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2-7 After Second Draw 2-7 After Second Draw

09-11-2024 , 05:32 PM
Playing a tournament 5 handed (stacks not in play), the SB opens and I call with 842.

1,2. Villain bets, I catch a 7 and call.

1,1. Villain checks and I catch a Jack. I have seen no blockers.

More generally what range of hands should I be betting here? Which hands should I check so Villain doesn't break; which hands (like this one?) should I bet so that Villain does break?

This will also be a spot where I have some snows; I assume the usual parameters for that are in place as well, ie having seen a bunch of good blockers to strong hands, and having a weakish draw (ie to a straight).
2-7 After Second Draw Quote
09-13-2024 , 12:55 PM
You bet hands you intend to pat, and some good draws. This hand is close between the options of bet and plan to pat, or check and plan to draw
2-7 After Second Draw Quote
09-14-2024 , 10:29 AM
DD, not sure it was clear from original post; but I am BB, and in position.

I did bet, with the plan of patting vs a draw or breaking vs a call/pat.
2-7 After Second Draw Quote
09-15-2024 , 01:19 PM
Yep, I was responding to your question of "what range should I bet". Your play is fine here, like I said its a little close though. In these 1-1 turn spots a check call pat is not much of a "thing" so if you ever see it, it can be hard to figure out what sort of range it represents, I wouldn't bother trying to do it yourself
2-7 After Second Draw Quote
