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May Goals May Goals

05-14-2012 , 08:54 AM
[ ] Stop making goals thread every month after it's become pretty clear no one gives a ****

[ ] Get better at chess(I DID get better last month, regardless of what JM says )

[ ] Play some poker, have some fun

[ ] Get up early

[ ] Start training for Olympic Triathlon this Fall
May Goals Quote
05-14-2012 , 02:40 PM
I am fine with your goals threads. You could take a poll. A goal poll.
Triathlon though? That's crazy. You're crazy.

[ ] Withdraw some money, splurge
[ ] Make that money back
[ ] Play some 5/10 TD
[ ] Play more stud8

This may require me to run like god some more, though. I mean, I'd be okay with that.
May Goals Quote
05-14-2012 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Julebag
[ ] Stop making goals thread every month after it's become pretty clear no one gives a ****
That one got a chuckle from me. Is it that you want someone to respond to your monthly goals but you're getting no feed back? If so, here's some feed back for you.

I read everything posted in this forum and I care. I don't know why I care because on another level I also think whatever we do doesn't really matter.

[ ] Get better at chess
To each his own. Years and years ago, when I was interested in chess, I studied and solved chess problems and I think that approach helped my game more than actual matches. Honestly, though, I didn't do that to improve my game. I did it simply because I enjoyed doing it. But I do think that approach made me a better chess player.

Also if you don't use a chess clock, I think you focus more on learning the game than on beating your opponent. What I'm suggesting is focusing on learning the game rather than on beating your opponent. If you know the game of chess better than your opponent, then winning will take care of itself.

[ ] Play some poker, have some fun
I don't focus on having fun. I'll be playing some poker and, I imagine, enjoying myself when I do. I don't think of playing poker or having fun as goals, but I think it's fine if you do.

[ ] Get up early
What's "early"? In any event, just get an alarm clock, set it for when you need to get up, and then get up when the alarm goes off. It's just a matter of deciding that's what you'll do and then doing it.

But don't set your alarm for earlier than you need because if you're like me you'll just shut it off and go back to sleep. If you're like me you need some thought in your brain, some need to be somewhere by a certain time, propelling you.

[ ] Start training for Olympic Triathlon this Fall

I don't set goals for myself. I think I might have gotten farther in life if I had set long term goals for myself and then had broken those long term goals into monthly goals.

I remember when I was an undergraduate student in college going into finals week I used to plan to study certain hours for this and certain other hours for that... and then sometimes I'd end up reading a novel instead.

Over the years I gradually built up the time I was able to study. By the end of grad school I was able to study almost all of the time. I didn't need to write out a schedule for studying. I didn't get behind in any class, just studied topics as they arose in each class. And then when it was finals time I reviewed. And that was what I wanted to do. The key to studying was getting to the point where studying was doing what I wanted to do.

And then the rest of my life fell into place. In terms of my job, I just did what I wanted to do and that somehow coincided with what I was probably supposed to be doing. I think if you can get to where what you want to be doing is what you should be doing, you'll be in a good place. And then advancements and rewards will take care of themselves.

May Goals Quote
05-14-2012 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Buzz
Is it that you want someone to respond to your monthly goals but you're getting no feed back? If so, here's some feed back for you.

I read everything posted in this forum and I care.
Thanks Buzz. The first goal was a joke. I feel the most comfortable in this forum, thus I play the "needy girlfriend" card in a joking manner.

Oh and "early" is at least 6am(currently lucky to get up at 7) and I have so much I wanna do in a days time, I just really need that extra hour.

I like your idea about not setting it before you need to get up(I do that). I'll have to try to set it for the actual time that I need to get up.

We'll see if it's still on next months goals thread
May Goals Quote
05-14-2012 , 05:24 PM
Buzz, you are my favourite DOP poster.

[ ] Learn to play more than 25% of 8-game
[ ] Keep up the recent rungood

And ideally tormenting Journeyman in the process
May Goals Quote
05-14-2012 , 05:27 PM
fwiw, i typically read these threads, along with virtually every other post in this forum. But I'm known to ignore 5 cd draw. I've just never been the goal-making list kinda guy. It wouldn't hurt me to think about some though.
May Goals Quote
05-14-2012 , 05:28 PM
Olympics...and poker players....I dont think so!
May Goals Quote
05-14-2012 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by tringlomane
fwiw, i typically read these threads, along with virtually every other post in this forum. But I'm known to ignore 5 cd draw. I've just never been the goal-making list kinda guy. It wouldn't hurt me to think about some though.
Oh I know you guys read these threads. I crack up when I see "Views: 287; Posts: 2"

Again, I was just kidding around with the first goal.
May Goals Quote
05-14-2012 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by COCKBOAT
Buzz, you are my favourite 2p2 poster.
FYP, Buzz is da man..........
May Goals Quote
05-14-2012 , 05:42 PM
im always tormented!

oh and julebag, idk how good you are at chess now, we havent played in ages!
May Goals Quote
05-14-2012 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Journeyman_1
im always tormented!

oh and julebag, idk how good you are at chess now, we havent played in ages!
I was just thinking about hitting you up for a game.

I always do it, then regret it(not really, it's just frustrating because you put me in these nasty positions all the time), then do it again I'm like a battered gf.....

Ah **** it, let's play.......
May Goals Quote
05-14-2012 , 06:44 PM
sicilian up my friend.
May Goals Quote
05-15-2012 , 05:41 AM
I like these threads. Make me think about trying to get robusto but fail miserably and go back and be happy about playing backgammon hours and hours for free/fun. At least Im getting better at it.
May Goals Quote
05-15-2012 , 06:35 AM
[ ] Take a shot at higher stakes and re-deposit the hour after

[ ] Scoop the SCOOP

[ ] train for the thriatlon or w/e
May Goals Quote
05-22-2012 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Julebag
[ ] Stop making goals thread every month after it's become pretty clear no one gives a **** NVM, way too much fun

[ ] Get better at chess(I DID get better last month, regardless of what JM says ) Eat **** JM

[ ] Play some poker, have some fun

[X] Get up early Boom! 5-530 AM at least 3 times a week

[X] Start training for Olympic Triathlon this Fall Using time from getting up early for training
May Goals Quote
05-23-2012 , 08:56 AM
[ ] dont play triple first thing in the morning -> FAIL
May Goals Quote
05-23-2012 , 11:12 PM
I just r.s.v.p.ed for the annual 2+2 Las Vegas party.

If you're interested, I think the following link will get you to the r.s.v.p. list in the Las Vegas Lifestyle forum.

The annual 2+2 party has been great fun the last several years.

Alas, July 6th, the date of the party, is late for most W.S.O.P. events

There has at least been some triple draw, badugi and it's cousins (badacey, etc) at the 2+2 party the last couple years.

Gets kind of wild by my standards, especially the second best hand is winner games.

Details are in the thread to which the link above is provided.

My goal is to not lose too much money trying to learn triple draw.

May Goals Quote
06-01-2012 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by gammoner
[x] Withdraw some money, splurge (well, I'm still waiting for the check)
[ ] Make that money back (40% of the way there)
[x] Play some 5/10 TD
[ ] Play more stud8
I did play a few $3.30 stud-8 SNGs to spend my VIP points, though. So, good month. June will be better if the withdrawal actually arrives.
May Goals Quote
