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CEO Twitch stream 01st April 2015 6pm ET CEO Twitch stream 01st April 2015 6pm ET

04-12-2015 , 12:25 AM
Tip for streaming... include the chat box in the actual stream somewhere. PM me if you need help setting that up but it's pretty straight forward.

There's a fair number of people who can't watch it live but do watch the VOD later, but we can't see the chat in the VOD and you're not always reading the question before answering it. Would be helpful to see the chat in the stream for the VOD.
04-12-2015 , 04:32 PM
Could someone please explain what a jackpot SNG is?
04-12-2015 , 04:33 PM
Jackpot sng explanation

Last edited by Ice_W0lf; 04-12-2015 at 04:53 PM.
04-12-2015 , 04:41 PM
Cliffs from today? I tried to watch the stream now in the past broadcasts but half is muted due to the music blocking twitch does.
04-12-2015 , 09:23 PM
The CEO will be on live on twitch as soon as we get to the Final Two Tables, make sure you tune in.
04-13-2015 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by tK Bruce
lol wow thats pathetic excuse to get rid of DoNs. there goes a good majority of your SNG traffic. lol they will be back.
i agreee i was jsut r eally starting to like the DONS PLO8 ones nd pla ying them often... i really hate rego old sitngos and really dont want to play those too;( i really hope the DONS come back too
04-13-2015 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by lovethyneighbor
just finished the portion of the talk where phil talked about jackpot poker. it didn't seem to me that he addressed the logical concerns raised in the thread. just a rundown on how they work (we already knew) and how they will attract new players (we already knew). zero attention to the loss rate of the fish and how that is bad for an ecosystem. and only attempt at the argument that no money goes to cash was an n=1 example of a guy playing high stakes NL after binking an MTT win.

here's what needs to be addressed, but wasn't...

1. the new players attracted will not be attracted to other variants

2. it will, however, steal players from existing variants (cash games worse)

3. rec players will lose at a faster rate (economic common sense.. you can't use resources faster than they can be replenished in a sustainable system)

4. the few winners won't reinvest in cash games (this is principle, one or two exceptions don't disprove the general rule)

5. other posters who seem to know their **** (santa cruz), have said that jackpot poker in fact hasn't helped the cash game economy in other sites like stars... thus confirming everything in points #1-4... and why its so infuriating to keep hearing the same refrain, "these have been highly successful at bringing new players into the economy at other sites", which.. while true, doesn't touch the complaints

so.. if we could never hear that reasoning as a stand alone again.. that would be great...

it MUST be.. "these have been highly successful at bringing new players to the site.. AND... here's why we think we will be able to get a decent percentage of these new players to play other variants while not losing existing players to the new variant... where other sites seemingly haven't been able to..."
does anyone know if these points were addressed? the twitch was unavailable to me so i never watched it.
04-13-2015 , 04:41 PM
Any recap on that stream?
05-04-2015 , 05:00 PM
Hey guys FYI Phil will be streaming on Wednesday night during the mid stakes cage. Please post some of the questions or comments you might have so he can address them during the stream, main topic will be the Freebuy Series.
05-04-2015 , 05:02 PM
Freebuy: How will the series leader board be scored?
05-05-2015 , 10:53 AM
-Time line for WSOP Jackpots to be launched, and any other WSOP promos coming in the pipeline?

-Whatever format WSOP Jackpots eventually takes, can we expect to see additional "Jackpot Satellites" of a similar nature for other events (Million dollar Sundays, Punta Cana, etc).
05-05-2015 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by glutenfree
-Time line for WSOP Jackpots to be launched, and any other WSOP promos coming in the pipeline?

-Whatever format WSOP Jackpots eventually takes, can we expect to see additional "Jackpot Satellites" of a similar nature for other events (Million dollar Sundays, Punta Cana, etc).
We're looking at May 20th. (Yet to be official and announced.)

You're not allowed stealing thunder from other Jackpot Format ideas. We have plenty of cool ideas with it.
05-05-2015 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Freebuy: How will the series leader board be scored?
The website has been updated with this information.
06-23-2015 , 06:27 PM
CEO will be streaming from the Affiliate Conference at 4 am ET tomorrow morning.
06-25-2015 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by WPN_REP
CEO will be streaming from the Affiliate Conference at 4 am ET tomorrow morning.
Link please
