• If you're drawing to 7432, not all of the same suit, any five or six will make a seven. That's a total of eight cards. Similarly, if you're drawing to 7642, not all of the same suit, any trey or five will make a seven, again a total of eight cards.
• When playing badugi, the rough equivalent of an eight out draw in 72TD, would be drawing to make a jack-badugi.
If you want to count any four card badugi as a good hand, you're drawing for one of ten cards.
If you want to count a four card badugi, eight or better, as a good hand, you're drawing for one of five cards.
Suppose, for example, you are dealt




You want any heart except A

, 5

, or 6

to make a badugi, a total of ten cards.
But only 2




, or 8

(a total of five cards) will make you an eight or better badugi.
(You're going to discard the 6

, of course).