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2-7 Triple Draw Training Material Guidance 2-7 Triple Draw Training Material Guidance

12-02-2012 , 04:30 AM
Hello 2p2ers,

I am thinking of start studying 2-7 Triple Draw game and I would like some guidance concerning any material that might be helpful. Material like books, articles, interesting threads, videos from poker training sites etc.

A quick forum search came up with a lot of noise.

It seems there is not a lot of info out there, but this is something that makes this game even more interesting.

Any response appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
2-7 Triple Draw Training Material Guidance Quote
12-02-2012 , 06:16 AM
DeucesCracked series Triple The Gold by DeathDonkey and DJ Sensei is excellent. There are other content out there, maybe one more on DC, but Ive only ever seen this series because its so good.
2-7 Triple Draw Training Material Guidance Quote
12-08-2012 , 11:26 PM
Learn to use a hand history converter (I use ), and post hands up in this forum. Just any time you felt confused about what to do, copy the hand history to a Wordpad file and then post it here after your session.

A tip for posting hands: don't post results, and when you get to the point where you weren't sure what to do (might have been before the first draw, might have been after you were raised on the river), delete the rest of the converted hand history and just post up what's left.

If you want to see some examples, have a browse through my old posts. I've put up plenty of hands and learned more about the game by doing it than from any other source.
2-7 Triple Draw Training Material Guidance Quote
12-09-2012 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by TheGusPair
If you want to see some examples, have a browse through my old posts. I've put up plenty of hands and learned more about the game by doing it than from any other source.
Definitely good advice. I feel like you have put up a lot of hands where future actions are very debatable.

Also if you are truly new to the game OP, reading Daniel Negreanu's section on the game in Super System II is a good starting point as long as you plan to loosen up from there.
2-7 Triple Draw Training Material Guidance Quote
01-20-2013 , 09:55 AM
negreanus tight strategy is probably best for the live loose fishy mixed games he was playing...not so much for online play...u have to loosen up there
2-7 Triple Draw Training Material Guidance Quote
