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League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion

07-24-2013 , 04:09 PM
oddone streaming an in house 1v1 cassiopea tourney with the loser having to do the dishes.

42k viewers.. lol
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07-24-2013 , 04:33 PM
Sorry to the guys I was in game with my cable went oit
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07-24-2013 , 04:48 PM
9 reports
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07-24-2013 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
oddone streaming an in house 1v1 cassiopea tourney with the loser having to do the dishes.

42k viewers.. lol
OddOne doing dishes.. went 0-4 lol.
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07-24-2013 , 05:51 PM
geeeze oddone twitch almost 100mm views
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07-25-2013 , 01:51 AM
btw, a while ago, lemonnation [support of c9] said something real insightful in his ama.

he said basically marksman (ranged autoattacker) should not be played as carry (#1 in dota 12345 system).. like ashe zyra lane that c9 runs, ashe is like #3 and is utilityish and does alot more with less farm. he said that gold on them isn't efficient enough.

i think hes right but i dont know where it is going, maybe ranged ad is the new top lane so to speak. if ranged ad champs begin running teleport and splitpushing, you heard it here first.
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07-25-2013 , 02:04 AM
These are the sorts of posts that can greatly benefit from a link.
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07-25-2013 , 08:09 AM
I think Lemon was basically saying that their priority for farm is different from most teams. For example, everyone knows CLG is all about Doublelift getting close to full item build and winning the game for them. C9 puts more farm priority on the solo lanes because they hit earlier and sharper power spikes than your Marksman/ADC. This is due to the fact that solo laners will be multiple levels up on them. Their favorite solo laners include Jayce, Kennen, Ryze, Rumble, Zed, and TF. All of those champs deal pretty heavy damage with early items, and C9 wants that early power spike for their objective heavy game style.

DOTA is much different from LoL in terms of farm priority/system. This is due to heroes in dota (At least the ones popular in competitive play) being much more mobile than LoL champions, and they also have TP scrolls so positioning can be remedied much faster. Once midgame comes around in DOTA, your #1 can often farm 2 lanes fairly quickly (Anti-Mage with Bfury is a great example of this) which leaves your team with only 1 lane and jungle to farm from (Though the play is more objective/gank based at this time too). Also, in DOTA, there's often no tradeoff between survivability and damage, due to the stats system. Your carries are always Agility or Strength heroes, and each point of a hero's specific stat gives them not only 1 damage, but increasing agility also increases armor, while increasing strength increases HP.

Also, it is well known that Ashe is better known as a high utility Marksman/ADC due to her ability to initiate. Because she has such high utility, C9 doesn't place as much value on farm relative to the team compared to if they were playing a hyper carry type ADC (Vayne, Kog, Trist), which they generally don't play (Their top 3 ADC picks include none of those).
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
07-25-2013 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
btw, a while ago, lemonnation [support of c9] said something real insightful in his ama.

he said basically marksman (ranged autoattacker) should not be played as carry (#1 in dota 12345 system).. like ashe zyra lane that c9 runs, ashe is like #3 and is utilityish and does alot more with less farm. he said that gold on them isn't efficient enough.

i think hes right but i dont know where it is going, maybe ranged ad is the new top lane so to speak. if ranged ad champs begin running teleport and splitpushing, you heard it here first.
This is just the C9 way of playing.

Here is some stats I collected about C9's farm distribution:

At 15 mins:
Top 25%
Jungle 20%
Mid 27%
AD 26%
Support 2%

vs. Opponent at 15 mins
Top 26%
Jungle 14%
Mid 27%
AD 31%
Support 2%

And at Game end:
C9 Farm Percentage
Top 24%
Jungle 17%
Mid 27%
AD 29%
Support 3%

vs. Opponent Farm Percentage
Top 25%
Jungle 14%
Mid 27%
AD 32%
Support 3%

Essentially C9 sacrifice the AD Carry's early farm in order to give Meteos farm across the game, so they delay the power curve of Sneaky slightly. Thus they need to make up for it somehow - and that is why Sneaky plays:
Draven (because he doesn't need item equivalency to do damage)
Ashe (cause of LDO utility)
Ezreal (blue ez needs slightly less items and has more utility)

I'm going to write a long post somewhere about C9 just putting my finishing touches on it.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
07-26-2013 , 11:31 PM
I'm going random discussion here. I'm at work, 11.5 of 12 hour shift complete. Playing 2-3 hours of LoL when I get home.

Playa play on.
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
07-31-2013 , 05:31 AM
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
07-31-2013 , 05:55 AM
I might be a slow pony here but...

good fkn riddance to AP yi! God what a dumb champ.
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07-31-2013 , 06:59 AM
I say good riddance to me buying Bulwark and Locket every game. I would be able to convince my support to buy one like maybe one game in five.

I do worry about the health regen on Spirit Visage is going to provide an obnoxious amount of sustain.
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07-31-2013 , 02:19 PM
thoughts after one game facing him:

yi's dmg is stupid high.
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07-31-2013 , 02:29 PM
In the most recent patch Riot has changed a few champ classifications, and also added the "Marksman" designation in replacement of the carry designation. One quick lul I got out of it is that Nidalee is classified as an assassin, though I guess we could have a discussion on that.
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07-31-2013 , 02:44 PM
assasin is exactly what nidalee is high single target upfront dmg high mobility minimal cc and good dueling

her only non assassin trait is high range, but irelia is tanky and kassadin is bad at dueling they're still assasins in league
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07-31-2013 , 02:59 PM
I've been playing AP Zyra bot in dominion, no one respects the damage, Q+ auto+ plant auto hits pretty damn hard lvl3 and you push about as well as anyone early

plus the drop 2 plants E as they exit fountain is pretty high on the troll list
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07-31-2013 , 03:56 PM
im like 5-0 with zyra in aram

plants with liandry's are so op
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07-31-2013 , 04:23 PM
all the supports are OP in ARAM

Sona is the best champ by a good margin
Janna, Zyra, Fiddle, Soraka are top10-15ish
Lulu is solid, Blitz is good, Taric is good
Leona is strong too

Thresh sucks but that's about it, Ali too if you can't WQ
League of Legends Meta/Patch/General Discussion Quote
08-01-2013 , 01:45 AM
alistar is like the best champ in aram, only reason his winrate is low is because of idiots trying to WQ when they should just be staying alive maxing and spamming E for OP massive aoe heals
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08-01-2013 , 08:33 AM
only difference in yi now is that his pentakills involve physical damage instead of magic damage
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08-01-2013 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by 21times20
alistar is like the best champ in aram, only reason his winrate is low is because of idiots trying to WQ when they should just be staying alive maxing and spamming E for OP massive aoe heals
Pretty sure that Q and W them into tower is more OP than heals.

I did go up against a Thresh/Ali/Blitz/Taric/MF comp one time. It was the most frustrating thing in my life, ever. AP Taric, AP/Tank Blitz - get hit by 1 hook or Taric stun and you die.

Teamfights were stupid. Because we could never have a 5v5, someone always got instagibbed before fight. Blitz/Taric ult/w are so insane for AE damage.
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08-01-2013 , 02:40 PM
true about ali, but his W and Q are utility. maxing the heal is correct thing to do
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08-01-2013 , 09:19 PM
2 months old, but jezus. check 22:20, best lee sin initiate ever?
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08-01-2013 , 09:22 PM
I actually pull that move out fairly frequently. Still amazing to watch the master do it
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