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Your unpopular opinions Your unpopular opinions

04-22-2014 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
You can't seriously believe that ADR's lack of success is because he worked with Cena.
Not sure if you watched NOC and SS'13 but he made ADR look like a total chump.
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04-22-2014 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by JoeDiego
Not sure if you watched NOC and SS'13 but he made ADR look like a total chump.
I'm genuinely not sure if you're just trolling here, but if you're serious...

Your argument would at least add up if ADR's push had been working, and he was getting real heat and was over, and jobbing to Cena killed his heat. The reality is that ADR was pushed relentlessly forever and couldn't get over no matter how strong they booked him. I don't view them finally pulling the plug on this long-term attempt to get ADR over as some sort of tragedy. Despite being solid in the ring and passable on the mic, ADR simply did not have what it took to be big-time in America.
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04-22-2014 , 10:25 AM
Of everyone on that list I think ryback is the only person that might be true for
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04-22-2014 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
Of everyone on that list I think ryback is the only person that might be true for
One could even suggest that both CM Punk feuds killed his momentum even worse than the Cena feud did
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04-22-2014 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by JoeDiego

Kane was out out of action by Mark Henry during his brief unstoppable stage.

Upon his return they made promos for him, he was given a new mask, fans were excited because "THE MONSTER WAS BACK".

This was a serious push for Kane. He destroyed people, most notably Cena's friend Ryder and kidnapped Eve.

Unfortunately Cena+creative wouldn't do the job for Kane over two consecutive PPVs (DCO and then a resounding squash victory for Cena in an ambulance match).

Kane's credibility was shot. They fed him to Orton at Mania (Orton will always do a job for a colleague) but it didn't work.

They had to change him into a comedy character and put him with the hottest wrestler in the company to regain some heat.

In short, a big return of a monster heel lasted 3 months due to Cena.
Maybe they should have never done the feud to begin with, but Cena was facing the Rock at WM in a few months. He couldn't lose to Kane, they had just spent the entire year building to Rock/Cena.
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04-22-2014 , 11:41 AM
It's not Cena's job to put people over. It's his job to be over and sell millions of dollars of merch and put butts in seats. Yeah, it would be more interesting if the WWE used him differently, but 1- $$$$ 2- I can't hate it when the guy calling the shots just did a fantastic job of making Mania all about putting two newish stars over. They've got other people that can do that.
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04-22-2014 , 12:27 PM
Merch accounts for 5% of WWE revenue, and Ryder got to #4 without being pushed to the moon for over a decade and going over everybody.

He simply doesn't do the job he's there to do - be cheered. He makes every feud he's in extremely awkward for all parties.

I wish they would start using him as a part timer for the major events only (like Lesnar). Nobody gains anything from working with him because he doesn't make them look good (not just on a WL basis, but sh*t like constantly ruining finishers and making superman comebacks).
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04-22-2014 , 12:40 PM
Jessica Simpson's short foray in to country music was her best work.
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04-22-2014 , 05:07 PM
Wrestling tends to be more enjoyable when a heel holds the championship.

You don't have to turn somebody face just because they are being cheered, and you don't have to turn somebody heel just because they are being booed.

Lance Russell, who seems to have been forgotten, is superior to any play by play announcer wrestling has seen in the past two decades other than Jim Ross.

Gary Michael Capetta is probably the best ring announcer ever.

Some of my once unpopular opinions seem to have been reincorporated into the industry, such as managers and stables need to be part of the foundation of a company and featured in storylines consistently.
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04-22-2014 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by moorobot
Gary Michael Capetta is probably the best ring announcer ever.
is the only one really in the spirit of this thread.
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04-22-2014 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by moorobot
Wrestling tends to be more enjoyable when a heel holds the championship.

You don't have to turn somebody face just because they are being cheered, and you don't have to turn somebody heel just because they are being booed.

Lance Russell, who seems to have been forgotten, is superior to any play by play announcer wrestling has seen in the past two decades other than Jim Ross.

Gary Michael Capetta is probably the best ring announcer ever.

Some of my once unpopular opinions seem to have been reincorporated into the industry, such as managers and stables need to be part of the foundation of a company and featured in storylines consistently.
When is it ok to be cool? Essentially cool heels are frowned upon as going into business for themselves and not really trying hard enough to be hated and draw heat. Yet when someone is turned, they generally strip every part of their personality that made them cool in the first place, so faces aren't cool either.
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04-22-2014 , 06:16 PM
You don't have to turn somebody face just because they are being cheered, and you don't have to turn somebody heel just because they are being booed.
This should be true, but as Stroud pointed out in a recent post, it's hard when the WWE's taught their audience otherwise since ever. I think they're on the verge of a change, you can see that with Wyatt and Barrett (although I don't really have a sense for now new those types of responses are), but it's going to take some work. I think the whole "reality era" bit makes that a lot easier.
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04-22-2014 , 06:18 PM
Has to be a pretty rare thing to not turn someone heel if they're getting booed IMO. I agree with not turning Cena because he's still incredibly strong with the younger demographic, but realistically I think it makes better use of Bootista to just have him be a heel.

I don't mind turning popular heels face either, but it should be a Ric Flair type of turn where they just start fighting a lot more heels than faces but they don't actually actively pander to the great unwashed.
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04-22-2014 , 06:35 PM
I think they need to put Cena in a spot where he's not a face or a heel, he's just a Cena. A guy who isn't evil, but who is hated and just fights for his own respect. So he doesn't have to start cheating and acting like a heel, but he needs to stop doing obvious face stuff and needs to become more indifferent to the crowd.
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04-22-2014 , 06:44 PM
Anytime Cena isn't wrestling for the title, he is helping to give someone a push that doesn't deserve it. WWE needs to put Cena back into the title mix. It's a bit ridiculous for him to not be there.
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04-22-2014 , 07:01 PM
The other argument is that Cena is the one guy who doesn't need the title to still have a main event feel to his matches and feuds. If Cena is in the title picture, only one other guy is getting the spotlight. If he's not, 3 other guys are getting it.
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04-22-2014 , 07:07 PM
That would, in fact, be the case if the title had the prestige it once did. It's getting to that level again, but it's not there yet.
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04-22-2014 , 07:07 PM
90% of Stone Cold Steve Austin matches were garbage.

Zack Ryder is the most talented guy on the roster.

Goldberg vs Austin would have been bigger than Hogan vs Rock.

Bray Wyatt stole his entire gimmick from CM Punk.
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04-22-2014 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by GrindPokerAllDay
Anytime Cena isn't wrestling for the title, he is helping to give someone a push that doesn't deserve it. WWE needs to put Cena back into the title mix. It's a bit ridiculous for him to not be there.
And what would you do upon putting him in the title picture? Have him take the belt from Bryan and have Bryan's title reign just end after a month or two? Or put Bryan over him again and make him 2-0 against Cena in title matches?

Because I think that both results sound pretty bad right now.
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04-22-2014 , 07:13 PM
Not likely to be bad to put Bryan over him again. Pretty much what they did with Punk in 2011. It solidifies Bryan while giving Cena a non title victory later on when Bryan is no longer champ.
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04-22-2014 , 07:20 PM
The only argument for Cena in the ME scene is that new and interesting things make you break out in hives.
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04-22-2014 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Not likely to be bad to put Bryan over him again. Pretty much what they did with Punk in 2011. It solidifies Bryan while giving Cena a non title victory later on when Bryan is no longer champ.
This is fair I suppose.

Originally Posted by Dids
The only argument for Cena in the ME scene is that new and interesting things make you break out in hives.
The argument that would resonate with me is that the WWF Title should be of the utmost to every single wrestler in the company. Him not showing an interest in it isn't great for it. But as long as they're not putting him in the main event over the title like they've done in the past, I suppose it's no big deal.
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04-22-2014 , 08:00 PM
Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but all these gimmick PPVs suck. Hell in a Cell, TLC, Elimination Chamber should not be PPVs. Instead these matches should be used when the feud calls for it.
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04-22-2014 , 08:01 PM
Yeah that's pretty clearly correct.
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04-22-2014 , 09:15 PM
So hard to gauge what will be unpopular opinion but here goes.

WWF's best years were 1992 and 1997.

I'd still watch wrestling every week if Jim Cornette was booking for a major promotion.

Can't name a match involving Hogan I enjoyed bar Rumble '92.

Gangrel's gimmick/music was awesome, sucked they never did anything with him.

Jericho in WCW > Jericho in WWE
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