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Lederer draw 2 bustout hand from K 2-7SD Lederer draw 2 bustout hand from K 2-7SD

06-21-2016 , 08:53 AM
"Adam Owen raises to 7,500 from the cutoff, Howard Lederer three-bet shoves from the button for about 22,000, Brian Hastings reraises all in for about 270,000 from the big blind, and Owen folds.

Hastings stands pat, Lederer draws two, and Hastings fans T9864.
Lederer doesn't show his drawing hand, but reveals 75422 when all is said and done, locking up the pot for Hastings."

I assume Lederer had (Q or J)x7(5 or 4)2 and was going to pat against the CO raiser, at least if he drew. The BB obviously had him beat, so he drew 2. It seems like good play. How often do people draw 2 in SD?
Lederer draw 2 bustout hand from K 2-7SD Quote
06-21-2016 , 09:01 AM
You pretty much got that one. Maybe a steal attempt and he got caught by a big pat hand. Drawing two happens in a spot like that or usually blind versus blind. It does happen more but it's pretty uncommon. I watched the entire $1500 2-7 S/D live stream final table which lasted about 3 hours and I saw players drawing 2 maybe 4 times max!

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Lederer draw 2 bustout hand from K 2-7SD Quote
06-21-2016 , 09:09 AM
My apologies if you already knew this but: if you're last to act on the draw and the player draws one, you're slightly favored with a J pat or better. If the player draws 2; you're slightly favored with a Q pat or better.

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Lederer draw 2 bustout hand from K 2-7SD Quote
06-21-2016 , 10:56 AM
Lederer probably broke a made hand or one card draw to the strong action. CO generally wasn't folding to his allin getting something like 1.7-1 pot odds, so it wasn't a just a resteal initially.
Lederer draw 2 bustout hand from K 2-7SD Quote
06-21-2016 , 01:06 PM
I think it's important to know how much the effective all-in was for Hastings vs. Owen.
Lederer draw 2 bustout hand from K 2-7SD Quote
06-21-2016 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Donk Quixote
I think it's important to know how much the effective all-in was for Hastings vs. Owen.
That's important, but Lederer could already have been planning to pat if CO drew and draw 2 if CO patted.
Lederer draw 2 bustout hand from K 2-7SD Quote
06-22-2016 , 05:43 PM
Seems like a poor reshove if it was a reshove lite seeing as a 3x reshove doesn't have a ton of fold equity. And wouldn't patting a Q-lo vs a 1 card draw be a -EV play when all in? You would only do that with a J-lo. So maybe Lederer did have a made J-lo. In which case he started with something like JT752 and tossed the J and T. I doubt he had something like QJ752 and was planning on drawing to J-lo with a reshove with minimal fold equity.
Lederer draw 2 bustout hand from K 2-7SD Quote
06-23-2016 , 01:29 PM
This has to be a pat JT in my opinion. I'd be interested to know Owen's stack size in this hand. Hastings' play is a little risky if Owen has a ton of chips. His rough T is in bad shape vs pat hands that will call in that spot.
Lederer draw 2 bustout hand from K 2-7SD Quote
07-14-2016 , 06:17 AM
Would need to know how active Adam had been IMO
Lederer draw 2 bustout hand from K 2-7SD Quote
07-15-2016 , 07:18 AM
It's safe to assume that Adam is active . Especially in this game.
Lederer draw 2 bustout hand from K 2-7SD Quote
