Originally Posted by ThorKGB
As of now, im losing slighly more out of the blinds (13+13 BB/100) than winning from the button. (20 BB/100) Im pretty much following Wiesenberg.
What is some good basic advice for blind plays in limit micro and small stakes, ignore for now the light three betting I reckon is needed for deception at higher stakes?
Situation 1:
Tight solid UTG raises with a range of AA+, folds to you in BB. What to RR and CC with?
Situation 2:
Probable steal from BTN or SB, range maybe 66+ and any come hand. What to RR and CC with?
1) Defend with AA+ but maybe fold 4422A ( having an ace kicker with a very weak two pairs is bad ) and defend with any straight flush draw. The marginal reraising hand will be queens up; if four-bet, you simply fold two pairs but "gamble" with something like AAKK.
2) Defend with just about any pair ( maybe fold 22 to 44 ). If you knew with certainty that the opponent opened with 66+ and any flush draw or openended straight draw, reraise with QQ+ and JJ with two "overcards"; of course, expect big swings when playing so aggressively. Also, this depends if the button will also attempt to exploit you postdraw when he draws one card; if so, you simply have to pay off slightly more than the GT frequency which often means paying off with QQ unimproved in "bloated pots".