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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

01-25-2015 , 02:44 AM
Hopefully all the idiots that ran like god, go back to elohell where they came from. Idiot top 1v1s the xin 5 times in a row, loses 5 times and then complains about his dmg. Another 10 deaths later she is like "1,5k dmg in 1.5 second". Yeah just maybe, your 15 deaths have something to do with it.
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01-25-2015 , 04:04 AM
[QUOTE=Mr.mmmKay;45931224]How do you play GP, right?

It's building statik shiv, IE first 2 items, isn't it?[/QUOTE

Start ruby crystal + 2 pots. You now beat everyone 1v1 and will get a ton of first bloods against anyone who will trade.

first back is a catalyst. Solves your mana issues and makes you not squishy. rush the components, and complete frozen gauntlet and static shiv. You get a lot of power spikes here.

3rd item, upgrade catalyst into move speed item, then work on ie. Boots 1 and 2 whenever you can, but they're low priority overall. 3rd item done is your core. Group up, your ult, slows, e, and aoe speed active make you impossible to get away from and you hit like a truck while being pretty tanky.

Even if you go even in lane or fall a little behind, tp and your ult influence bot/mid/dragon massively and you can win your team the game.

checkout punchdancer on lol king for completed build. Know your matchups and you wont have bad games. If they counter pick you just focus on your global presence. I was like 2-1 winrate last season over 70 gp games. 8-0 this season
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-25-2015 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
25 pts/win tho. lots of s5 diamonds in the games too. i guess this is standard?
the highest anyone placed was plat 1, so I'm willing to bet the b5-challenger range got compressed down to b5-plat1, rather than there being a hard cutoff @ p1
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-25-2015 , 11:36 AM
gp sucks tho

Last edited by BitchiBee; 01-25-2015 at 11:41 AM. Reason: gp real bad
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01-25-2015 , 03:14 PM
gold 5 s4 --> 7-3 --> gold 3 s5

3-1 nunu
2-2 irelia
2-0 nami
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-26-2015 , 12:26 AM
Only been playing for about 4 months now and first time playing ranked. Got placed in bronze 2 and the immediately demoted to bronze 3 lol. My office has a team in AHGL and needed a sub today though so I got to play. Team is mostly Golds and a couple lower. Playing 5v5s is so much more fun than soloq. I saved a replay of our game today if anyone is willing to watch and give me/us some advice or even just troll my bronze mechanics. It's the custom Gnar game on the page I linked below
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-26-2015 , 03:35 AM
so im a bronze 4 player and im fine with that

but i did find some stats that i cant understand

41 games 20 wins 21 losses

6.5 kills
3.9 deaths
11.2 assist

when i get to jungle and pick zac

7.7 kills
3.1 deaths
11.1 assists

am i too cowardly?
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-26-2015 , 05:04 AM
Your KDAs look really good. But they don`t tell the whole story. You could possibly be in the wrong place all the time(not grouping etc.). Can`t judge a player by KDAs only.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-26-2015 , 09:00 AM

best way to rile up your team in select
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-26-2015 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee

best way to rile up your team in select
trolling to start the game , great way to lose ...
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-26-2015 , 02:08 PM
Punch you should go spell + blade weaving instead of 3/3 warlord. Warlord is only 5 AD damage if you build 100 AD which you aren't even doing so its maybe 1-4 AD for most of the game, whereas you can very easily stack spell or blade weaving with aa + Q + aa for 3% extra damage all game.

Gonna try out this catalyst rush tho
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-26-2015 , 07:12 PM
Just had my best score ever on Sivir... and lost. Opened the game 18/3/10 with a support who was disconnected half of laning phase and not very good the other half. Our top and mid just too hopeless though. We were never ahead in gold from 3 minutes on.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-26-2015 , 10:23 PM
i skipped a league went from Plat V to Plat III after winning promos


considering all the challenger level guys streaming are currently D5 that aint so bad
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-26-2015 , 11:29 PM
Just played with a Bronze 3 player s4 , who took jungle from me then camped only his premade mid when the right thing to do was countergank top. Never tilted as hard.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-26-2015 , 11:29 PM
getting really bored of fiddle but feel obligated to play him any game i can

altho i have been crushing as annie
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-26-2015 , 11:52 PM
ffs now I play agaisnt them and tell my jungler and mid he is gonna camp and that all he has to do is to countergank. 1/8/1 mid and a pantheon with 1 assist 15 mins in. Thx god I just won my promo earlier and was at 0 lp
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01-27-2015 , 12:04 AM
otoh he can be a lot of fun sometimes

perrrrrfect KDA game!

Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-27-2015 , 03:02 AM
Just lost a game because my blitzcrank tried to solo baron.

Srsly just so tilting we have everything full build Nasus(me) vs Jax and they are 2 inhibs and a nexusturret down. We ace them and it`s two people left Sivir and Blitz. He already build AP and trolled all game because our midlane was 0/7. I carried so ****in hard that we made a comeback but he was like "I have to build AP because mid can`t carry"(He was 1/7/2 himself at that point). Anyways he pings baron like crazy and sivir goes base, which was probably the right decision as she was super low out of spite he stays on baron and gets executed.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-27-2015 , 09:39 AM
Dropped all the way down to B5 in placements. Won 7 games in a row after placements and skipped B4 right in to B3. Made it to B2 last night. Fixed my runes in accordance with that link that was posted in this or the other thread. Also started playing Leona as much as possible. She's so OP it's sick at this level.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-27-2015 , 10:11 AM
i just threw a game so hard

we are up 8k gold, 4 dragons to none, exposed inhib, we go for baron, they circle arround and poke, i go for the zac initiation, team focuses baron, i am completely tunnel visioned on killing a corki, i die, baron goes to enemy jungler and we get aced in the fight
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-27-2015 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Scary_Tiger
Opened the game 18/3/10
Opened a game 8/3/18 as Fiddlesticks with Sightstone since we had two tops. Unfortunately Akali went afk last 10 minutes and Zed went afk for various times and loved to harvest my wraiths and blue.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-27-2015 , 08:53 PM
sightstone is not something you should buy as fiddlesticks, 2 tops or no

although i have sometimes considered it as i buy an enormous amount of wards when i play fiddle, but it just doesnt work. you need the early damage scaling, esp if you have all teh gold
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-27-2015 , 10:44 PM
I know sweeper is probably ideal on fiddle, but might be OK in that case to upgrade the trinket ward for 250 and basically get a mini sights stone for a small price and no inventory slot.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-27-2015 , 10:48 PM
some guy posted how he went 0-10 in placements on reddit

does anyone see this guy's problem? it's very apparent from his match history.

Reddit guy:

Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
01-27-2015 , 10:51 PM
can't stick to a champ
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