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Worlds 2015 Worlds 2015

10-31-2015 , 11:42 AM
Faker's Ryze is terrifying.
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 11:42 AM
Why do people blindpick Kassadin
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
Why do people pick Kassadin
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
havent played in months, ryze looks completely ridiculous, why has no other team been running him??? This cant all be faker right?
Every Team has always been terrible at picking something off Meta. Also Ryze can be bad in a lot of matchups, veigar probably takes a huge dump on him.
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
havent played in months, ryze looks completely ridiculous, why has no other team been running him??? This cant all be faker right?
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 11:48 AM
yeah his winrate is trash.
can't wait for people to pick him up in solo Q and drive it down even further
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 11:53 AM
Yeah can't wait to have a Ryzescripter in every game again.
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 11:59 AM
why is ryzes winrate so extremely low and faker does this?

is it because once you are superb with ryze he becomes broken? and if you mess up he sucks? seems balanced to me then

esp since ryze does have weaknesses it seems but i don't know how to play vs a ryze
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 12:16 PM
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 12:21 PM
faker faker ryze interest maker

or ryze rising in interest
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by superfire444
Azir has worst wr in game but crushes pro play

Hope they give easyhoon a skin too
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 03:15 PM
I enjoyed the finals even if it was a bit stompy.
Koo misplayed their small leads in game 2 unfortunately.
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 03:58 PM
Looked better than anyone else by a good margin, the OG game where they had the nice baron call and took out an inhibitor turret was the closest they came to losing and that wasn't really close to defeat
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 04:26 PM
I was hoping we'd get SKT Lulu but now I'm afraid we'll get SKT Ryze.
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 04:43 PM
Ryze and Azir if riot doesn't make 2 its definitely Ryze

Azir has massive potential
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 06:18 PM
Just a wall of Easyhoon Faces coming at you.

Let's see what skins should be:

MaRin: SKT Rumble or SKT Maokai

Bengi: SKT Rek'sai, SKT Gragas

Faker: SKT Ryze or SKT Viktor

Easyhoon: SKT Azir

Bang: SKT Kalista or SKT Sivir

Wolf: SKT Alistar
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 07:36 PM
Thought a bit about the finals and realized how very impressed I am with SKT game 3 performance. Not because they lost, but because even when 10k gold behind I had the feeling it was even and KOO couldn't afford to make mistakes yet were 10k gold ahead.

Yes SKT messed up the early game when they lost but they looked really good even when playing from behind which is weird since they almost never have to. Their shotcalling is legit the best I've ever seen (yes even better than SSW)
Worlds 2015 Quote
10-31-2015 , 08:37 PM
So I played ryze mid (first time ever I played ryze) and 1v2'd their veigar + lee once I hit 6 and got ganked. Proceeded to get a quadra kill + 1 Q off the penta (I was in range but my jungler stole it).

This champ is really hard to play well (combo being passive + ult and then W-Q-E-Q-W-Q-E-Q-W, within 1-2s).

Not sure why this champ has a 40% winrate in soloq because he definitely seems stronger than that (like 47-48% winrate).
Worlds 2015 Quote
11-01-2015 , 12:28 AM
in game one pretty early on Koo go aggressive botlane thinking there aren't tp wards but there is a brilliantly placed one on the ledge in river

just broke open a game that Koo had started off so well, SKT punishes the tiniest mistake and Koo never recovered in that game. I can't remember there ever being a ward in that spot for a TP in the early game and their call to go was likely good against any other team in that spot
Worlds 2015 Quote
11-01-2015 , 04:56 AM
Koo even placed a pink ward to see if there were any wards Marin could TP to. SKT outplayed them with the ward from behind.
Worlds 2015 Quote
11-01-2015 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
Just a wall of Easyhoon Faces coming at you.

Let's see what skins should be:

MaRin: SKT Rumble or SKT Maokai

Bengi: SKT Rek'sai, SKT Gragas

Faker: SKT Ryze or SKT Viktor

Easyhoon: SKT Azir

Bang: SKT Kalista or SKT Sivir

Wolf: SKT Alistar
Marin: No games with Mao so that shouldnt be a choice. Rumble and Fiora was his most played champs.

Bengi: Elise by far his most played

Faker: Ryze no doubt

Bang: Played Trist alot before the finals and there he had to play Sivir to counter Koos strats. Imo it should be Trist but it can be Sivir.

Wolf: Most played and best champ Alistar
Worlds 2015 Quote
11-01-2015 , 10:23 AM
Marin gets Fiora prob
Bengi Elise, Faker Ryze, Wolf Alistar 100%
Bang Sivir/trist 50/50, if I had to guess it would be sivir.
Worlds 2015 Quote
11-01-2015 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by bottomset
in game one pretty early on Koo go aggressive botlane thinking there aren't tp wards but there is a brilliantly placed one on the ledge in river

just broke open a game that Koo had started off so well, SKT punishes the tiniest mistake and Koo never recovered in that game. I can't remember there ever being a ward in that spot for a TP in the early game and their call to go was likely good against any other team in that spot
thx for pointing that out

rek'sai just hitting six too AND they saw lee sin top with the bush ward AND they knew smeb's tp was on cooldown for like 10 seconds more

such an insanely well thought out play how do you even call that in the spur of the moment, lots of experience I guess

Last edited by kaby; 11-01-2015 at 12:47 PM.
Worlds 2015 Quote
11-01-2015 , 12:52 PM
SKT Trist seems more likely to me because of Victorious Sivir.
Worlds 2015 Quote
11-01-2015 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by kaby
thx for pointing that out

rek'sai just hitting six too AND they saw lee sin top with the bush ward AND they knew smeb's tp was on cooldown for like 10 seconds more

such an insanely well thought out play how do you even call that in the spur of the moment, lots of experience I guess
SKT made some calls which I've never seen a team make before. That 3rd game how they played from behind was insane.

10k gold behind but it felt even.
Worlds 2015 Quote
