7 handed, 150/300 live
World-Class player opens UTG, folds to me in BB,
I have 2




x, I 3-bet (a), UTG calls.
Flop: 1/2
Draw the 8

I bet, Call
Turn (b) 1/1
Draw an Ax, FML, Goes (c) Check/Check
River: 1/1
Draw a 9

(d) Check/Bet/ Easy Call, villain makes K/K (didn't even really see the side cards) chop
Quadruple Blunder Analysis;
(a) Pretty sure I just auto 3! this due to intuition and given a loose game, but may play infinitely better as a call. Wonder if there should be any 3! range v UTG in full ring. Call and D1 is super underrepped, Call and D2 to 742r also possible.
(b) Breaking the roughish 8 (3c7) after the flop also seemed intuitive, but given 3bet pre, and the fact this is the 3rd relevant diamond, this may be a decent pat/semibluff spot, hope villain is still D2, and mucks the turn.
(c) After 1/1 turn, this seems like an easy check. I may be pushing thin equity against a similar type hand, but getting raised is a disaster. After check/check I can breathe
(d) Leading river (now with 4th relevant diamond) seems better; there's no value but I can get better tris to (hopefully) fold, and I'm at little risk of getting raised since i repped a premium draw. However, getting raised is another nuclear disaster in this spot
Any of you draw wizards wanna take a crack at this one? Thanks