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8-game 2-7 TD 1st draw .20/.40 8-game 2-7 TD 1st draw .20/.40

07-01-2009 , 08:03 PM
So I've been trying to learn 2-7 TD and playing around some at the micros on Stars. I'm totally lost in this spot, I guess the right play is break my hand and hope I improve?

I start 2347x in the BB, SB raises, I 3 bet, SB calls.

SB draws 2, I draw 1. SB leads out, I raise with 97432, SB 3 bets, I....?
8-game 2-7 TD 1st draw .20/.40 Quote
07-01-2009 , 08:41 PM
Call and break.
8-game 2-7 TD 1st draw .20/.40 Quote
07-01-2009 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Biggle10
Call and break.
8-game 2-7 TD 1st draw .20/.40 Quote
07-01-2009 , 09:36 PM
If I brick 2nd draw, I am always drawing one more time right?
8-game 2-7 TD 1st draw .20/.40 Quote
07-01-2009 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by 2J4U
I'd at least question it if villain spazzed with a draw.

But yeah, you're drawing 2 more times if villain pats.
8-game 2-7 TD 1st draw .20/.40 Quote
07-01-2009 , 11:06 PM
The pot will be laying you 7:1 at that point, and you have 8 outs at a virtual lock 4 at an actual lock), so you yeah, you've gotta draw a 3rd time if you brick.

I think a semi-interesting question is what you do if you draw an 8. That's probably a break also, but I dunno....
8-game 2-7 TD 1st draw .20/.40 Quote
07-02-2009 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by iron81
I'd at least question it if villain spazzed with a draw.
I stand corrected.
8-game 2-7 TD 1st draw .20/.40 Quote
07-02-2009 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by jesse8888
I think a semi-interesting question is what you do if you draw an 8. That's probably a break also, but I dunno....
No way! If you draw an 8 you have the best possible 87. Without good reads I'm never breaking it against a guy who drew 2 and stood pat.
8-game 2-7 TD 1st draw .20/.40 Quote
07-02-2009 , 10:00 PM
Even if he just called you after the first draw you should still break your 9 off.
8-game 2-7 TD 1st draw .20/.40 Quote
