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03-26-2012 , 01:30 PM
this is even better than the two above:
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by ImsaKidd
This is how I imagine every low ELO game after reading this thread:
four stars divided by four stars

wolfram videos are awesome as well. I welcome more of the like

Last edited by Punch Dancer; 03-26-2012 at 02:00 PM.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 02:02 PM
on a slightly more serious note:
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03-26-2012 , 02:07 PM
herp derp Udyr question:

The persistent effects of his stances, are they only active when he's in that stance or always active?

How do you use his abilities for jungling and for teamfights? I usually preload turtle for jungle then activate phoenix when I hit the first creep. Then once turtle is up again I reactivate that and instantly switch back to phoenix. So my question is, when does the life steal from turtle take effect?

For ganks/teamfights I activate bear for the speed and stun, then once I stun them I do phoneix and then instantly turtle. Then cycle through those 3 in the same order once they're up.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 02:10 PM
best tourney moment ever imo
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03-26-2012 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
herp derp Udyr question:

The persistent effects of his stances, are they only active when he's in that stance or always active?

How do you use his abilities for jungling and for teamfights? I usually preload turtle for jungle then activate phoenix when I hit the first creep. Then once turtle is up again I reactivate that and instantly switch back to phoenix. So my question is, when does the life steal from turtle take effect?

For ganks/teamfights I activate bear for the speed and stun, then once I stun them I do phoneix and then instantly turtle. Then cycle through those 3 in the same order once they're up.
all 3 stances have 1 effect that is active only when in that stance, and 1 effect that has a short duration and is not effected by switching out of the stance.
in stance............. | ..............short duration
tiger : attack speed | Damage overtime on first attack
turtle : mana/hp steal | Shield
bear : stun on attack | movement speed
pheonix : aoe and ap dmg on hit | aoe damage aura

you just switch between turtle and pheonix/tiger(depending on what ur playing) to maximize ur passive (keep 3 stacks), and to balance damage and mana/life regen for sustain.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Punch Dancer
best tourney moment ever imo
Came here expecting dat arrow, you did not disappoint me sir
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03-26-2012 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Punch Dancer
all 3 stances have 1 effect that is active only when in that stance, and 1 effect that has a short duration and is not effected by switching out of the stance.
in stance............. | ..............short duration
tiger : attack speed | Damage overtime on first attack
turtle : mana/hp steal | Shield
bear : stun on attack | movement speed
pheonix : aoe and ap dmg on hit | aoe damage aura

you just switch between turtle and pheonix/tiger(depending on what ur playing) to maximize ur passive (keep 3 stacks), and to balance damage and mana/life regen for sustain.
Ya this is why tiger is godly for ganking in comparison with Phoenix (which is overall much better/faster besides ganks). You can preload the tiger DOT, switch to bear for the movespeed/stun, first hit stuns them + does DOT, then you can switch to tiger immediately and get off a second DOT for LOL burst damage.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 03:14 PM
But almost every jungle guide I've read skips over tiger until the last skills.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction
Came here expecting dat arrow, you did not disappoint me sir
So stupid that they are chasing bird through the forest when they have a clean look at baron, looks like **** you see at my elo
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 03:56 PM
ranked duo with gospy, cant seem to win lately
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03-26-2012 , 05:22 PM
My Draw Something masterpiece

League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by imolin
ranked duo with gospy, cant seem to win lately
I watch your stream every once in a while but today it is lagging alot idk why it never has before
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
But almost every jungle guide I've read skips over tiger until the last skills.
I main udyr as jungler, and yea phoenix is great and most guides recommend phoenix because of the incredibly fast clears, and great counterjungling. If you go phoenix there is little use for tiger until late given that turtle and bear are both amazing too. However, at my elo (1300-1400), I'd say i go tiger probably 1/2 the time. Phoenix is tough to gank with early, since you need 3x procs to do full damage. 2x Tiger dots + red + bear stun wrecks ppl, and with a semi-competent teammate you can get them a kill, which hopefully allows them to snowball and win lane. Tiger isn't as fast as phoenix, but its still faster than most junglers since you get bonus attack speed from passive and tiger.

The other option is you can hybrid, which makes you a bit weaker cause you only get 1 level in turtle early. This is what I usually wind up doing. 3 levels in phoenix, 1 in bear, 1 turtle, then get tiger at 6, letting you tiger + bear + tiger on ganks while still having 3 levels of phoenix for fast clears.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by litlebullet
I watch your stream every once in a while but today it is lagging alot idk why it never has before
Same, really laggy
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 06:54 PM
So you dont use phoenix at all in ganks? What about team fights?
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
So you dont use phoenix at all in ganks? What about team fights?
yes, of course. If ur pheonix udyr it's your primary damage skill.

in team fights I'm usually stance dancing as fast as I can, trying not to end up in turtle stance very long. It's kinda like sona, when in doubt, faceroll across ur spells.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 07:52 PM
Another LB game, another 14-2-14 win.

Common 1100s, one time!
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03-26-2012 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
So you dont use phoenix at all in ganks? What about team fights?
Its really game/team dependent. Obv if I am going phoenix and ganking early I am ganking with phoenix. If you have lanes with cc, you can skip tiger because you are pretty much guaranteed to get off 3 phoenix procs with bear->phoenix + lanemates cc. At level 6 (when I would get tiger), lvl 3 Phoenix proc is going to do more damage than your level 1 tiger. Looking at the wiki cause not ingame atm, lvl 3 phoenix is 35 magic damage/sec for 5 secs, 120 magic damage on the 3rd hit, and extra AD/AP (so a bit more damage than what i just said since phoenix scales off AP). Its just getting those 3 procs off to get max damage is tough if your lane has no cc, because you will bear-->phoenix, attack 2 times then they flash away and you have to bear to chase em. Lvl 1 tiger does iirc ~130 damage at lvl 6 with no AD runes/masteries (so assuming like ~70 AD), so if you tiger->bear->tiger you can hit them for 260 guaranteed magic damage if you get both procs off (which you should if you preload tiger before bear).

On the other hand, pure tiger clears slower, and you are much less tanky, but you hit like a ****in truck on early ganks. Running AD runes and some AD masteries (21/9 or 9/21 instead of 0/21/9) you have like ~80 AD at lvl 4 and lvl 2 tiger, so your tiger procs hit for 80 + (80x1.5) =200. Getting off 2 tiger procs is a ridiculous 400 magic damage before resists, not counting the actual damage from the attacks and the red proc. This just blows people up in lane early. Obv tiger is focused much more on ganking whereas phoenix is focused more on fast clears and counterjungling. Tiger will fall behind if you don't get kills/assists whereas phoenix can just farm and counterjungle nonstop.

In team fights, either way I mainly run around slapping people and turtling damage if focused. You can either choose to go after their carries and slap them so they get focused, or protect your carries from divers and slap them around. Tiger doesn't do quite as much damage even lvl 5 late game since people have high magic resist, although you can still blow up squishies with tiger+bear. Phoenix also does kind of bleh damage even at lvl 5, only things it has over tiger is AoE and the bonus AP/AD. If you really want to max damage you could go like tiger->bear->phoenix for 3 hits->tiger->bear->turtle if focused etc. JUST MAKE SURE TO SLAP PPL

Other random cool things about getting a level of tiger at 6 is that tiger and phoenix scale off of eachother pretty nicely, so you can tiger->phoenix and get the tiger dot on your first phoenix hit, and the extra attack speed bonus for the first few phoenix hits, meaning faster phoenix procs. That early level of tiger can also lead to faster dragons and pushing down turrets, although that is rarely happening at lvl 6.

Last edited by Nonfiction; 03-26-2012 at 08:19 PM.
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03-26-2012 , 08:14 PM
Also I think that phoenix is def better overall especially if you are playing with and against non-******s that aren't constantly overextending, not warding, etc. Plus phoenix wrecks if you are going against slower/weaker junglers like mumu or gp since you can just go steal his jungle nonstop. Going 0/21/9 and phoenix also lets you start boots +3 which has a number of advantages over cloth +5 tiger.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Nonfiction

Other random cool things about getting a level of tiger at 6 is that tiger and phoenix scale off of eachother pretty nicely, so you can tiger->phoenix and get the tiger dot on your first phoenix hit, and the extra attack speed bonus for the first few phoenix hits, meaning faster phoenix procs. That early level of tiger can also lead to faster dragons and pushing down turrets, although that is rarely happening at lvl 6.
Good post. When i hear people talk udyr, he seems so damn complex compared to how I use him. I rarely ever throw phoenix into the mix even at jungle (Not saying this is most efficient). Im not too worried about clearing times because hes pretty fast and I find maxing tiger just explodes people on your ganks. Turtle into bear for quick stun then Tiger until i can either stun again or shield. Phoenix would be useful for teamfights but nott too much of that when im maxing my tiger. Almost impossible to 1v1 i find.

Did you know that u can use Irelias ult twice for two blades and it will reset after 30 seconds? I did't until a few days ago by mistake
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 10:54 PM
Alright, new free champ rotation quick breakdown:

AP melee champion. Most often built as a tank. Has a fun ultimate that makes him grow in size the more things he kills with it.

Already made a post about GP. A good choice for a new player, imo.

Considered a noob-stomber but difficult to play as a new player. Highly mobile AP caster. His ult basically teleports him a short distance and is recastable as long as you have the mana for it.

Master Yi
Melee champion that can be built AP or AD. Has an ability that heals him, so if you find yourself taking lots of damage in lane and having to go back often, Yi may be a good choice.

Melee champ who could potentially teach you to last hit better. His Q has stacks, so the more minions you kill with it, the more damage it does. He has a slow and an ult that makes him go god mode for a bit. Typically build on the tankier side, relying on lots of stack on Q for damage output.

Typically played as a jungler, but can be used in lane. Super tanky. Has a move that increases his speed and slows the first enemy he hits. Has a taunt, and has a move that deals damage to enemies that are dealing damage to him.

Typically played as a support character. Has a targeted stun, a heal, and sheild, and an ult that pumps allies' stats. If you want to play more of a helping role instead of doing the killing yourself, look into Taric.

Most commonly played as a ranged AD carry but doesn't quite fit the standard description of one. Urgot tends to be built tankier and focus less on pure damage. Has some very fun skills including an ultimate that swaps positions with an enemy.

Your classic ranged AD carry. Cait builds almost pure damage and attack speed and relies on autoattacks instead of abilities for the majority of her damage. Has a cool ultimate that lines up a target and shoots after a few seconds.

AP caster. Has a root, a slow which is also a DoT, another DoT, and an ultimate that heals him for some of the damage dealt and turns him into a bird. His passive regenerates mana which is nice for lane sustainability.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 11:22 PM
heres a kassadin guide for new players, its quite outdated but the mindset is the important thing for kassadin

also urgot being an ad carry always seemed weird to me, having venge ult and no real aa prowess
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-26-2012 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
heres a kassadin guide for new players, its quite outdated but the mindset is the important thing for kassadin

also urgot being an ad carry always seemed weird to me, having venge ult and no real aa prowess
Yeah, I wasn't really sure how to describe him. I kinda wanna try solo top Urgot, actually.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
03-27-2012 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by Priptonite
Yeah, I wasn't really sure how to describe him. I kinda wanna try solo top Urgot, actually.
He makes a really good bruiser.
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