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Some HUHU 2-7td spots Some HUHU 2-7td spots

12-07-2019 , 09:19 PM
$1.5/3 on SWC HUHU. Villain is likely a reg based on him sitting a bunch of empty mix tables up to $4/8

Hand #1
Predraw: btn raises, I defend AKT52
1st draw: 3/2
Flop: x/c with J7552
2nd draw: 2/1
Turn: x/x with 97542 (I would've raised had he bet)
River: b/r/hero?

Should he ever check back turn with the drawing lead in position?

Hand #2
Predraw: I raise btn with A9654, bb calls
1st draw: 2/1
Flop: x/b/r/hero? with 97654

I presume call and break isn't an option so should I call to see if he's pat? Call down because he could have worse 9s and maybe even Ts having d2? If he does pat, do I ever call turn hoping for river to go check/check and then fold river? Or is it very bad to fold river after calling turn in a pat/pat twice situation?

Hand #3
Predraw: I raise btn with QT632, bb 3!, I call
1st draw: 1/2
Flop: b/c with 66322
2nd draw: 1/2
Turn: x/x with A6532
3rd draw: 1/1
River: b/hero? with A6542

Again like in hand #1 he checks with the drawing lead, seems very odd. I considered betting but was worried about the check/raise because of how odd the check was.

River I guess is just a math problem. I have these low blockers but I unblock the 7s and 8s -- which is to say I also unblock the pairs he's likely to bluff with. I think I'd call with a K for sure here so A is the line.
Some HUHU 2-7td spots Quote
12-08-2019 , 06:30 PM
Hand 1 it sucks because he's probably not bluffing and just caught some sort of miracle 2 with a straight draw or whatever but you just have to call. You could easily decide to snow when he checks back and have to protect your value range against bluffs.

Hand 2 If your opponent is known to raise strong draws there, as some are, then you should 3b. If not, calling is fine and from there everything from showing down to folding the turn is reasonable and should be each done some percentage of the time.

Hand 3 would be close ordinarily and is a clear call with your blocker situation. I would also call with 22 there
Some HUHU 2-7td spots Quote
