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January monthly miscellaneous thread January monthly miscellaneous thread

01-27-2012 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by gammoner
I thought, maybe this new Merge tournament series will be my first TD MTT ever! They just announced the schedule: 61 NLHE events, 5 PLO, 4 PLO8.

Never mind. I understand they want to have the market to hit the guarantees, but would a $33 1K guarantee have been so hard?
You should have played in the Stars WCOOP (or SCOOP low-buyin at a minimum) when you still could. You'd crush most of the field, obv. The year I spent 20k fpps and cashed in it...Donald

And a 70 event tourney series for merge? God, that's overkill.
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-27-2012 , 11:55 AM
I have yet to cash in any of those big TD tourneys, its **** ridiculous!
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-27-2012 , 03:01 PM
There is one "Player's Choice" event in this series where people can vote on facebook what the game will be. I feel like the odds of limit triple draw winning the vote are basically 0, though.
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-27-2012 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by gammoner
There is one "Player's Choice" event in this series where people can vote on facebook what the game will be. I feel like the odds of limit triple draw winning the vote are basically 0, though.
I would hope that NLHE, PLO, and PLO8 would not be allowed choices, but I doubt it.
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-27-2012 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Journeyman_1
I have yet to cash in any of those big TD tourneys, its **** ridiculous!
I was about to say me neither, but then I remember I was 12th in the first TD WCOOP(think it was the first one). And Im way better at the game now but cant make it happen(anymore).
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-27-2012 , 11:19 PM
I don't suppose there's an AHK script or piece of software for card-drawing on stars using the keyboard, is there? If not, I'm interested to know, how many of you guys multitable? I 3-table husngs across multiple games but I make sure I only ever have one table of TD in the mix because mouse clicking is so awful. Baffles me that people multitable this game shorthanded.
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-28-2012 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by RigMeARiver
I don't suppose there's an AHK script or piece of software for card-drawing on stars using the keyboard, is there?
I wrote one, but it's crude and only supports a specific seat in the Nova theme (probably won't even work on HU Badugi and 8-seat NLSD).

I 3-table husngs across multiple games but I make sure I only ever have one table of TD in the mix because mouse clicking is so awful.
Yeah, and you have to be careful to finish the click before moving the mouse out of the narrow clicking zone.
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-28-2012 , 07:32 AM
thats one of the reasons that most people cant multi-table TD. i remember i time when i had started playing it, and i decided to 4-table .5/1 and anything under that. i played for about an hour and then my mind was a mush

it has to be easier on stars than it would have been on ftp though!
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-28-2012 , 08:15 AM
Ive tried to multitable 5CD high and 2-7 triple draw at the same time. Did 5 tables each for 1 hour. That was hard work! But when I was in shape back in 2007 I could easily do 10-15 5CD tables but I guess that is easier because there is only 2 rounds of betting after all. Think the most I did was 4 2-7 tables after that attempt. I know Ive done 4-5 8-game/10-game tables at a time too which is complete mind****.
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-28-2012 , 08:54 AM
A friend of mine had a system for mulit-tabling mixed games that was having a section of your screen for the different games, so say stud is top right, stud8 is top left and razz is bottom. this may not have been the extent of it, but im sure it wouldnt be too tough to work on this so that you would automatically know what game you were playing by the number of cards you had and where on the screen you were
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-28-2012 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by Journeyman_1
it has to be easier on stars than it would have been on ftp though!
FTP card clicking was horrible, just like the rest of their software. I could 4-table 2-7 TD reasonably well at stars (probably not anymore), but no way in hell I would be able to at FTP. It dumbfounds me how 50% of 2+2 likes FTP's software better.
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-28-2012 , 09:22 AM
Wish I knew how to code Seems like it wouldn't be too hard - auto-locate pointer over first card, define key to select card, arrow keys to scroll between cards, +shift to drag-select. And it could piggyback on Poker Shortcuts which is open source now and does most of the things Table Ninja can do. Showing discards would be a nice feature as well (pretty sure that would be legal since Stud Inspector is allowed).

What do you guys think about pooling some funds to throw at one of the guys in the software forum?
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-28-2012 , 09:49 AM
stars soft >>>>> ftp
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-28-2012 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by RigMeARiver
Wish I knew how to code Seems like it wouldn't be too hard - auto-locate pointer over first card, define key to select card, arrow keys to scroll between cards, +shift to drag-select.
I do the following:

1. Determine the coordinates of the first card (% of window size, depends on theme, seat and game (4 vs. 5 cards, how many players))
2. Determine the card spacing (in pixels - depends on window size, game and theme)
3. If the window under the mouse is a Stars table, use it. Otherwise use the active window.
4. Send click+unclick messages to the window, no need to move the mouse.

I'm using F1-F5 for selecting individual cards and F6 (F5 in Badugi) to flip the decision for all cards so if I want to discard all but the rightmost card, I press F5, then F6.

Showing discards would be a nice feature as well (pretty sure that would be legal since Stud Inspector is allowed).
Stud Inspector v1 is prohibited at all times, other versions aren't mentioned anywhere...

That said, I think you're allowed to show discards since the information is already available in the chatbox.
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-28-2012 , 02:50 PM
Oops, I meant Stud Indicator.

Is your program publicly available?
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-28-2012 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Vempele
I'm using F1-F5 for selecting individual cards and F6 (F5 in Badugi) to flip the decision for all cards so if I want to discard all but the rightmost card, I press F5, then F6.
Nice idea. Better to have single click per card.
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-28-2012 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by RigMeARiver
Is your program publicly available?
No. I was expecting Stars to add the functionality ("this is something that will be considered as a further improvement to the feature" as of last October) so I didn't bother polishing it.

If anyone is interested, tell me your preferred theme, seats and window size(s) and I'll make it work.
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-28-2012 , 05:24 PM
Wow cool, I'm def interested in trying it out. Not sure how to work out my exact table size, it's what I get from tiling 4 on a 1280x1024 monitor, but due to the taskbar the height dimension will be a bit less.
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-28-2012 , 08:21 PM
And theme, seat?
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-28-2012 , 09:21 PM
I use hypersimple and just set my seat to the right hand one on a hu table (hadn't realised you could set seat position, lol).
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-30-2012 , 07:17 AM
Good choice of seat! It'll also work in 6-max and probably 7-max (but I don't play NLSD so I couldn't test the latter). It'll only send clicks to PokerStars table windows with "Draw" in the title. If you want to use F1-F6 for something else, you need to close all PokerStars table windows (including the replayer) or exit this program (right-click its icon in the taskbar notification area).

It should work for all reasonable table sizes. It'll start working incorrectly at around ~1200 pixels wide.

There's no way to make a "confirm drawing decision" hotkey without also making it a fold hotkey so I didn't include that.

Usage: place the mouse over the window you want to act on (or if it's already the active window, just make sure the mouse is not over another eligible window - including the replayer). Press F1-F5 to toggle one of the cards, or F6 to toggle them all. The window will be activated.
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-30-2012 , 09:33 AM
omg thank you!

Will try it out later today. It'll be interesting to see whether I can get it to work on top of Poker Shortcuts.
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-30-2012 , 02:09 PM
Hmm, when I try to run it I get a message saying 'this is not a valid Win32 application'. I'm running XP fwiw.
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-30-2012 , 02:15 PM
Oops, forgot I installed AutoHotKey as 64-bit. Here's a 32-bit version:
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
01-30-2012 , 07:11 PM
Oooooh this is great Takes a bit of getting used to but I'm loving it. Wasn't expecting that you'd be able to select multiple cards simultaneously, that's really cool. PM me your stars sn so I can ship you a few bones.
January monthly miscellaneous thread Quote
