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The Well: DeathDonkey The Well: DeathDonkey

02-17-2010 , 07:08 AM
Good answers, thank-you.
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-17-2010 , 11:59 AM

against an active, slightly loose badugi player who raises EP. you are dealt A23x badugi on the button. what does x need to be before you pat the whole way?
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-17-2010 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by howzit

against an active, slightly loose badugi player who raises EP. you are dealt A23x badugi on the button. what does x need to be before you don't cap the whole way?
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-17-2010 , 12:22 PM
have you played in Casino Arizona's TD game? how comfortable we're you? any other comments...
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-17-2010 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by DeathDonkey
Do you have any hobbies besides poker?

Programming, learning golf, playing strategic nerdy fun board games, used to play magic, any game really.
Congrats for hosting this thread DeathDonkey (or dwelling into that well, depending on the way you look at it).

If you like strategy board games, I highly recommend arimaa (check out

Originally Posted by Buzz
Thanks for agreeing to host a well, Death Donkey.
Thought the well hosted the player
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-17-2010 , 03:31 PM
What are the most common mistakes you see players (beginners and pros) make often, in 2-7 TD?

At what limit can one make a modest living playing solely 2-7 TD?

Why do you suck at big bet games?
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-17-2010 , 04:18 PM
Do you still play on PS a lot ? I hardly ever see you

Since you consider groth as one of the top player, why dont you put him in the big games?

Where were u hidding in australia ? I heard you were there but didnt get to meet with you
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-17-2010 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by strongsauce
What did you think of Chris Fargis, "SaveMySkin" 's game? He pretty much stopped playing poker since starting his fantasy gambling site but he use to post a ton about TD and played in the high stakes games on UB. He probably was the only person talking about TD at all in '05
Definitely a solid player, I met him last summer in a mix game at Rio so I know he still plays a bit, but not as much on Stars anymore. He was good at the game before most so he probably won a lot of extra $ as a result of his pioneering. From playing with him on Stars I thought he was too aggro and showed down a bit too much, but those are hardly bad qualities to have and they are very standard among high stakes players. He also refused to coldcall pre which a lot of winning players think is standard now.

Originally Posted by howzit

against an active, slightly loose badugi player who raises EP. you are dealt A23x badugi on the button. what does x need to be before you pat the whole way?
Good question, probably a ten, maybe a jack against some guys who draw bad and will call the turn bet unimproved anyway. Tossing the pat hand is mostly to get action and a little about equity imo in those heads up spots.

Originally Posted by tablecop
have you played in Casino Arizona's TD game? how comfortable we're you? any other comments...
Just once, we started a 75/150 game, they beat me for 5k or so, I didn't bring enough cash on the trip since it wasn't a poker trip, sadface. Game was great, people showed down the 3567 draws and even the 4567 draws enough to know its a great game, just like most TDL games are

Originally Posted by thejumpoff
What are the most common mistakes you see players (beginners and pros) make often, in 2-7 TD?

At what limit can one make a modest living playing solely 2-7 TD?

Why do you suck at big bet games?
Most people either draw at too rough of hands when they should simply fold, or they pat their hands too early because they feel good when they win but don't realize they basically were coin flipping and gave up substantially equity and implied odds. People hate to feel that they left it up to chance so they would prefer to pat a jack, rather than draw at 2347, even though the equity vs a 1 card draw is almost identical, and the implied odds favor the 2347 draw. People also play the river extremely poorly, especially when both players take 1.

I'd think you could make a living at 10/20, not really sure.

I suck at big bet because limit players are trained and conditioned to do things that are really good in limit games, and really bad in big bet games (such as being a showdown monkey). I have millions of hands of experience that make my instincts awful for big bet :P

Originally Posted by Seb86
Do you still play on PS a lot ? I hardly ever see you

Since you consider groth as one of the top player, why dont you put him in the big games?

Where were u hidding in australia ? I heard you were there but didnt get to meet with you
Haven't played much of anything in the last month, but I pop in there from time to time and get in my 2k hands a month! You play too big for me too now I'm sure.

I'll let groth make his own bankroll decisions, also as a general answer to staking questions there have to be good reasons for someone to play a bigger game when a smaller game is easily accessible. For instance someone playing 10/20 is almost always better off playing 10/20 than playing 20/40 and selling half his action.

Sorry I missed you, I was hanging out with vingtcent a bunch but never ran into you. I did meet boro83 while down there.
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-17-2010 , 08:47 PM
Thanks for this and your other posts, of course.

Originally Posted by DeathDonkey
Playing strategic nerdy fun board games...

What are we talking here, euro games? Uno? What do you think your edges are vs. a random person on the street in

-Backgammon (a 5-point match, say)
-Race for the Galaxy

(I love these games)
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-17-2010 , 11:59 PM
I'm terrible at Scrabble and Backgammon and don't know Race for the galaxy. Yeah I play some Euro style board games such as Dominion, Puerto Rico, San Juan, Container, Agricola, etc.
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-18-2010 , 11:42 AM
Zerg, Terran, Protoss or Random?

Rush or Timed?

Did you like teching or rushing?
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-18-2010 , 11:48 AM
Was it you who did the connect 4 video on DC. If so, planning on more?

If poker didn't exist what would you be doing?
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-18-2010 , 01:45 PM
I was ok at starcraft, never great, played random slight preference to zerg after brood wars came out, usually rushing.

No Private Joker did the connect 4 video, probably not more of that game but we are always looking for new fun games and stuff for the "now for something different" series.
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-19-2010 , 02:30 PM
If you had to pick one triple draw hand to call your best played ever, what would it be?

What do you consider as the best place to for seafood in San Diego? What do you consider as the best place for steak?

On a scale of 1 to 10 how good is your wife at detecting when you've had a bad session?
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-19-2010 , 09:57 PM
Hmm, I had a fun one a couple months ago where on the river all 3 people drew one, it went bet, call, and in tempo I bluff raised with a straight and both folded. I liked it because it required some pretty specific player reads and a bit of good luck.

I am still looking for good seafood in San Diego, there are lots of good sushi places but seafood is harder to come by. Places that I like best are really not "seafood" only places per se but have great seafood dishes, such as Arterra, Market, or George's. Best steak is a no brainer for Donovan's.

I'd say my wife's detection skills are around a 3, but hopefully some of that is because I don't let it carry over too much.
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-20-2010 , 10:14 AM
I am fairly new here and not real familiar with you but enjoying the well thus far.

The OP stated that you play many different games. Care to rattle off the list that feel competent playing?

When playing online how many tables do you play and has this changed much over the years?

Along those lines...Do you feel it is better to play 1-2 tables and work on moving up or play 4-6 at a limit that you can dominate?

You said that you have pretty much played over-rolled....What you do feel is an adequate BR for a guy that plays 1-2 tables of 8-Game and or 27TD?

Thanks for doing this!!
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-20-2010 , 03:31 PM
can i win like 20k playing 1/2 today plz
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-20-2010 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by HanndyManny
I am fairly new here and not real familiar with you but enjoying the well thus far.

The OP stated that you play many different games. Care to rattle off the list that feel competent playing?

When playing online how many tables do you play and has this changed much over the years?

Along those lines...Do you feel it is better to play 1-2 tables and work on moving up or play 4-6 at a limit that you can dominate?

You said that you have pretty much played over-rolled....What you do feel is an adequate BR for a guy that plays 1-2 tables of 8-Game and or 27TD?

Thanks for doing this!!
I mostly am just good at LHE and TDL, I play Badugi ok and any draw variant that isn't really online like badeucey and stuff I feel I can win at just by figuring it out. For the HORSE games I would say I can play stud/8 alright, but yeah I'm not that well rounded.

Well I think you should normally be playing whichever number of tables gives you the best income, more $ in the bankroll is the best way to be ready to move up, as you will learn what you need to learn at the higher limits by getting experience in them. I've usually played 4 tables of LHE in my life, never did well playing more than that though I did sometimes play up to 8. In triple draw I can easily play 2 but I start to go crazy playing 3+, just too much clicking especially if shorthanded.

If you were playing professionally I'd say 500 BB minimum, if not 250-300 before you should think about shots in good games makes sense.
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-20-2010 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by HOWMANY
can i win like 20k playing 1/2 today plz
Sure hope not.
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-20-2010 , 07:59 PM
Just in case the rest of you want to read DD's blog here is the link........

Hope it is okay that I posted that !!
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-21-2010 , 03:00 AM
Are you working on a 2-7TD hand converter?
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-21-2010 , 03:25 PM
Worst 2-7 day in terms of BB's lost?
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-21-2010 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Winslow
Are you working on a 2-7TD hand converter?
No, its really annoying to deal with the discards using the current database system I have set up. It's such a fundamental change from the data I store for say a LHE hand that I would need to change a lot of stuff, and its just such a small % of overall hands that need to be converted, I'll just leave it to the feral cows of the world (what's up with that site anyway?)

Originally Posted by InWithTheBest
Worst 2-7 day in terms of BB's lost?
Not really sure, its definitely less than 150, I tend to just quit when things aren't going well. More memorable are the -35k and -28k sessions in the 200/400, annoyingly standard
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-23-2010 , 12:53 AM
One of your answers really turned me off to you. You can guess which...
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
02-23-2010 , 01:19 AM
Is there anything JoeTall doesn't know?
The Well: DeathDonkey Quote
