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World Championships 2014 World Championships 2014

09-21-2014 , 11:41 AM
White looking absolutely unstoppable. I wonder if it's just EDG being overrated or what.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 11:45 AM
The two Samsung teams are just head and shoulders above everyone. I'm still not sure how KT A beat Blue in the last OGN finals.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 11:52 AM
lol imp stealthing into a 1vs2 to assassinate clearlove.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 11:54 AM
I gotta say i think AHQ can beat EDG again here. EDG looks like they're tilting hard.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 11:55 AM
Korea hype real
China hype not real

Last edited by sputnik3000; 09-21-2014 at 11:56 AM. Reason: lol TSM
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 01:15 PM
So in the end no surprises at all as far as who went through and in what position from groups A and B.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 01:58 PM


****ed TSM into getting SSW - Worth
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by DatFirefly
The two Samsung teams are just head and shoulders above everyone. I'm still not sure how KT A beat Blue in the last OGN finals.
Kt arrows are a high variance team they beat samsung blue but also needed 5games to beat skt s who white completely obliterated in 3

I don't see shield doing much to stop the Samsung survivor and the china teams look quite bad
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 03:07 PM
Also best of 5s are completely different from best of 1s Edg should do better vs Royal than their group games but as dominant as they have been in china its a bad sign how bad they lost vs ssw

White isn't playing cocky this year and are completely unbannable at any role, I see blue as more fragile a little bit shame it won't be the final since the actual final is going to be uglier than last year
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
So normal SK > TSM?
I'd so no. TSM had the game in hand until they made a ridiculously terrible call late that instantly lost the game.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
I'd so no. TSM had the game in hand until they made a ridiculously terrible call late that instantly lost the game.
I would have TSM win a bo5 3-2 against the pre drama S.K and in a group stage of 2 games that could have been elimination for TSM so yeah they ran very good not only getting a soft group but also having a weakened S.K.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 04:54 PM
bad late game calls should be expected from TSM
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by sputnik3000
I would have TSM win a bo5 3-2 against the pre drama S.K and in a group stage of 2 games that could have been elimination for TSM so yeah they ran very good not only getting a soft group but also having a weakened S.K.
No doubt. They ran ridiculously good.

Not that it matters too much since they'll be eliminated by White 100% of the time.

That late game throw may have cost them a chance at the Semi's because EDG looks very beatable right now.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 05:10 PM
The first game wasn't just sven not playing, sk got beat pretty convincingly

I think they'd be a pretty large favorite in bo5 -250 ish

Bjergson especially outclasses Jesiz and they'd need to super babysit him
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
I'd so no. TSM had the game in hand until they made a ridiculously terrible call late that instantly lost the game.
They didn´t even have a big lead, like 2k gold and no team really had the scaling advantage. SK had a fed vayne, TSM a fed Kog. SK had a super fed Khazix, TSM only a Lee. TSM Maokai > SK Swain and I`d probably say Ziggs > Syndra.

It would`ve been really really close.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by bottomset
The first game wasn't just sven not playing, sk got beat pretty convincingly

I think they'd be a pretty large favorite in bo5 -250 ish

Bjergson especially outclasses Jesiz and they'd need to super babysit him
Yeah S.K got beat badly in game 1 and yeah just slotting Svenskeren in there would probably not change much. However the mental hit S.K got when Svenskeren was suspended must be considered. They where arguably the most impressive team in the EU playoffs and where it not for Froggen and some individual plays they could very well have been champs.

When it comes to Jesiz i think hes pretty used to being in a disadvantage mid. EU has some pretty strong midlaners and S.K rarely focuses mid since its no big deal if Jesiz comes out reasonably behind.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 06:10 PM
I dunno what the line would be between TSM - SK. That last game was real close until the terrible call. TSM has historically had a hard time dealing with strong split pushers, they don't deal with any new things very well.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-21-2014 , 09:31 PM
Basically what we're all saying is:

Thanks Svenskeren

For robbing us of what would have been a really close and competitive battle for 2nd.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-22-2014 , 10:09 AM
Wonder if part of it was a bit of home cooking for what is by far their most popular team TSM. First they get basically the best draw they can get. Then they ban sk coach who let coach all season then they suspend their jungler. Who probably did deserve it but doing it during worlds screws their team hard.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-22-2014 , 01:18 PM
The banning of the coach was beyond stupid. Banning svenskeren was 100% the right call.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-22-2014 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
The banning of the coach was beyond stupid. Banning svenskeren was 100% the right call.
Why? This guy was super toxic and DDOS'r and was warned multiple times but kept doing stupid stuff. If you forgive guy like this then the rules have no reason to exist in the first place.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-22-2014 , 03:35 PM
Not sure if you guys have seen this, but there is a dude making infographics about worlds- here is his A/B group stage stats infographic:

here is his site:
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-22-2014 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Anssi A
Why? This guy was super toxic and DDOS'r and was warned multiple times but kept doing stupid stuff. If you forgive guy like this then the rules have no reason to exist in the first place.
Having rules against banned players being coaches is fine but changing the rules right before the most important games of the year is really bad.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-22-2014 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Anssi A
Why? This guy was super toxic and DDOS'r and was warned multiple times but kept doing stupid stuff. If you forgive guy like this then the rules have no reason to exist in the first place.
No argument there. The part that was silly was that they allowed him to coach them for 2 splits and then when worlds came around decided they could no longer allow him to because Coach's were to be official members of the team at that point.

He should have been disallowed from coaching them to begin with. But to change it right before worlds is unfair to SK.
World Championships 2014 Quote
09-22-2014 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by ZomgHax
No argument there. The part that was silly was that they allowed him to coach them for 2 splits and then when worlds came around decided they could no longer allow him to because Coach's were to be official members of the team at that point.

He should have been disallowed from coaching them to begin with. But to change it right before worlds is unfair to SK.
Yep this is my point to. And it's well know be has several accounts he plays on and they see to be fine with that.
World Championships 2014 Quote
