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Badugi 0.25/0.50 Badugi 0.25/0.50

09-21-2010 , 04:14 PM
Milked from the teat of a feral cow
PokerStars Limit Badugi $0.25/$0.50 - 7 players

HJ: $9.55
CO: $13.25
Button: $4.30
SB: $10.60
BB: $12.10
UTG: $18.30 (Hero)
UTG+1: $2.50

Dealing Hands: ($0.35) (7 players)
Hero raises to $0.50, UTG+1 calls $0.25, 2 folds, Button raises to $0.75, SB calls $0.65, BB calls $0.50, Hero raises to $1, UTG+1 calls $0.50, Button calls $0.25, SB calls $0.25, BB calls $0.25

First Draw: ($4.75) (5 players)
SB discards 1, BB discards 1, Hero stands, UTG+1 discards 3, Button stands,

SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $0.25, UTG+1 folds, Button raises to $0.50, SB calls $0.50, BB calls $0.50, Hero calls $0.25

Second Draw: ($6.75) (4 players)
SB discards 1, BB discards 1, Hero stands, Button stands,

SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $0.50, Button raises to $1, SB calls $1, BB calls $1, Hero calls $0.50

Third Draw: ($10.75) (4 players)
SB discards 1, BB discards 1, Hero stands, Button stands,

SB checks, BB checks, Hero checks, Button checks

Button mucked
SB showed 6h 4d 5h 3c, a 3-card: 5,4,3
BB mucked
Hero showed 5d 4s Ac 8h, a Badugi: 8,5,4,A
Hero won $10.60
(Rake: $0.40)

I am lucky and have a decent Badugi to start with. So I bring in as many bets as possible and we cap it.
First Draw:
We are still 4 players. The button also stands Pat, one changes 3 Cards (who I think is very likely to fold on any bet) and the 2 in between and the BU draw 1.
Since the I want to find out where I stand I bet and see what happens. The BU raises me and the 2 others call. I see no reason to re-raise the BU since the other 2 players are very unlikely to fold and the BU could have me beat. Though I think it is unliekely that he has me beat. But his aggression for sure makes me being careful.
Second Draw:
Now the person who drew 3 before is gone and the rest basically stays the same. The 2 who drew 1 Card check to me and I figure that the BU will probably raise me if I bet. But I believe that I might be good and with a bet and a raise the 2 remaining drawing players become less good odds (though still about 8:1, alsomost 9:1 with my implied call and the second caller of course gets even better odds). So maybe my attempt was useless. Still I'd rather see them fold since I'd hate them to draw out on me while I was competing with the BU.
Again the BU shows as much aggression as he can se I can only hope I am still good and go to a cheap showdown.
Third Draw:
The 2 drawing players draw again. Again they check and I decide to play check/call since I think the BU will bet anyway and I am starting to think that I am not good anymore. So I try to keep it cheap.
Surprisingly the BU checks behind.

The action from the BU and the drawers and the big pot scared me a lot so I don't really know if what I did makes sense the way I planned it.
Badugi 0.25/0.50 Quote
09-21-2010 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by DaineMudda
Milked from the teat of a feral cow
PokerStars Limit Badugi $0.25/$0.50 - 7 players

HJ: $9.55
CO: $13.25
Button: $4.30
SB: $10.60
BB: $12.10
UTG: $18.30 (Hero)
UTG+1: $2.50

Dealing Hands: ($0.35) (7 players)
Hero raises to $0.50, UTG+1 calls $0.25, 2 folds, Button raises to $0.75, SB calls $0.65, BB calls $0.50, Hero raises to $1, UTG+1 calls $0.50, Button calls $0.25, SB calls $0.25, BB calls $0.25

First Draw: ($4.75) (5 players)
SB discards 1, BB discards 1, Hero stands, UTG+1 discards 3, Button stands,

SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $0.25, UTG+1 folds, Button raises to $0.50, SB calls $0.50, BB calls $0.50, Hero calls $0.25

Second Draw: ($6.75) (4 players)
SB discards 1, BB discards 1, Hero stands, Button stands,

SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $0.50, Button raises to $1, SB calls $1, BB calls $1, Hero calls $0.50

Third Draw: ($10.75) (4 players)
SB discards 1, BB discards 1, Hero stands, Button stands,

SB checks, BB checks, Hero checks, Button checks

Button mucked
SB showed 6h 4d 5h 3c, a 3-card: 5,4,3
BB mucked
Hero showed 5d 4s Ac 8h, a Badugi: 8,5,4,A
Hero won $10.60
(Rake: $0.40)

I am lucky and have a decent Badugi to start with. So I bring in as many bets as possible and we cap it.
First Draw:
We are still 4 players. The button also stands Pat, one changes 3 Cards (who I think is very likely to fold on any bet) and the 2 in between and the BU draw 1.
Since the I want to find out where I stand I bet and see what happens. The BU raises me and the 2 others call. I see no reason to re-raise the BU since the other 2 players are very unlikely to fold and the BU could have me beat. Though I think it is unliekely that he has me beat. But his aggression for sure makes me being careful.
Second Draw:
Now the person who drew 3 before is gone and the rest basically stays the same. The 2 who drew 1 Card check to me and I figure that the BU will probably raise me if I bet. But I believe that I might be good and with a bet and a raise the 2 remaining drawing players become less good odds (though still about 8:1, alsomost 9:1 with my implied call and the second caller of course gets even better odds). So maybe my attempt was useless. Still I'd rather see them fold since I'd hate them to draw out on me while I was competing with the BU.
Again the BU shows as much aggression as he can se I can only hope I am still good and go to a cheap showdown.
Third Draw:
The 2 drawing players draw again. Again they check and I decide to play check/call since I think the BU will bet anyway and I am starting to think that I am not good anymore. So I try to keep it cheap.
Surprisingly the BU checks behind.

The action from the BU and the drawers and the big pot scared me a lot so I don't really know if what I did makes sense the way I planned it.
Looks good to me. No problems with capping pre-draw (a solid 8 with a draw to a 54A for backup).

After first draw, I like leading out here into the button to see where we stand. I see lots of players raising here in button's spot with a wide range of badugis (there are far more badugis you beat than badugis that beat you). I like bet/calling here. If we were to bet/3-bet, we may induce button to break a hand that we are beating at the moment. He also may have a better badugi, so bet/calling seems the way to go.

Second draw, I think you got to bet/call again. I see too many players at these stakes in button's spot who over-estimate the strength of their hand/take weird lines with rough high badugis/do wacky **** that makes little sense. After third draw, you pretty much gotta go into check/call mode. My feelings are that button showed up with a hand like a rough 9, a rough T or a worse 8 than yours.

I could be totally wrong, and my badugi game is really rusty so my analysis might not be the best for the current player pool at these stakes. Anyone else who plays badugi a decent amount/knows badugi odds and ranges really well please feel free to correct me if any of my thinking is wrong in my analysis.
Badugi 0.25/0.50 Quote
09-21-2010 , 05:57 PM
I think this is an easy bet-3-bet after the first draw. You have #43/715, so as long as he'd raise any 96xx here (which is pretty reasonable), you're ahead of his range. Plus, you are charging the drawers, which should mean that you both can raise lighter (at least I think that's true, I don't actually know what the ranges look like in a game like that, but intuitively I think that should be the case). It seems weird that you would bet/call and then bet out again.
Badugi 0.25/0.50 Quote
09-21-2010 , 06:28 PM
You will get better responses if you don't post results of the hand.

Originally Posted by DaineMudda
First Draw:
I see no reason to re-raise the BU since the other 2 players are very unlikely to fold and the BU could have me beat.
This is not good reasoning. Regardless of the likeliness of of the other 2 players to fold, you'd like them to put in as much money as possible. On average you'll be slightly ahead of the button as well. There is an argument for taking your line, but this isn't it.

In general, you'll need to grit your teeth and put in more action when you have two people drawing, even when it gets to the point where you're slightly behind the other pat player's range.
Badugi 0.25/0.50 Quote
09-22-2010 , 10:34 AM
Thanks everyone so far. As I see it abracadabrab agrees with the way I played and gammoner would have 3bet on the first draw (to charge the drawers and I might be good) and Coelacanth also wants me to charge drawers more.

As you probably see I am more the afraid guy as soon as other players show strength. I am still learning and I hate building big pots and then loosing them :P

Thanks for the tip with not posting results.. I'll keep it in mind for next hand.
Badugi 0.25/0.50 Quote
