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04-28-2014 , 11:16 PM
So that was a pretty lame segment to close the show.

As go-home shows go for the WWE in this era the episode wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great.
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04-28-2014 , 11:16 PM
Only caught that Flair basically gave the Shield his blessing then missed a few minutes. How did Flair just dissappear?
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04-28-2014 , 11:17 PM
no emma/santino/fandango segment really killed the crowd
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04-28-2014 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by EMc
They haven't done anything wrong the last few weeks but for reasons I can't explain it's falling flat when you consider the energy and momentum after wrestlemania
honestly i think that the crowds since the Raw after WM have kinda sucked

i mean that raw crowd was just sooo good. really made it a lot more enjoyable for me
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04-28-2014 , 11:24 PM
Yeah, St. Louis just doesn't have it like the upper Midwest does. I was hoping it would, but I was afraid it wouldn't.
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04-28-2014 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by EMc
They haven't done anything wrong the last few weeks but for reasons I can't explain it's falling flat when you consider the energy and momentum after wrestlemania
The Wyatt kid choir could be among the most original opening segments I've ever seen, however.
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04-28-2014 , 11:47 PM
The Wyatt segment should have closed the show tonight.

Instead last week's Wyatt segment was brutal and went on last.
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04-28-2014 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by blastoff
no emma/santino/fandango segment really killed the crowd
I nearly slit my wrists because of this. On the bright side, at least 3MB finally won....or did that kill the crowd :-/
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04-29-2014 , 12:00 AM
I liked the idea of bringing Ric Flair out. I was excited. His mic work was lacking but it still could have worked. It looked like Flair could barely walk but surely he could bend over and punch someone in the balls. That's really all anybody wanted. Just low blow Triple H and then get out of the ring while the Shield does the rest. Instead it ended super flat and the announcers pretty much had to spoon feed us that Flair was endorsing The Shield.

A one on one match between Orton and Reigns was pointless and stupid. If they wanted to give the crowd a match it should have been after they went off the air.
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04-29-2014 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by OneOut
Does Vince have to pay a royalty everytime they sing Whole World in His Hands on TV?
Copyright law is pretty complicated, and I'm not sure if it matters but the copyright term for that song has likely expired. Also, not sure who copyrighted it. Pretty sure the original author is unknown.
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04-29-2014 , 12:17 AM
The problem with some of the Wyatt stuff is it drags out too long.

The singing tonight lasted +5mins longer than it should. You could tell the crowd was losing interest.

Bray's fake laughing lasts longer than we need to see. More than 5 secs of it is really bad.
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04-29-2014 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by I_AM_EVIL
The problem with some of the Wyatt stuff is it drags out too long.

The singing tonight lasted +5mins longer than it should. You could tell the crowd was losing interest.

Bray's fake laughing lasts longer than we need to see. More than 5 secs of it is really bad.
yeah i agree.

they pretty much have been hitting the point of 'okay we get it' and then just plow past it for about 2x longer
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04-29-2014 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by GrindPokerAllDay
Copyright law is pretty complicated, and I'm not sure if it matters but the copyright term for that song has likely expired. Also, not sure who copyrighted it. Pretty sure the original author is unknown.
I'm almost positive it is public domain.

Also, that was the worst use of Flair ever, but I'm going with the drunk theory as well. He was pretty slurry
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04-29-2014 , 08:13 AM
They interviewed Flair on the backstage pass show afterward and he also wasn't coherent there. Certainly possible that he was drunk.
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04-29-2014 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
It's a pretty prestigious wrestling legend who was the first one to be dragged into the rape dungeon.

****ing Kevin Nash
Don't forget the only wrestler to debut from the rape dungeon.

Welllllllllllllllllllll....... It's the Big Show.
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04-29-2014 , 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by I_AM_EVIL
The problem with some of the Wyatt stuff is it drags out too long.

The singing tonight lasted +5mins longer than it should. You could tell the crowd was losing interest.

Bray's fake laughing lasts longer than we need to see. More than 5 secs of it is really bad.
Agree with this. I've like all the stuff but it was just in too big of doses. Maybe that's what they were going for but I doubt it
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04-29-2014 , 10:10 AM
Apparently they did announce Cesaro-Swagger-RVD in an elimination triple threat for Sunday on the backstage pass show. Elimination makes it a bit more sensible when there's no title on the line.
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04-29-2014 , 10:11 AM
Watching Raw now, I have no idea how you guys can sit through 3 hours live. I thought the opening Bray segment was really well done even though I've found the whole feud very boring. Lol at people thinking there's any chance of a Cena heel turn.

Cesaros new music sucks balls. Heyman goat as always. This whole Zeb/Heyman feud has been pretty great so far.

Rusev is boring but Lana deserves more love.

Probably should be in the unpopular opinions thread but I've found the 3MB and Hornswoggle vs Mexicans feud enjoyable. It's lighthearted and the segments have been relatively short.

The Bryan segment was kind of awkward. Return of the rape dungeon made me legit lol though. I liked Brie calling Steph a bitch

BNB is awesome, RVD is still boring.

The whole main event segment was sloppy and hard to watch. I'm glad they didn't push Roman by himself early, he needs the most work out of the 3. I still think Rollins has the most potential.
**WWE Raw/Smackdown Viewing Thread** Quote
04-29-2014 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by El Kabong
Probably should be in the unpopular opinions thread but I've found the 3MB and Hornswoggle vs Mexicans feud enjoyable. It's lighthearted and the segments have been relatively short.
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04-29-2014 , 10:44 AM
Lol at the liking Brie calling Steph a bitch. That line was Sao awfully delivered
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04-29-2014 , 10:46 AM
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04-29-2014 , 10:47 AM
Black sand mexicans
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04-29-2014 , 10:47 AM
Oh wait that wasn't you
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04-29-2014 , 10:57 AM
Raw Thoughts:

Bray Wyatt vs Child Labor Laws

- I still couldn't decide if this was awesome or terrible. I'd lean way more towards awesome if it was in service of something that was at all interesting, but I just don't care about Cena (who was great in this- I loved the choice to have him be so shook he blew of my girl Renee without saying anything).

- As good as Wyatt is on the mic, I wish we'd get to see more of him in the ring.

- I realize it's a throwaway that a vast majority of the audience won't get, but given that Wyatt dropped a Carcosa reference a while back, and the plot of True Detective, the kids seemed even creepier.

- As I said I thought Cena was good, and his closing promo was basically what he had to do, but it sure points to this ending in the least interesting way possible.

Thank God We Have Something to Cheer vs Bro Do You Even Have a Portmanteau For Your Tag Team

- The crowd was so clearly uncomfortable after the Wyatt thing, and so ready to pop for nice normal wrestling that the Usos got a big pop (from a pretty meh crowd).

- I still hate their look, but they won me over a bit in the ring. Still too many of the same spots, but they were better integrated.

Two Irish Guys vs Cole and JBL's attention Span

- Raw needs about 80% less Cole/JBL bickering (assuming we don't just get 100% less Cole). JBL feels really close to being great, but he's being held back by Cole's complete lack of charisma.

- I have no idea what the point of this match was other than "There is still a Sheamus"

In Which Damian Sandow Cosplays as Magento and Hugh Jackman Cosplays as a WWE Fan

- Everything Sandow was amazing. Everything Jackman was ****. I believe that guy likes wrestling like I believe he's Wolverine (I hate him as Wolvie). I haven't seen much of Sandow, since he's just been a jobber since I started, but I loved him on the mic.

- I'm never going to be OK with the name Dolph Ziggler.

Paul Heyman Tells the Best Knock Knock Joke Ever vs The WWE's Lack of Restraint.

- Every moment this Paul Heyman stuff keeps up the decision to end the streak makes more and more sense.

- I do not get why they keep putting Swagger and Cesaro in the ring. This should have been a slow build to something big, and instead they've done everything already to the point where I guess we're spicing it up by adding Karl Welzein RVD to the match now.

- It's a shame we can't have a 'Stach vs. Ponytail match.

Alberto and Cody and Goldust go through the motions

- they've done a **** job of showing us why Goldust and Cody are moving towards a breakup beyond "they're losing". I want to care about this and at this point they're working against it.

- going with Cody as the heel here is so boring and obvious.


- HI Lana.

- "No seriously guys, there's a reason to care about this obvious quash we've booked, honest"

- meh.

We're Going To Do This Until Dinklage Shows Up With Pod and Sansa

- that's just about enough of this.

- Slater's DDT finisher looked sick.

Daniel Bryan vs WWE's Writing

- I did not like this one bit. Bryan had nothing to say, Brie can't act, Paige should not be a prop in this BS.

- If Brie came back into the ring to distract Kane they didn't do a good job of telling us that. They vasilicated between making her look week as hell and then that odd moment of maybe bravery.

- I could do without setting up for a huge pop over calling somebody a Bitch.

I'm Afraid I've Got Some Rob Van Dam

- I get you've got a storyline to advance and a Cesaro to keep heel, but man I think BNB would have been better served going over clean.

- Barrett's so over he hardly has to ask for decorum.

Everybody is Drunk

- Maybe don't ever put Flair on TV again- that should have been something and instead it just left the crowd confused and dead. (and was really obvious- somebody somewhere pointed out that it's tricky to use Flair in this because he's Flair and would turn Evolution facey too easily).

- I think everybody botched something at the end. Rollin seemed like he totally missed HHH and Roman's spear was sloppy too.

- I liked Shield coming back at the end. Thought it did a good job of making both groups look strong. The fact that this is such a stepping stone PPV, and you can see nearly every match here leading into something more makes it less obvious who they're putting over, and I like that.
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04-29-2014 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by master3004
Black sand mexicans
You rang?
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