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Solo Queue and BBV Thread Solo Queue and BBV Thread

12-13-2013 , 02:05 AM
surely if your jungler misses smite on a baron, berating him in chat will remedy the situation and help him play better for the rest of the game
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12-13-2013 , 03:00 AM
accidentally bought a static shiv on jungle shyv, so decided to go bork afterwards (plan was to go tanky)

static shiv + bork shyv does a lot of damage!
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12-13-2013 , 04:35 AM
Not really. Had a similar situation where I went Jax top into Yi and Trynd with a jungler who didn't help much. Just camped under the turret and didn't get much cs at all, ended up underfed the whole game and couldn't really have much of an impact.
ok, thanks. that's what I did (poorly, b/c my mouse was so bad i eventually switched to my trackball mid-game - do not try this unless your mouse is fubar), had like 130 q stacks after 20 mins or sth, and when opp team started throwing really hard one of them started berating me saying they could get 200 stacks in 15 min in a 1v2 lane. so i decided to ask here rather than straight up assuming they're just being ******ed. pretty happy with going 1/2/13 in that game actually considering my micro was atrocious
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12-13-2013 , 04:49 AM
Yeah I mean if you're in a 2v1 it just seems like even poking is futile esp if you have a melee champ. With Jax I could get decent poke, but mostly used my Q/W for ensuring minion hits or when one of them pressed too far forward and I was able to get them without absorbing autos from the other champ.

With Nasus I would prob just hang back, try to Q every cannon minion I can, and keep all my health. Then ping for ganks when one of them is left alone. Just engage when they're in range of tower. It's boring and it sucks, but you just have to remember that you're prob getting as much cs as each of them individually and your jungler should be crushing them in terms of gold.
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12-13-2013 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
Not really. Had a similar situation where I went Jax top into Yi and Trynd with a jungler who didn't help much. Just camped under the turret and didn't get much cs at all, ended up underfed the whole game and couldn't really have much of an impact.
Definitely a tough situation.

Did you explain it to your jungler? Most junglers don't understand to support the laner in this situation.

Vs Yi and Trynd you should be able to get some cs, the majority of melees definitely. You actually really want to encourage them to kill the tower in this situation. This can mean standing back, going to farm the jungle etc. Once the tower is down you can freeze the laner way back by your t2 and they won't be able to comfortably sit there all game.
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12-13-2013 , 09:44 AM
i know u weren't asking me but:
i didn't bother as initially my thought process was "great, i'll keep 2 of them busy here and we can snowball a lane", then i noticed lanes were struggling so figured best leave jungler be to help them as i'm not dying to these ****s anyway
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
12-13-2013 , 10:10 AM
I think that's a really risky strategy in solo queue (competitive 5 yes), sending the jungler into the lane unlocks all the farm that could have been lost (and assuming your jungler picked up single/double buffs it can be really favorable and deny them).

Solo queue junglers aren't going to be able to snowball lanes effectively, much safer to just even things out and get an advantage picking up some buffs every now and again. Presumbly whatever you do will scale better than Yi/Trynd (two dedicated split pushers chopping up one lanes farm lol).
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
12-13-2013 , 01:12 PM

so my mouse broke, i rly wanna play but only have trackball available. this should be fun.
on the upside, it's the best trackball in the world <3

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12-13-2013 , 01:19 PM
how is yasuo not free to play this week? guaranted better for marketing purposes than letting us wait, forcing us to buy if we rly wanna play him now
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12-13-2013 , 01:37 PM
because they like money
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12-13-2013 , 02:03 PM
went mundo (b/c when u have a trackball, yolo), played great other than not having health regen runes which hindered me...a lot. landed a great amount of cleavers and won easily despite my team raging at me early b/c i couldnt solo jungle (was still outfarming their jungler somehow)
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12-13-2013 , 07:15 PM

1st game with trundle after facing one I tried it out.
holy **** easy mode.
yorick was terribad though.
felt super safe alone in my lane,the E is unreal for escape

might try more.

I guess he does well vs tanky champs and not bursty champs?

edit:his auto attack anim felt a bit weird and missed cs due to not knowing him well,but love his attack speed boost.
might try jungling with him..but im doing so well with noc Im not sure
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12-13-2013 , 07:52 PM

got on the lucky team this time DD
total stomp.
tried roaming style and went well but it felt like playing vs bots.

im really winning points at a snail rate,hopefully I make it to promo serie at least.
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12-14-2013 , 12:33 AM
there's a 2+2er with thousands of trundle games who im sure can answer your questions
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12-14-2013 , 12:34 AM
but honestly, this video is probably one of the best things you can watch to learn trundle:

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12-14-2013 , 08:32 AM
Anyone else has heard about this 'triple Q'?!

3 players (friends on skype/ts) around the same elo, go together in the Q (the lowest 2 goes duo, and the higher one goes solo)

One of the premade presses accept to see howmany players already accepted so they can see if they are in the same Q or not.

When they are in the same team they know eatchoter so their teamplay is pretty good, and when the solo guy is in the enemy team, he plays 'bad', and gives up info about the jungler/incoming ganks
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12-14-2013 , 08:49 AM
Sounds incredibly scummy.
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12-14-2013 , 09:03 AM
Lol this guy comes in and basically just posts how he's figured out how to boost.
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12-14-2013 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by belg_owner
Anyone else has heard about this 'triple Q'?!

3 players (friends on skype/ts) around the same elo, go together in the Q (the lowest 2 goes duo, and the higher one goes solo)

One of the premade presses accept to see howmany players already accepted so they can see if they are in the same Q or not.

When they are in the same team they know eatchoter so their teamplay is pretty good, and when the solo guy is in the enemy team, he plays 'bad', and gives up info about the jungler/incoming ganks
the rumor is that this is how athene got to diamond
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12-14-2013 , 09:12 AM
Rumours lol, it was pretty much proven, just sad riot didnt ban his ass.
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12-14-2013 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by dlorc
Rumours lol, it was pretty much proven, just sad riot didnt ban his ass.
Can u show me this proof?

Last edited by belg_owner; 12-14-2013 at 10:05 AM.
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
12-14-2013 , 11:26 AM
sirhcez is like the #1 streamer in the mornings now. wow
i guess TSM being in germany left a void
Solo Queue and BBV Thread Quote
12-14-2013 , 12:59 PM
sirhcez is the best tho
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