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12-13-2012 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by cwar
Just figured out that AD Kayle has one of the fastest jungle clears in terms of post 20 minute xp/gold (I built a 20 minute Infinity Edge mostly farming with 1-2 kills). Is there any way to abuse this?

She's a great counter jungler, ok ganks and amazing season 3 jungle farming (I've actually been able to have the second highest gold and equal levels without lots of kills). Trouble is I tried pure ADC type builds and the two ADC wasn't favorable for team fights. So what's my build?

1/2 tank 1/2 bruiser?
Full AD with team built around it?
Full tank?
two adc's is fine for team fights. I actually saw clg-eu doing this near the end of s2 with really fantastic results. You just need to get a few things from your team to make up for having an adc in the jungle(initation/tankiness/peels)
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12-13-2012 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by cwar
Yeah that's the skill order I tried. 3 levels in E and you obliterate the jungle in seconds. I could see switching to Q at some point before finishing E but haven't tested it yet.

How are you liking Olaf season 3? My mains have been Mundo, Jax, Lee Sin. Jax feels by far the strongest, but I haven't found a real tank I'm comfortable with yet (I like Amumu but I get too much out of counter jungling right now to play him).

Love Olaf, rune, masteries his Ultimate passive + 1 blackcleaver (to simulate post nerf) is just so much armor pen on your Q & autoattack. You also have E for True damage if needed

He is the real tank and armor shredder
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12-13-2012 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Punch Dancer
two adc's is fine for team fights. I actually saw clg-eu doing this near the end of s2 with really fantastic results. You just need to get a few things from your team to make up for having an adc in the jungle(initation/tankiness/peels)
Yeah I saw that too, the corki running mid and gragas top or something if I remember correctly. Pretty badass.

How does the "tankiness" portion work this season? It seems like most bruisers want to build BC instead of health or armor/MR. We've run Yorick successfully in that role with the new muramana and he gets mega tanky but otherwise been struggling with the old "tanky" type guys.
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12-13-2012 , 02:29 PM
have you tried on hit kayle (nashors tooth, malady, wits end) cwar ? don't know how that fits into jungle but i feel she is more versatile than ad kayle (lower cooldowns, ult has 45 sec cooldown or something) and still does a ****ton of damage

what's your starting item on her in the jungle?
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12-13-2012 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by kabyz
have you tried on hit kayle (nashors tooth, malady, wits end) cwar ? don't know how that fits into jungle but i feel she is more versatile than ad kayle (lower cooldowns, ult has 45 sec cooldown or something) and still does a ****ton of damage

what's your starting item on her in the jungle?
I rushed Wriggles into a 20 minute IE, mostly because lifesteal is pretty critical to her clear early on and I counter jungle a lot (wanted to stay high). The IE I'm sure could be improved if I did it again I would go phantom dancer instead, on hit sounds appealing though.

I'm considering trying a wriggles into a tanky build mostly because I don't like how any of the other tanky junglers clear at the moment.
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12-13-2012 , 03:39 PM
In a game with nyjacky from curse atm
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12-13-2012 , 04:53 PM
getting a team of 5 on right now to play some gamesssss

anyone want in?
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12-13-2012 , 05:02 PM
streaming games (:

anyone feel free to join us!
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12-13-2012 , 06:28 PM
Get up at 2 pm. Lay back down at 430. I'm lazy.
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12-13-2012 , 07:00 PM
me and bumhunt are duoing
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12-13-2012 , 08:54 PM
probably redundant to say but the mana regen from nashors helps a bit too with staying high
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12-13-2012 , 09:03 PM
Hmm trolls.
ADC ziggs = I dodge.
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12-13-2012 , 10:16 PM
Hmm... want some opinions here.

I've been messing around with my runes. I've tried movement speed, damage, attack speed, etc, just to see what suits me best and my playstyle. I then screwed around and went with an all crit chance rune page with attack speed blues. My damage was low (58 or so level 1) and I started with brawler's gloves (the portion from Zeal). I've had pretty amazing results, which surprised me. My damage is low early game, but I have a 28% to crit at level 1, so poking my opponents in lane can be a little bit of damage then all of a sudden a 120 crit and they start running. Once they turn their back, I have a shot to kill them (playing Vayne still) because I can chase so well.

I go with Zeal first and potions for sustain. Then I go to boots and a damage item.

Right now I'm just messing around with it, but is this something that anyone ever really takes kinda seriously or viable in ranked?

The last few games have been back and forth, but in general I'm getting massive amounts of kills.
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12-13-2012 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Hmm... want some opinions here.

I've been messing around with my runes. I've tried movement speed, damage, attack speed, etc, just to see what suits me best and my playstyle. I then screwed around and went with an all crit chance rune page with attack speed blues. My damage was low (58 or so level 1) and I started with brawler's gloves (the portion from Zeal). I've had pretty amazing results, which surprised me. My damage is low early game, but I have a 28% to crit at level 1, so poking my opponents in lane can be a little bit of damage then all of a sudden a 120 crit and they start running. Once they turn their back, I have a shot to kill them (playing Vayne still) because I can chase so well.

I go with Zeal first and potions for sustain. Then I go to boots and a damage item.

Right now I'm just messing around with it, but is this something that anyone ever really takes kinda seriously or viable in ranked?

The last few games have been back and forth, but in general I'm getting massive amounts of kills.

You're just squishy as hell. Like, you'll likely lose to harass in lane if you don't have a healer support. It's completely glass cannon. If the person is better than you or understands how to harass you in lane, you'll be in a world of hurt. Obviously though, once you get a kill on him or force him to back prematurely, then yeah, you'll win the lane.

I strongly suggest that you learn other roles and not just 2 champs in ranked. I've watched a few of your games, and you're never in the meta. You've won outright a few times, but most of your losses are because of bad team comp. IE 2 ADC's and no jungler. Or no initiation or no conventional support. Some of your wins are pretty luckbox-y that the other team threw so hard when you were like 10k gold behind as a team. And the reason you were 10k gold behind was: no map awareness/no jungler/no support warding. I can go on.
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12-13-2012 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Jackitos

You're just squishy as hell. Like, you'll likely lose to harass in lane if you don't have a healer support. It's completely glass cannon. If the person is better than you or understands how to harass you in lane, you'll be in a world of hurt. Obviously though, once you get a kill on him or force him to back prematurely, then yeah, you'll win the lane.

I strongly suggest that you learn other roles and not just 2 champs in ranked. I've watched a few of your games, and you're never in the meta. You've won outright a few times, but most of your losses are because of bad team comp. IE 2 ADC's and no jungler. Or no initiation or no conventional support. Some of your wins are pretty luckbox-y that the other team threw so hard when you were like 10k gold behind as a team. And the reason you were 10k gold behind was: no map awareness/no jungler/no support warding. I can go on.
No, I know I have a lot of weaknesses. I was just testing out new theories or builds that may be out of the box thinking. It just seems everything is so standard when it comes to runes.

As far as teams go yeah, but it's not easy getting good teams. I mean I can play like 3 champs now, the issue is it takes me forever to get good with a champ. Lee sin, Vayne, Jarvan. I also have EZ, Annie, Gangplank, Garen, Kayle, Yi, nunu, Olaf, Panth, Poppy, Ryze, SHaco, Sivir, Soraka, Akali and Tryn. I can play a few of them, I might start playing Soraka.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-13-2012 , 11:33 PM
been trying kayle jungle a bit

machete -> wriggles is worse than machete -> berserkers boots -> stinger -> nashor's tooth

stinger lets you clear so much faster, so less damage taken, so you don't really miss the lifesteal all that much
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12-14-2012 , 12:09 AM
Can't carry ******ed team from jungle.
10/5/13 most gold in game on both teams 16.2k

They kept engaging 3v5
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12-14-2012 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by Jackitos

You're just squishy as hell. Like, you'll likely lose to harass in lane if you don't have a healer support. It's completely glass cannon. If the person is better than you or understands how to harass you in lane, you'll be in a world of hurt. Obviously though, once you get a kill on him or force him to back prematurely, then yeah, you'll win the lane.
Yeah. You're right. I'm taking too much damage and my sustainability in lane is suffering. Everything I do with my build is dependent on my partner. Not good.
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12-14-2012 , 01:32 AM
Welcome to the duo bot lane.
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12-14-2012 , 02:29 AM
What are the best positions to carry team and gain ELO for a good player? Mid and ADC?
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12-14-2012 , 03:14 AM
Top, mid, or ADC.

Jungle can do it, but you gotta be spot on with the ganks. Support can if your ADC is halfway competent to win the lane.
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12-14-2012 , 04:31 AM
switching it up to full armor pen / armor yellow / MR blue / AD quints for ad carries and it's awesome.
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12-14-2012 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by curve
switching it up to full armor pen / armor yellow / MR blue / AD quints for ad carries and it's awesome.
Just makes last hitting slightly harder, I think it's totally up to preference there as well.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-14-2012 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by kabyz
been trying kayle jungle a bit

machete -> wriggles is worse than machete -> berserkers boots -> stinger -> nashor's tooth

stinger lets you clear so much faster, so less damage taken, so you don't really miss the lifesteal all that much
Excellent, I'm definitely trying that.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
12-14-2012 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by kabyz
been trying kayle jungle a bit

machete -> wriggles is worse than machete -> berserkers boots -> stinger -> nashor's tooth
ofc it's worse, it's also 3350 less gold.
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