's pretty obv what's going on considering who the players are:

Edit: Now they're just straight chip dumping


these hands wouldn't be so alarming if it was just two random players but this is just way too obvious.

To view the hands for yourself:
Just search this at the top of the main lobby under game info -- Game replayer --search via hand #

Last edited by Banned4lyfe; 03-05-2015 at 02:29 AM.
03-05-2015 , 02:41 AM
^^^ - yeah the common min raise call, donk out, call/jam by shorty type of play is what these guys do. Thanks for posting those they can be added to the collection.

Banned4lyfe- have you seen the collusion video I did? I know a few people I gave the link to privately but a few others did see it. If you haven't seen the video and want to just as long as you promise to keep it private pm me and I will tell you the parts worth watching.
03-05-2015 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by BeerBottlez
^^^ - yeah the common min raise call, donk out, call/jam by shorty type of play is what these guys do. Thanks for posting those they can be added to the collection.

Banned4lyfe- have you seen the collusion video I did? I know a few people I gave the link to privately but a few others did see it. If you haven't seen the video and want to just as long as you promise to keep it private pm me and I will tell you the parts worth watching.
I saw the video and while long, there are a few super damming spots especially around the 55min mark.
03-05-2015 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by HisandHerpes
POTDRAW - JumpingJacks1 - BallsofSteel - Chootem - Thundercat69 (Low to mid stakes)
You forgot:

He has played 196 DONs this year, when you exclude the players listed above...

03-05-2015 , 04:45 PM
Look into the accounts "ALEJOPKR" and "HUEVOLVER" as well. They are definitely colluding but no one seems to notice it because they don't do it often enough. Sharkscope does not lie though.
