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Why play 8-game? Why play 8-game?

01-11-2010 , 01:50 PM
Is it because of the variety of games and how fun it is? Or because the games are super soft, or both?
Why play 8-game? Quote
01-11-2010 , 04:05 PM
Both. You avoid specialists, there's more variety, and you get to practice games you may not be as good at.
Why play 8-game? Quote
01-11-2010 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by 2J4U
Both. You avoid specialists, there's more variety, and you get to practice games you may not be as good at.
+1. Games can be supersoft and there will be games where people have no clue how to play.
Why play 8-game? Quote
01-11-2010 , 09:08 PM
As well as any complete fishes in a certain game, the idea against 'better' opposition is to use some games to break their will, and tilt them into gifting you money in other games.

Which games you choose to carry out this manipulation depends on the nature of the table. LAG approaches on streets in games where the hands are rarely WB coupled with tighter approach in other games.
Why play 8-game? Quote
01-13-2010 , 01:30 PM
I play it because it is fun for me. I know I suck but playing 8 game just is a good time. I been playing Hold em for 5 years+ now and its just boring to me anymore, so I donate my tourney winnings at 8game cash, lol. Euro guys love me.

I am trying to get better at the other games though.
Why play 8-game? Quote
01-14-2010 , 01:06 AM
I will add a +1 for 'its just more fun'.
Why play 8-game? Quote
01-15-2010 , 08:13 PM
1. It's fun. Low limit newbs love it.
2. It's a really fun drinking game. Especially 2-4 and 4-8. Dollars, not hundreds of dollars.
3. It challenges the pros that have made all their $$$ at one game that's their specialty, to think outside the box and try something new.
4. The 400-800 has seen some really soft times if I, little roxy managed to beat it for any amount of dollars. Hopefully those times will return.
The 2-7 seems to be the real action game at times. Personally, haven't studied the game much at all, but I know against opponents that like to call 3 bets and draw three, I'll survive on good instincts. Not meaning to insult anyone that likes to gamble in this way, I just know I feel soooo good holding the 77642 with three draws to go after opponents draw three and two We're all gmablers in one way or another right?
5. Straight up Hold Em gets boring after awhile. So does Limit O8 sometimes right? And razz needed a resurrection, it's fun. Really. People always rag on the simplicity of razz but....So what? It's still a pokergame. And you can win moneeey (sing to the tune of PINK-So What?)

5 more intelligent reasons to play 8-game mix by roxy coming soon. What can I say, I'm just a newb poster trying to level up. But I was around for the days of Frank Henderson's R.O.E. game at the CA tournaments and people would often come back from smoking and put bets in with their mind on the wrong game. AA10 in razz. So maybe this is another reason? Frank, if you are listening, you are a genius TY
Why play 8-game? Quote
01-25-2010 , 03:59 PM
Here are my main reasons:

1) I have ADD, and the rotation keeps me focused. Seriously.

2) I've studied all the games pretty thoroughly, and play each independently, but at an 8 game table each round is significantly softer than in the "real world". Table selection for some of the games can be limited at times.

3) 6 handed Stud games allow a looser playing style that I find more fun.

4) 6 handed flop games are all I play except HORSE, where I'll feel a bit out-of-sorts.

5) The RAZZ rounds are super chip-dumping. Others may hang their hats on the softness of PLO or TD (they do have a point), but I often cannot believe how far some of these players are willing to go with a big pair to defend against a possible ante-steal. Talking about raising and capping on multiple streets when clearly way behind--and they don't think we're playing stud! I mean they must think I'm constantly trying to steal with rolled-up trips or something.

6) Analyzing how an opponent played certain hands in certain spots in certain games to extrapolate what they are doing right now in this game is FUN. It's a lot of fun in HORSE, and more so in 8 game because of the potential NLHE payoff.
Why play 8-game? Quote
01-25-2010 , 05:07 PM
Also helps as a change of pace if you're on a career-worst downswing playing KCL
Why play 8-game? Quote
