Originally Posted by bottomset
Awful pick bans pretty much
No real excuse for a toplaner not being able to play Lulu can just run Vayne or Jinx instead of Kog if DL doesn't play Kog. So 1 game they gave up Juggermaw. 1 game they wasted a blue ban on Lulu. Though they did mind game TL to ban Lulu g1.
Beyond pick/ban their teamfight is god awful and you can't win games on 5.5 with that leak. Doublelift is the best laning Adc in NA but he's really bad after 20 mins. Zion is also really strong in lane and 1v2s but falls off hard.
Toplaner lulu with vayne is pretty bad imo. Such a short range adc (with zero damage spells) being the only damage source makes team fighting even worse. Jinx is prob OK tho but they tried similar vs TSM last week and were crushed.
Another problem with CLG is that they actually lost level 1s first 2 games with wasting time late laneswapping. Link underperformed as usual, and Fenix actually stepped up and didn't play like he normally does when Piglet was on the team. Game 1 was easily winnable by CLG until they made that mistake at the bottom inhibitor which made them too behind to splitpush. Game 2- if you miss every sej ult you're not going to win basically fighting 4v5 lol (they even lost the team fights when TL were at a weak period). Game 3- link on ezreal vs vlad sealed the deal of a horribly losing lane (even died 1v1), and zionspartan has always been weaker on rumble.
Also DL actually played OK (but not godlike or anything), but Piglet played fine/better than him unlike before, however xpecial crushed aphromoo.