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September Goals September Goals

09-01-2011 , 10:30 AM
Hi all,

I don't think we've had a monthly goals thread on this forum, so I thought I'd create one. Feel free to add your own.

For me,

[ ] win $10 at 5CD PL .05/.10
[ ] lose 2 pounds
[ ] get laid

I know that one of these goals is sick, but I'm counting on getting quads a lot this month.
September Goals Quote
09-01-2011 , 11:04 AM
Great idea

[ ] Watch Triple the Gold yet again
[ ] Watch at least one video about FL and PL 5CD
[ ] Run at least twice a week, minimum 2 miles per run
[ ] Get up no later than 6am every week day 8 weekend
[ ] Maintain at least 75/25 Playing poker/studying poker ratio
[ ] Play 2k hands(I know its' weak, but I work 50hrs+ a week)
September Goals Quote
09-01-2011 , 02:25 PM
1. achieve Supernova - bit of a stretch for this month, but itll be close.
2. win the WCOOP TD event.
3. start going to the gym again. 4-5 days/w
4. finish, reread and study "the mental game"
5. play more 10/20 and shots at 15/30
6. learn 1 new song on guitar.
7. be happy, crush souls and win at life in general!
September Goals Quote
09-01-2011 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Journeyman_1
6. learn 1 new song on guitar.
Fade to Black by Metallica FTW!
September Goals Quote
09-01-2011 , 04:16 PM
kinda know it already
September Goals Quote
09-01-2011 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Journeyman_1
kinda know it already
Wow, ok then, we better step it up to Eruption.
September Goals Quote
09-01-2011 , 07:51 PM
[ ] play one hand of poker somewhere
[ ] play at least ten games of scrabble
[ ] play about a hundred games of dominion
September Goals Quote
09-01-2011 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by gammoner
[ ] play one hand of poker somewhere
[ ] play at least ten games of scrabble
[ ] play about a hundred games of dominion
What? No backgammon?

I dont care for those boxes but I want to see loads of action on Ongame 5CD so that I can crawl out of this hole PLO left me in.
September Goals Quote
09-01-2011 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Bjornar
What? No backgammon?

I dont care for those boxes but I want to see loads of action on Ongame 5CD so that I can crawl out of this hole PLO left me in.
I haven't played any BG against humans in at least a year! I can only obsess over a few games at once. I'd probably mess up the opening roll.
September Goals Quote
09-02-2011 , 04:12 AM
[x] Move to Vancouver BC
[ ] Get Stars account activated
[ ] Crush Wcoop
[ ] Read Elky's mtt book
[ ] Eats lots of Sushi and Pho
September Goals Quote
09-02-2011 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by codemanz4
Hi all,

I don't think we've had a monthly goals thread on this forum, so I thought I'd create one. Feel free to add your own.

For me,

[ ] win $10 at 5CD PL .05/.10
[ ] lose 2 pounds
[ ] get laid

I know that one of these goals is sick, but I'm counting on getting quads a lot this month.
Ick, terrible start to the new month:

- $2.50 online at 5CD
- $16 at home game
-$1790 with property tax payment
100 frickin degrees outside
all three favorite teams lose (Indians, Browns and WIU)
chicken lips are delicious but fattening
don't even get me started about de wemen
September Goals Quote
09-02-2011 , 11:33 AM
[ ] Take a shot at $15/30 RxR (LHE + L Omaha hi) this Saturday.
[ ]Make good decisions.
( )Hopefully not blow through the $1200 i've allotted to this endeavor. (Out of my control ldo)
[ ] Remember at least one LHE and one LOH hand in sufficient detail to post
[ ] Have fun and learn from the experience.
[ ] Not get so swamped with grad school that i forget how to play poker by October 1
September Goals Quote
09-03-2011 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by Journeyman_1
2. win the WCOOP TD event.
Srry to disappoint you sir, but that one's already taken...
September Goals Quote
09-03-2011 , 11:14 AM
Play good.
September Goals Quote
09-03-2011 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by EvilTeddy
Srry to disappoint you sir, but that one's already taken...
nope, ive checked, and im first in line
September Goals Quote
09-30-2011 , 08:51 AM
Bump for results!

Originally Posted by gammoner
[x] play one hand of poker somewhere
[ ] play at least ten games of scrabble
[ ] play about a hundred games of dominion
Only a few Words With Friends games on my phone (which is vastly inferior) and some scrabble vs. AI which is not as satisfying.
32 games of dominion (22-10).
And 2587 hands on Carbon!
September Goals Quote
09-30-2011 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by Julebag
Great idea

[x] Watch Triple the Gold yet again
[x] Watch at least one video about FL and PL 5CD
[x] Run at least twice a week, minimum 2 miles per run
[ ] Get up no later than 6am every week day 8 weekend
[x] Maintain at least 75/25 Playing poker/studying poker ratio
[ ] Play 2k hands(I know its' weak, but I work 50hrs+ a week)
[x] Bink TD Tourney; albeit very small field and buy in(50 peeps /$2.20 buy in )
September Goals Quote
09-30-2011 , 09:50 AM
I like the 75/25 idea, my ratio is probably more like 85/15, should push studying to at least 20+

gratz on the bink anyway, no matter how small the tourney is, it is still a rewarding feeling to be the last man standing. Don't underestimate selfconfidence in poker. I'm still playing the 6 dollar PL badugi quite often, finaltableing it 70% of the time is a great feeling
September Goals Quote
09-30-2011 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by CoogiBadugi
I like the 75/25 idea, my ratio is probably more like 85/15, should push studying to at least 20+

gratz on the bink anyway, no matter how small the tourney is, it is still a rewarding feeling to be the last man standing. Don't underestimate selfconfidence in poker. I'm still playing the 6 dollar PL badugi quite often, finaltableing it 70% of the time is a great feeling
Thanks CB,

I'm intrigued by this PL(or HPL) Badugi. I assume I'm playing it terribly, and the game rarely runs in a limit I'm rolled for. And since I know so little about the game or it's variance, I don't even know what a decent roll is?

How close does it play to FL? I would assume you can correctly bet a lot of draws out? Or can you play premium 1cds or 2cds more because of the implied odds?
September Goals Quote
09-30-2011 , 10:45 AM
The problem with the HPL structure on carbon is that the game gets much bigger the more players are in the pot. BRM probably changes dramatically from for example 3handed to 5handed, so it is pretty hard to give you a an approximate BRM plan. It is dependant of how deep you want to play aswell. I like having about 25 medium sized buyins tho, I think that is a good place to start. You could prolly get away with less tho.

In almost all games I've played people does not fold predraw. Typically you are utg in a 4 handed game, and you bet out 654 and get at least 2 callers and possibly 3, with people drawing 3 cards alot. Playing tight in EP is key I think. If I'm playing against aggro villains I am checkraising pre a lot with hands like vulnerable badugis and 3 card 5s etc, to try to play the pot headsup against only one player.

I would assume you can correctly bet a lot of draws out?
Yes, and on early streets just bet the full amount. On later streets you can bet less for value, something like 1/3 pot, if people are folding most hands for a half pot bet.

Snowing is huge. People won't bluff catch you anywhere near the correct%. Also almost none of your opponents will snow you.

Or can you play premium 1cds or 2cds more because of the implied odds?
Predraw1 and predraw2 you have lots of implied odds, and people will call you down alot. Just dont make the cardinal mistake of calling big bets predraw3 with a drawing hand vs a made, unless you are snowcatching river.


People are playing face up, and loose/passive. Snow alot vs non-made hands, and seldom try to get people off their badugis.
September Goals Quote
09-30-2011 , 11:03 AM
Thanks CB!
September Goals Quote
09-30-2011 , 11:43 AM
Check the custom tab on merge. Every once in a while there is a limit badugi game going.
September Goals Quote
09-30-2011 , 12:49 PM
Carbon is merge right? Where do you see limit badugi played again?
September Goals Quote
09-30-2011 , 01:03 PM
Just when people start "custom" games.

Other than that, it's just HPL
September Goals Quote
09-30-2011 , 01:18 PM
wow! this is huge! never saw that feature!

anyone down for PL badugi?
September Goals Quote
