Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 1,632
$1.5/3 on SWC HUHU. Villain is likely a reg based on him sitting a bunch of empty mix tables up to $4/8
Hand #1
Predraw: btn raises, I defend AKT52
1st draw: 3/2
Flop: x/c with J7552
2nd draw: 2/1
Turn: x/x with 97542 (I would've raised had he bet)
River: b/r/hero?
Should he ever check back turn with the drawing lead in position?
Hand #2
Predraw: I raise btn with A9654, bb calls
1st draw: 2/1
Flop: x/b/r/hero? with 97654
I presume call and break isn't an option so should I call to see if he's pat? Call down because he could have worse 9s and maybe even Ts having d2? If he does pat, do I ever call turn hoping for river to go check/check and then fold river? Or is it very bad to fold river after calling turn in a pat/pat twice situation?
Hand #3
Predraw: I raise btn with QT632, bb 3!, I call
1st draw: 1/2
Flop: b/c with 66322
2nd draw: 1/2
Turn: x/x with A6532
3rd draw: 1/1
River: b/hero? with A6542
Again like in hand #1 he checks with the drawing lead, seems very odd. I considered betting but was worried about the check/raise because of how odd the check was.
River I guess is just a math problem. I have these low blockers but I unblock the 7s and 8s -- which is to say I also unblock the pairs he's likely to bluff with. I think I'd call with a K for sure here so A is the line.