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What does "freezing" mean? (2-7 triple draw lowball) What does "freezing" mean? (2-7 triple draw lowball)

09-27-2010 , 12:43 PM
I know that with close to 200 posts and pretty much all of them in this forum I should know what the term "Freeze" means in TDL!!

Can someone explain to me what it means to freeze??
What does "freezing" mean? (2-7 triple draw lowball) Quote
09-27-2010 , 01:06 PM
Freezing usually happens when you're in position, and you make a hand that has good showdown value, but might not be strong enough for a raise. Usually hands anywhere from 87 to 98 fit this category. Villain might be pat already, or might be drawing the same number as you. You've probably used the freeze play fairly often (since you've been playing for a fair amount by now) but just don't know that there's a name for it.

Basically, freeze=just call after villain bets and pat behind him.
What does "freezing" mean? (2-7 triple draw lowball) Quote
09-27-2010 , 01:14 PM
The term freezing means just calling a bet intending to pat in positon vs an opponent you suspect is pat also to get the opponent to pat a weaker hand, as opposed to raising in which would make you opponent break the bottom of his patting range. Example you are in position and make an 87642 on the after the second draw went 1:1 on the draw. You opponents bets out and you know he will be pat as he doesnt bet in this spot without a pat hand. You call and he pats expecting you to still be drawing but then you pat behind. Now you have forced your opponent to pat with a worse hand than yours (or you have miminized the damage if he has a monster i guess) as opposed to raising here where your opponent will either break his rougher pats so your raise actually reduces your equity in the pot, or you get 3 bet with the top of his range which puts you in a gross spot, or just calls and pats and then most of the time you still dont know where you are at in the hand. Freezing is often used at the micro level of td, almost to the point it is over used. (I remember someone froze me with no. 5 one time, luckily i had number four).
What does "freezing" mean? (2-7 triple draw lowball) Quote
09-27-2010 , 01:40 PM
Thanks guys.......exactly what I thought it was!!

Ive been using this more lately vs opps that I know CAN break a hand. The results have been good. Ive used it in the past as well but not really with the intention of keeping them from breaking.

It led to nice VB spots last night!!
What does "freezing" mean? (2-7 triple draw lowball) Quote
09-29-2010 , 02:44 PM
tbh using it before the last draw is something I really never do.

But it's a powerful tool to use on the last draw for the reasons stated above.
What does "freezing" mean? (2-7 triple draw lowball) Quote
