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Big 10 1k guaranteed, 9th and chips and tourney crashes / stops Big 10 1k guaranteed, 9th and chips and tourney crashes / stops

02-17-2014 , 05:53 PM
Playing the Big 10 1k guaranteed and running well, all the sudden the tourney stops, says I've finished in 1st place, then closes. No money in my account, no explanation, nothing!

Looked like a good chance it wasn't going to meet it's guaranteed prize pool, go figure....
02-17-2014 , 05:54 PM
02-17-2014 , 05:57 PM
I had not played online in probably 3 years and noticed some people talking about ACR so I deposited a little to see how it was. Sure didn't take long to be disappointed.
02-17-2014 , 06:02 PM
Yeah well i was in first in the 2.5k and it shut down lol
02-17-2014 , 06:04 PM
Did you get paid anything? It looks like I just got my buy in back, not acceptable.
02-17-2014 , 06:15 PM
All refunds will be made within the next couple of hours. This tournament always makes the guarantee. Even if it wasnt going to make it i wouldnt cancel it for no reason. We had a small issue with a server and the blinds werent going up for roughly 6 hours and it would of never moved out of late registration. This is why i had to cancel it. I put a 1.5k gtd which is currently in late reg for $5+0.50 to try and give everyone another tournament to play. It has 2 hours late reg. I am really sorry that this happened.
02-17-2014 , 06:23 PM
And you think the proper way to handle this was to give the guys in the top 10 who wasted their time on this the same thing as the guy that had a single blind left?

I guess I'm expecting too much in this day and age of internet poker.
02-17-2014 , 06:26 PM
yea i was in it too, was in the top 15 when it crashed, i did a live chat with acr support and all they said was "the server crashed" and that since it was still in "late registration" only the buy-in amount would be refunded.....super lame, although i did notice it said 9:47 (give or take a few mins) instead of 3pm (eastern timezones), wonder if that had anything to do with it??
02-17-2014 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by JThomas7
And you think the proper way to handle this was to give the guys in the top 10 who wasted their time on this the same thing as the guy that had a single blind left?

I guess I'm expecting too much in this day and age of internet poker.
I kinda agree with this it isnt fair that the top 10-15 plays all receive the same compensation.. But at least there is compensation.

Yeah my buyins havent been refunded yet either.
02-17-2014 , 06:30 PM
Their tournaments are literally almost in the money by the time their late registration ends. It's a ****ty argument on their part when they literally have hours of late registration.
02-17-2014 , 06:31 PM
I just have 5.50 refunded.
Now just waiting on the 2.5k guar refund.
02-17-2014 , 06:34 PM
I disagree Master, I think your buyin is owed to you. Compensation is giving you a fair value for your time spent and equity in the tournament. I don't feel like we've been compensated at all.

#1 pet peeve is when people treat me like my time is worthless. I deal with it all the time with our small business and it pisses me off just as much on this deal.
02-17-2014 , 06:55 PM
Yeah i understand where your coming from..
Like with pokerstars when a tourny was cancelled they would base
your payout on what position you were in and chipcount.. Which would
be nice.. and i will agree the massive late reg time is crazy..
An hour max seems fair if somebody wants register an hour is fair.. maybe
leave the rebuy time longer but not registration.
02-17-2014 , 06:59 PM
I understand it in a way, even most of the bigger live tournaments have gone to "re-entry" tourrnaments. The prize pools just wouldn't be there anymore without it. But this is just wrong.

However, I'm probably in the wrong for expecting a site still offering us "service" in the US to operate like a real business I guess.
02-17-2014 , 07:27 PM
sounds like pokerstars has it right....a payout based on position during a "server crash" is the only thing that sounds fair to me. The only people who make out ahead were the people at the bottom of the tournament, they not only get there money back (which they were going to lose to the buy-in fee) but they get to enter a tournament with an even higher payout for the same buy-in....just doesn't make much sense to me and definitely isn't fair to the players who were at the top of the rankings
02-17-2014 , 08:22 PM
Dude you guys will probably get paid based on your position when it froze, just chill out. See their website for standard operating procedures when tournaments freeze.
02-17-2014 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by awallen23
Dude you guys will probably get paid based on your position when it froze, just chill out. See their website for standard operating procedures when tournaments freeze.
They have already confirmed this is not how they will handle it.

Nothing I can do other than quit feeding their rake.
02-17-2014 , 08:47 PM
But I have to admit you made me check.

21. In the unlikely event that Americas Cardroom experiences a server crash, the hands and chip counts will be restored to what was dealt prior to the crash. Should the tournament need to be cancelled, players will receive funds based upon chip counts at the time of the crash.
02-17-2014 , 08:49 PM
lol @ expecting anything good or fair out of wpn.... they never refund equity..
02-17-2014 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by nedprz
lol @ expecting anything good or fair out of wpn.... they never refund equity..

To be expected I guess.
02-17-2014 , 09:07 PM
Please find the T & C's below.

You will find that we are very fair when it comes to refunds. This was a now very rare issue which has been fixed. Once again i apologise. I tried to make up for a bit by putting a 1,500 GTD tournament after we had to cancel.
02-18-2014 , 12:10 AM
That makes it even worse! Adding "another tournament to play" does nothing. You can't run late registration for hours then rob the people of equity and pay the people that busted out an hour before the issue.

I realize it's better for the house to spread the money back out and keep people in action but it's highway robbery for me to get my initial single buy in back and the guy who gave up an hour ago blew 5 buy ins and he got all his buy in money back. No one could possibly think this is ok.

If a ring game runs for 2 hours then crashes are you also going to just give everyone their initial buy in back? Of course not...................

Last edited by JThomas7; 02-18-2014 at 12:24 AM.
02-18-2014 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by JThomas7
That makes it even worse! Adding "another tournament to play" does nothing. You can't run late registration for hours then rob the people of equity and pay the people that busted out an hour before the issue.

I realize it's better for the house to spread the money back out and keep people in action but it's highway robbery for me to get my initial single buy in back and the guy who gave up an hour ago blew 5 buy ins and he got all his buy in money back. No one could possibly think this is ok.

If a ring game runs for 2 hours then crashes are you also going to just give everyone their initial buy in back? Of course not...................
02-18-2014 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
Please find the T & C's below.

You will find that we are very fair when it comes to refunds. This was a now very rare issue which has been fixed. Once again i apologise. I tried to make up for a bit by putting a 1,500 GTD tournament after we had to cancel.
You should run that $5 1500 gtd tourny every night at 7-9pm.
02-18-2014 , 01:13 PM
Wah. **** happens.
