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WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread

01-19-2012 , 08:26 PM
Beiber would be an awesome host. For a young guy he is ridiculously self aware and doesnt care about doing stuff that laughs at him as shown on his SNL appearances. Shudda had him do the song too instead of that **** they actually got, lol.
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-19-2012 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by Wallypop
Coincidence that we also like country music?
Take out beer and God and the genre itself would implode.
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-19-2012 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Beiber would be an awesome host. For a young guy he is ridiculously self aware and doesnt care about doing stuff that laughs at him as shown on his SNL appearances. Shudda had him do the song too instead of that **** they actually got, lol.
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-19-2012 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Beiber would be an awesome host. For a young guy he is ridiculously self aware and doesnt care about doing stuff that laughs at him as shown on his SNL appearances. Shudda had him do the song too instead of that **** they actually got, lol.
When he and Sheamus were on stage together at the EMA Awards (yes, it happened), I can't have been the only one hoping for Sheamus to Brogue Kick him in the face and start off some huge, ridiculously ambitious angle where Vince tries to work the whole of MTV.
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01-19-2012 , 08:49 PM
That would have been an epic heel turn and would have made way more noise than Kaufman and Lawler ever did as they work the entire world.
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01-19-2012 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
That would have been an epic heel turn and would have made way more noise than Kaufman and Lawler ever did as they work the entire world.
Epic super-face-turn imo. Bieber is a career heel.
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-20-2012 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by silviodante1
Silly question, if Brodus has redebuted as a unstoppable monster heel, a little earlier obv, won the rumble and faced the wwe champ at WM would any of you have been apposed?
Yes. I think he's definately talented enough and if he keeps improving he should be considered for a RR win in the future. But this year is too soon. Winning the 2014 RR seems more reasonable, almost exactly 3 years after the debuted on NXT.

And if they wanted an unstoppable monster heel to win the RR this year Mark Henry would be my choice. He had a fantastic 2011 and noone would fill that role better then him.
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01-29-2012 , 02:59 AM
jericho is the only logical choice to win the rr, and then declare he wants the Undisputed championship and just like that bam EPIC co main event Jericho vs Bryan vs Punk
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-29-2012 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by Pharoah00
jericho is the only logical choice to win the rr, and then declare he wants the Undisputed championship and just like that bam EPIC co main event Jericho vs Bryan vs Punk
I really really hope this happens. For so many different reasons this would be awesome.
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-29-2012 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by Dylan
I really really hope this happens. For so many different reasons this would be awesome.
This could be a phenomenal WM. I get the sense though that Bryan would drop to Orton at EC for an Orton, Jericho, Punk triple threat match.
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-29-2012 , 12:14 PM
If Jericho were unifying, or at least setting it up, he would need to win the Rumble, then win an Elimination Chamber either for the title or for a shot at a title then pull double duty on the WM show. Which i dont think is unreasonable to hope for or is that unlikely. Im not sure they even need Jericho to achieve his goal of unifying but it would be an example of the world as we know it ending.
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01-30-2012 , 09:09 AM
If Bryan holds the title into wrestlemania, I think the chances are almost 0 that he retains vs sheamus
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01-30-2012 , 11:56 AM
The Divas match should be Karma vs Beth. Anything else would be crazy.
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-30-2012 , 12:04 PM
As i said in the Rumble thread the easiest booking they can do is have Bryan gain some momentum, go into WM against Sheamus who already has some and could pick up some more speed, then have a solid back and forth that ends with Sheamus going over. If its a good match and Bryan is kept around in the main events i will 100% back it.

The ambitious gutsy call has everything the same except Sheamus passes out in the LeBell mirroring the Bret vs Austin match. To fully sell it requires blading which isnt going to happen, but i think this is the perfect time to have two young studs go to war, smash the **** out of each other and end "unclean", but in a way that both look really good.

I think a lot of people will miss just why this is so great thinking it somehow devalues the result by having Sheamus resist the pain till passing out rather than tapping but they are wrong.

Fwiw the storyline potential is perfect, Bryan is the heel who has exploited his way to win and retain his title at every turn. He puts on dominating performances on scrubs like Kofi and Cody, but he finds loopholes against the huge unbeatable monsters like Henry and Big Slow. Sheamus on the other hand IS a huge unbeatable monster. He is the only wrestler who ever went toe to toe with Henry and never got put into the Hall of Pain. He is almost unbeaten for the better part of a year and is the slug it out badass looking mother****er who balances it out with a smile and Irish charm. The story of the weasely champion who is backed into a corner and is unable to runaway so he just turns and goes animal proving to himself as much as anyone why he is the best wrestler in the world with the intelligence and meanness to cover his size deficiencies vs the guy who has the never give up'edness of Cena and the straight forward burying ability of HHH but at a point in his career where he loses when it is required and with the talent to make Bryan look great as he actually sells his moves. Its the basic thuggish big guy who clubs you to death with his arm vs the technically sound little wrestler who has forgotten more counters into submissions than Kurt Angle ever learned.

I get why many were disappointed last night, the ppv was pretty much crap. However coming out of it Smackdown is crafting itself a glorious WM match and keeping the Bryan vs Show feud ticking over ready for Elimination Chamber. After sleeping on it im solidly behind the choice of who went over in the Rumble and how the cage match ended. Now i just need the Smackdown writers to pull off what they are offering to us achieving the full potential of the WHC match.
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-30-2012 , 01:43 PM
Rock vs. Cena: Icon vs Icon match

Punk vs. Y2J: WWE Championship match

Bryan vs. Sheamus: World Heavyweight Championship

Undertaker vs. HHH: Streak vs HHH in the bank match

Cody vs. Goldust: Carrer vs IC title match

Kane vs. Ryder

Karma vs Beth: Divas Championship

Orton vs Barrett: Street Fight

Ziggler vs ADR vs R-Truth vs Swagger vs. Kofi vs. Jinder vs. Mark Henry vs. Christian: MITB

Big Show vs. Shaq

Miz vs. Rey
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-30-2012 , 01:49 PM
That all looks good, but where did this Miz v. Rey chatter come from? Just from the rumor mills?
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-30-2012 , 01:52 PM
Rey would more likely take on ADR imo given ADR injured him to put him out of action. Miz vs Truth at WM seems a lock to me.
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01-30-2012 , 02:07 PM
Hopefully a 3rd Rey/ADR feud would consist of more than Del Rio calling Rey a little chihuahua.
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-30-2012 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
That all looks good, but where did this Miz v. Rey chatter come from? Just from the rumor mills?
Well Miz took out Rey so it would make sense for them to have a match if Rey is back in time. I also left Brodus off, I'm not really sure what he'll do.
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-30-2012 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Dylan
I also left Brodus off, I'm not really sure what he'll do.
Dance party with Cee Lo Green.
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-30-2012 , 03:26 PM
On the August 8, 2011 episode of Raw, Mysterio was brutally attacked by The Miz, leaving him with a storylined injury. At SummerSlam 2011, Mysterio competed in a six man tag-team match with Kofi Kingston and John Morrison to defeat The Miz, Alberto del Rio and R-Truth. The following night on Raw, Rey Mysterio was unsuccessful in his WWE Title rematch against Alberto Del Rio.[135]

Mysterio suffered an in-ring injury at a house show but was written out-of-action with an injury inflicted by Alberto Del Rio following a match.[136]
Summerslam was Aug 14th btw.
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-30-2012 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Dylan
The Divas match should be Karma vs Beth. Anything else would be crazy.
given divas booking, there is probably as much chance of a good karma/beth feud as there is a k2/eve vs bellas match with an epic twin magic twist at the end
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-30-2012 , 08:43 PM
Maybe we will get Miz/ADR at WM then, I thought it was Miz who injured him. Looks like Miz will be stuck in MITB if there is one, which I'm not sure is a good idea - having the match itself I mean, not putting Miz in it.

Kharma/Beth is a no-brainer for the Divas' title, it should be the best Divas' match in roughly a decade but that's not saying much.
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01-30-2012 , 09:32 PM
Unless you know something i dont i think its reasonable to assume Miz and Truth will blow off their feud at WM until told otherwise.
WWE WrestleMania 28 Preview and Predictions Thread Quote
01-30-2012 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Unless you know something i dont i think its reasonable to assume Miz and Truth will blow off their feud at WM until told otherwise.
Well that's certainly possible, but when they had their match for the #1 spot last week I figured WWE didn't really care much about the angle and decided to rush it through so they could go with something else.
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