Actually, I think it's wrong. I haven't solved the 1 street game, but I think we can learn by looking at the limits (as in extremes).
Firstly, consider the [0,1]*[0,1] game but with unequal division between the high pot and the low pot. There is no reason that the pot has to be split 50/50 between the two. As the division gets more disparate, the more the game resembles a regular high hand game. The optimal strategy for high hand games involve pure bluffs. Clearly, setting aside a billionth of the pot to a low hand isn't likely to make a pure bluff suboptimal. This would occur if you had more hands indifferent to bluffing than you needed to bet with, in which case you may as well bluff the hand with the highest low component.
On the other extreme, consider dividing the pot up into even more pieces, the [1,0]*[1,0}*...[1,0] game, with the pot split amongst a billion hands. Because of
law of large numbers, it would be extremely rare for any set of hands to win a significant majority against another set of hands. Hence, you would almost always figure to have close to 50% equity, and thus almost never fold so long as bet sizes were not enormous themselves. In this case I believe this game is very similar to the regular [0,1] no fold game - bet the top half of hands, or bet slightly less than that if raising is an option. Pure bluffs would never have the pot odds to succeed.
Somewhere between the two, then, pure bluffs disappear as an optimal option. I'm not sure whether it's strictly a function of the number of separate pots or other factors like bet sizes, number of streets and number of raises available. I think it's probably the latter.