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27TD limit betting rules 27TD limit betting rules

10-27-2009 , 10:38 PM
In 2-7 triple draw limit on Pokerstars is betting always capped at four bets on each street? Even if we're heads up on the river? Pokerstars' page on 2-7TD doesn't seem to say. I've rarely seen more than two bets on the river, but it seems like it's capped at four.

And what is the standard / most common structure for TD if this isn't it?

27TD limit betting rules Quote
10-28-2009 , 12:06 AM
Yes, the betting is capped at 4, even heads up, on the river. If you haven't seen this, you probably aren't playing that much.

That is by far the most common structure used for TD, I've never seen another structure used for limit triple draw.
27TD limit betting rules Quote
10-28-2009 , 03:25 AM
That's also the way it is for all PS limit games afaik
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