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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

04-06-2016 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by dlorc
Pros now whining about ekko opness.
Get your freelo in before it is nerfed.
rip karak
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04-06-2016 , 01:14 PM
I did get a penta with Ekko last night in ARAM. Opie OP!
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04-06-2016 , 02:08 PM
To be fair ekko is ridiculous at the moment.

Just had a game where I was leblanc and the enemy was playing Orianna. Her build path was ludens -> rabadons -> zhonyas meaning no MR

Ended 13/3/5 XD (she did 6/11/4)
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04-06-2016 , 06:28 PM
So I tested the R-E with ahri and I must say it's pretty slow. You can flash away if you react asap when you see her R because the E has about a 0,5-0,75 delay. It's pretty good for chokepoints and skirmishes though

E-flash is by far superior but you don't always have flash
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04-07-2016 , 04:23 AM
Just went straight into gold 3 from gold 5, so nice.
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04-07-2016 , 08:40 AM
My client crashed in champ select when I was up 2-1 in my series. Then I q'd as supp/mid for the last game and got did not go well. I'm officially tilted
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04-07-2016 , 06:18 PM
Getting pretty tired of league. It isn't fun begin dove by a top lane akali rushing sunfire at lvl 9 and you not being able to do anything cause she's too tanky (I was yasuo).

Add on top of that that currently it's 2 weeks since the mac fps-sound bug and still not fixed (if this was a windows bug it would've been hotfixed the day after) + add some dynamic queue and the BS excuses riot gives....
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04-07-2016 , 08:40 PM
You are not supposed to win yasuo vs akali post 6 anyways. Like honestly, if she goes dmg you are kinda ****ed toplane .
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04-08-2016 , 01:11 AM

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04-08-2016 , 03:03 AM
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04-08-2016 , 03:45 AM
Gratz, good job
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04-08-2016 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
You are not supposed to win yasuo vs akali post 6 anyways. Like honestly, if she goes dmg you are kinda ****ed toplane .
Sure but she builds tank. I played the lane pretty well freezing the lane before my turret and not missing cs, and trading a bit my E'ing and Q'ing. Then she gets a sunfire and legit 100-0 me under my tower at ~lvl 9. Now if she build damage and I was half hp thats one thing. But we're both at 100% hp and she leaves with more than 50% cause I died really fast and towers didn't do a thing.

How is this fun/balanced?
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04-08-2016 , 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by WildBobAA

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04-08-2016 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by superfire444
Sure but she builds tank. I played the lane pretty well freezing the lane before my turret and not missing cs, and trading a bit my E'ing and Q'ing. Then she gets a sunfire and legit 100-0 me under my tower at ~lvl 9. Now if she build damage and I was half hp thats one thing. But we're both at 100% hp and she leaves with more than 50% cause I died really fast and towers didn't do a thing.

How is this fun/balanced?
You are playing Yasuo and complain about losing a matchup, if you wanna win matchups then pick something that wins matchups. Akali has a ton of losing matchups, if you pick Yasuo Top and don't know how to deal with losing matchups then well that's your own doing.

There is many ways to deal with Akali Top, builds and jungle communication are important and obviously lanecontrol.

It starts with runes, I usually have an extra MR-Heavy runepage, but the standard attackspeed reds and LS quints should do as well. Startingitem in this case would be cull, I'd prob rush a spectrals cowl, you are top anyways so doesn't matter if you are low on dmg. I even build it mid vs stuff like Annie, not a fan of Hexdrinker.

Masteries are interesting too, I guess when survivability is important you can pick Aeges.

How to play the lane, prob push the first three levels then try to pull the fourth wave that it pushes harder towards you. If she goes for cs Q her, if you communicate with your jungle you can easily blow flash with Q knockup.

Last edited by NiSash1337; 04-08-2016 at 07:47 AM.
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04-08-2016 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
You are playing Yasuo and complain about losing a matchup, if you wanna win matchups then pick something that wins matchups. Akali has a ton of losing matchups, if you pick Yasuo Top and don't know how to deal with losing matchups then well that's your own doing.

There is many ways to deal with Akali Top, builds and jungle communication are important and obviously lanecontrol.

It starts with runes, I usually have an extra MR-Heavy runepage, but the standard attackspeed reds and LS quints should do as well. Startingitem in this case would be cull, I'd prob rush a spectrals cowl, you are top anyways so doesn't matter if you are low on dmg. I even build it mid vs stuff like Annie, not a fan of Hexdrinker.

Masteries are interesting too, I guess when survivability is important you can pick Aeges.

How to play the lane, prob push the first three levels then try to pull the fourth wave that it pushes harder towards you. If she goes for cs Q her, if you communicate with your jungle you can easily blow flash with Q knockup.
I pretty much did what you described except I started dorans blade and rushed phantom dancer. She just straight up dived me at lvl 9 with sunfire and got away easily. I'm not complaining about losing a matchup, I'm complaining about a champion building tank, towerdiving at lvl 9 and not even lose 50% hp.

Besides I doubt rushing a cowl works because most of her damage till level 11 was melee.

I was premade with wukong jungle but he never ganked because he was trying to save bot and midlane. He was top a couple times but couldn't find the trigger cause akali needed 2 seconds to clear the wave and then withdrew really far back.
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04-08-2016 , 10:14 AM
Then once again if you played it so well and there is like no other way for the matchup to go that doesnt end with you feeding, then maybe, just maybe your pick is garbage.
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04-08-2016 , 10:42 AM
Yeah, seems like most of the meta toplaners build sunfire+gauntlet and there's no way Yasuo will be able to fight them.
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04-08-2016 , 10:49 AM
Tank akali is majority magic damage. She works by maxing e and utilizing its base damage and super low cooldown. You spam e along with sunfire to do damage
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04-08-2016 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by superfire444
I pretty much did what you described except I started dorans blade and rushed phantom dancer. She just straight up dived me at lvl 9 with sunfire and got away easily. I'm not complaining about losing a matchup, I'm complaining about a champion building tank, towerdiving at lvl 9 and not even lose 50% hp.

Besides I doubt rushing a cowl works because most of her damage till level 11 was melee.

I was premade with wukong jungle but he never ganked because he was trying to save bot and midlane. He was top a couple times but couldn't find the trigger cause akali needed 2 seconds to clear the wave and then withdrew really far back.
How can you say you pretty much did what he described, lol? He said to start cull and rush cowl. You said you started doran's and rushed phantom dancer. That's like the opposite of what he said you should do. You rush cowl because tank akali's damage is not high, so the health/MR and boosted health regen after taking magic damage that you get from cowl allows you to outtrade her, or at least trade fairly evenly. You aren't going to be able to survive against tank akali as a squishy melee champ in the midgame without any sort of resists.
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04-08-2016 , 11:16 AM
grats Bob

Your true test is to carry Karak to Diamond now
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04-08-2016 , 11:19 AM
hah that noob has to get to plat 2 first before it lets me q w/ him because of the restrictions they put in the last patch
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04-08-2016 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by spgranger
How can you say you pretty much did what he described, lol? He said to start cull and rush cowl. You said you started doran's and rushed phantom dancer. That's like the opposite of what he said you should do. You rush cowl because tank akali's damage is not high, so the health/MR and boosted health regen after taking magic damage that you get from cowl allows you to outtrade her, or at least trade fairly evenly. You aren't going to be able to survive against tank akali as a squishy melee champ in the midgame without any sort of resists.
I think the problem is that he only looked at the strategic component of the game after the game has started, it starts in champselect. While Yasuo certainly is a lot of fun to play, you are in a world of hurt when you first/blind -pick him.

He doesn't have many winning matchups, barely any even matchups but a whole lot of losing matchups. Most of the even matchups are rather bad as well mostly because of jungleintervention.

That's why it's important to have diversified championpool(Or you could only play something like Orianna who can always farm)
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04-08-2016 , 12:50 PM
Yasuo has bad match-ups except things like malz that dgaf about wall, or cheated champ like Azir or Fizz ?
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04-08-2016 , 01:11 PM
Not sure I interpret what you wrote correctly.

The problem with Yasuo is that

a) he is mobile offensively, not defensively
b) He has to play aggressively to trade efficently, which opens him up for ganks
c) Then there is champions that just **** on him.
d) He is countered in teamfights by this specific champion.

For example Azir mostly fits category d) , lane is manageable if you build a vamp and just sustain, but he just cockblocks you in teamfights.

Annie and Malz are c), one shot potential long range harass, Annie also sets up well for ganks.

Then there is tanks Top, if you ever get pushed in you will be dove by a smart opponentjungler super early. If you manage to go even in lane vs Mal, it's just really hard to get away from a gank when he ultis you or he just sits on you in every teamfight.


Also I think it's important to have good junglers, so the higher you get in Elo the better Yasuo probably gets. Mostly because junglers understand the concept of warding, invading and counterganking better.

Last edited by NiSash1337; 04-08-2016 at 01:16 PM.
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04-08-2016 , 02:33 PM
I actually think yasuo is worse the higher you get

yasuo is so easy to farm on that he gets a massive edge at low elo. +yas is actually fairly weak in lane if you know how to play properly vs it and arn't playing ahri/lux type champs. Low elo players roll over to yasuo in lane.
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