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WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start)

09-15-2019 , 04:42 PM
There's a Clash of the Champions tonight.

WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 05:44 PM
Am I obligated to watch this since I'm paying for the network?

Once they go to tiers and NXT is on USA, I will be free.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by OneOut
Am I obligated to watch this since I'm paying for the network?

(Just trying to keep the forum alive.)
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 06:35 PM
I've been trying to tune in a bit over the last couple of weeks since they are doing the move to Fox soon but it's been very difficult.

The Kevin Owens stuff just makes him look pathetic. I'm sure it's supposed to lead to a match but, well, it doesn't make me care.

Baron Corbin is still wrestling relevant matches. While he's fine in the ring (better than he used to be!) he is also a black hole of charisma.

They've halted Brauns momentum so many times in an effort to keep Brock strong that I no longer really care about him. Now he's having a title match.

Bray Wyatt got new material for his promos which is good, but then he steps in the ring and he's still Bray Wyatt.

I do like the ongoing story with Bryan/Rowan/Roman though. It has some weird and silly things, but for the most part has been a consistent storyline that gave opportunities to younger, talented wrestlers to get some time in with top stars. I always enjoyed cruiserweights getting to mingle with top stars and glad to see it happen.

I'm probably in for tonight as background noise.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by OneOut
Am I obligated to watch this since I'm paying for the network?

Once they go to tiers and NXT is on USA, I will be free.

Speaking of, anyone know the rumors on what the tier stuff is supposed to be? I've tuned out a little in the last 60 days and haven't heard.

I'm hoping there's a tier for just access to old stuff, as I care more about the library than the current PPVs.

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WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ

(Just trying to keep the forum alive.)

Alright, I'm turning this thing on. I want the forum to get some action too.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 07:06 PM
Graves: "That is literally the opposite of what I just said."
Renee: "Sounded like it to me!"

Graves wasn't wrong.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 07:20 PM
Fans boo loudly as Roode sets up his signature move. And then, on cue, they quit booing to sing along with his catchphrase.

Wrestling fans, man.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 07:37 PM
Really poor execution on that finish, but I appreciated Bayley sprinting away afterward at least.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 07:48 PM
I don't really want Bayley to cheat. I want her to continue to act as if she believes she's a role model.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 07:56 PM
I thoroughly approve of this title change and look forward to the Revival jobbing every week.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 08:02 PM
Interesting how they've kept this dynamic with Nikki and Alexa, where the latter retains her heel characteristics, but is actually acting like a friend to Nikki.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 08:21 PM
Aw ****, Miz wears pandering t-shirts now?
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 08:43 PM
Ah, this is the big Boss Man match
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 08:57 PM
Non-finish seems fine here, even though it's always unsatisfying in the moment.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 09:01 PM
So the ref disappears after one half ass chair shot. Meanwhile the girls are battering each other with chairs and are still fighting.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 09:04 PM
The length of most ref bumps has always been a nonsensical part of wrestling that requires suspension of disbelief. There's no defending it really, just something I've been conditioned to since childhood.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 09:07 PM
It's certainly more logical when you have these larger than life characters in the ring, projected as super-human. This was Sasha and Becky.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 09:10 PM
Varies with the bump too, really. This was at least a weapon shot. I don't know; it just doesn't stand out to me among the many many silly recovery times on ref bumps.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 09:30 PM
No KO on the show. Missed Alexa/Nikki. I'm somewhat interested in the Braun/Seth tag so I guess there's that

and plz to have more activity here when AEW starts

edit: crowd's dead af for this match. I don't blame them.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 09:30 PM
This match has probably been going for 10 minutes or so, but it definitely feels like 30.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
and plz to have more activity here when AEW starts
I desperately wish that I felt any hope that I would enjoy AEW, but I will at least try watching when it gets its TV show going.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 09:35 PM
A champion can have one mulligan, but when there's more than one PPV title defense where the crowd doesn't ****ing care, it needs to be the end of the title reign without exception.

Not that I wanted Kofi to drop to Orton, because that definitely doesn't fix the issue.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 09:40 PM
King Corbin is going to be an unbearable character for the next year.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
09-15-2019 , 09:41 PM
Did I gather correctly that other people enjoyed King Booker? Because I hated that damn character, and I was definitely otherwise a Booker T fan.
WWE Clash of Champions 2019 (7 p.m. ET start) Quote
