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Wrestling's Greatest Matches (Video Thread) Wrestling's Greatest Matches (Video Thread)

02-16-2012 , 12:13 PM
Puro MOTD: Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs Kenta Kobashi - 3/1/03. More NOAH action with two legends battling it out for the GHC Heavyweight championship. These two had 8 matches in AJPW between 93 and 99 with the average rating being 4.69/5. This particular match was given the full 5*. This features some great wrestling, spots, and drama...the formula for a must see match.
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02-16-2012 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Chargers In 09
Owen's second best match imo. Hard to top this match. I'd put this at 4th best junior match ever.

Despite some jesting on both our parts and me personally not being a huge Flair fan, I really like your taste in matches and think they are probably the closest to mine in this subforum. Thanks for posting all these great videos, I'm sure I will be drafting some of them and will enjoy watching the ones I haven't seen before. Owen/Liger is another match I haven't seen in over 10 years, back in the days where I would get compilation tapes made by a tape trader. It will be good to see it again as it remember it being pretty awesome with a good finish.
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02-17-2012 , 02:34 AM
Aright guys, here's one of my favorite matches of all time. I wish I could find a full video for the IWA MS TPI 2004 final with Danielson vs Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles

But I cant, so heres Bryan Danielson not Daniel Bryan vs KENTA
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02-17-2012 , 02:17 PM
bah my puro YT account got shutdown yesterday . I was going to post Samoa Joe vs Kobashi today but that was revealed in the All Time Draft thread today. So here's ROH's first (of three, so far) ladder "war". Kevin Steen and El Generico vs The Briscoe Brothers from "Man Up". They had been feuding for a few months and Steenerico just couldn't pull off the title win. Could they do it in this ladder war?
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02-18-2012 , 10:33 PM
Here are two matches that I very nearly drafted in the All time draft.

The first is Stan Hansen vs. Kenta Kobashi

The other is Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Kerry Von Erich

This is a description of the latter match by somebody on another forum:

Top 10 candidate. Just a perfectly laid out match from start to finish, with Kerry doing the best selljob of any Von Erich ever. Great focused work by Jumbo, working the knee in the first fall, selling Kerry's comeback in the second, and annihilating the claw hand in the third. Kerry shows that when he's "on," he's not only an incredible athlete, but--dare I say it--an incredibly *smart* worker, too. Long-term selling, knowing how to sell Jumbo's big moves, spacing out his offense, doing some fairly complex sequences...he was pulling it off like nothing. The ending...
was the only one possible, since Jumbo wasn't winning the title and there was no way they were going to put Kerry over him, titleholder or not, and especially considering Jumbo was just coming off a "bad loss" days before (to Martel).

Last edited by moorobot; 02-18-2012 at 10:39 PM.
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02-19-2012 , 03:41 AM
Indy MOTD: Davey Richards vs Tyler Black (c) @ Death Before Dishonor VIII (2010) for the ROH World Championship. Seeing as Black is in WWE now as Seth Rollins I'll throw out one of the few matches I've seen with him. But this match is no slouch. It will blow away any casual fan who's not into indies/puro. It was rated ****3/4 by Meltzer and is a terrific wrestling match. You will get winded by the end of this match.

DBD VIII was the first ROH event I saw based on one or two recommendations in threadzilla just after it happened and this match put the cap on one of the greatest events in wrestling history. I will post another match or two from this event later on.
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02-19-2012 , 07:11 AM
Tribute to the great chair to skull moments
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02-20-2012 , 11:14 AM
Sara Del Rey vs Amazing Kong for the SHIMMER championship (volume 15) pt1 pt2 pt3

I was looking for this match for ages for one specific spot, i decided against drafting it in the All Time Match draft taking Kong vs MsChif instead so here it is as a freebie.

The set up here is that Kong is undefeated in SHIMMER, Del Rey has lost one singles match before winning the title (she is the inaugural champ). This is one of the few times you will see Kong go up against someone who is just as powerful with a gimmick that creates an unstoppable force vs immovable object story.

The reason i didnt draft the match is the ending just doesnt come together right in that draft format. Its a match that should be the start of a long feud. However Kong signed to TNA at that point and they werent able to book her in future events as much as they wanted so the mega feud that would have taken the company to another level never came unfortunately. Hindsight 20/20 means SDR should have gone over clean imo.

But regardless of that you get two really sick spots in a match with a lot of great back and forth Joshi style hard hitting with SDR giving Kong a HUGE release German suplex (!!!) and she hits a ****ing Royal Butterfly in the go home to keep Kong down for a 10 count. Just completely sick power wrestling.
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02-20-2012 , 05:46 PM
Indy MOTD: This match easily fits into the category of "Greatest matches you've never seen". Bryan Danielson vs Shingo from DragonGate's Enter the Dragon 2010. This was a special appearance by Danielson after he was "fired" by WWE for choking Justin Roberts with his tie. If you don't know Shingo, he is a former bodybuilder, and unlike Lex Luger, can go and is very exciting to watch. Easily a ****1/2+ match.
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02-21-2012 , 03:51 PM
Just wanted to post what was my originally scheduled main event in the All-Time Match draft. Mitsuharu Misawa has more great matches than I care to count, and Jumbo Tsuruta has his fair share as well, but this is the match I think of first when I think of both of them. This was shortly after Giant Baba decided that Misawa was the future of AJPW and had him unmasked as Tiger Mask II and this was a "passing the torch" type match.
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02-22-2012 , 08:01 AM
Indy MOTD: C.M. Punk vs Samoa Joe (c) - All Star Extravaganza III. Joe is in the midst of a 21 month reign as ROH World champion. Punk has challenged twice and twice they have gone to sixty minute draws, with one of them getting a 5* rating from Dave Meltzer two months prior. This is a match that must have a winner. Can Punk finally topple Joe and become champ?


Posted in the "All time match" thread if you missed it...

Bryan Danielson vs Takeshi Morishima (c) - Manhattan Mayhem II. Bryan challenges for the title and gets his eye socket broken with five minutes and they put on a classic.
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02-23-2012 , 11:51 AM
This match is widely considered one of the greatest women's matches of all time. Fortunately, in the all time draft thread, I didn't have to consider taking it over the Toyota vs. Aja Kong match I did take, as I didn't have enough time. The workrate is incredible.

Manami Toyota and Yamada vs. Ozaki/Kansai
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02-23-2012 , 12:10 PM
I know that people's opinions on Brock Lesnar is not all sunshine and all of that, but this is not much about him in this match as much as Eddie trying to win the WWE champion, which signifies that he has solidify that he had overcome his demons and all of that. The match is pretty much what you expect as well with a great crowd.

With that in mind, I present you, Eddie Guerrero vs Brock Lesnar at No Way Out 2004 for the WWE Championship.
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02-23-2012 , 12:57 PM
Hamada vs Kurihara (16:35) pt1 pt2 pt3

Here is another that i wanted to draft in the all time but couldnt. This is one of my favourite modern SHIMMER matches which happened last year. The backstory is that Hamada is the older generation trained by Aja Kong and really one of the few Japanese women to really break out in the rest of the world with a few really brutal matches against Amazing Kong worth trying to find (which i couldnt when looking for some reason but i know they are out there) and she is facing Kurihara, one of the real up and coming stars of this generation who thanks to SHIMMER is starting to break out in America too. The two hadnt faced each other in singles competition in 3 years which in terms of Kurihara's career is a lifetime (she is 27 now).

The match was very much in the Joshi style, they really go at it basically beating each other almost shoot style and they really emphasise both the hard hitting but also the ability to take hits just as male wrestlers do. These are certainly not the bella twins putting on a 2minute clothesline, clothesline, tag, hair throw finisher match. They tell a very very clear story, its paced really well and its clear not only is Hamada truly the master as she leads the match but that Kurihara is a huge star getting ready to break out within the niche that womens wrestling unfortunately is.

Its not been released yet but in a volume that was filmed in the back end of 2011 after this match the two of them formed a tag team off the back of their performances in this match with Hamada being shown as really impressed and they went on to win the SHIMMER tag team title - which for context is ridiculously valuable compared to womens titles in TNA and WWE. I suspect they will be really huge within the niche as they seem to be set to hold that title for a couple years defending it all over the world as between the Canadian NINJAs and them the title was put on two paper champion teams (in terms of SHIMMER, which means a title reign of 6 months, lol).

Last edited by [Phill]; 02-23-2012 at 01:03 PM.
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02-25-2012 , 03:40 PM
Indy MOTD: In celebration of Chris Hero finally getting on WWE (FCW) tv on 3/11 here is another fantastic PWG match, this time between Hero and his long time tag team partner Claudio Castagnoli for the PWG championship from PWG Eight (2011). The match is fairly long but worth the watch.

The MegaKings explode
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02-25-2012 , 04:41 PM
That match was great.

The Kings are gonna have such great careers in WWE imo, presumably as a team to start but then eventually being broken into singles wrestlers.

Hero is getting an insta push as his wrestling style will be insta over with a mix of hard strikes and leaping **** casual wrestlers love coupled with a great look. If he has problems its that he might be too damn popular to get over heel.

Claudio's style might be harder to set him apart from every other tall power wrestler but his gimmick is just so simple and easy for the creative team to understand (he is Swiss, therefore he is a Euro librul that hates boorish 'mericans) that he should have zero problem getting pushed and he is guaranteed to get mega over heel as he cuts promos about how he is very European and that America is a cultural wasteland.
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02-28-2012 , 03:51 AM
been gone for a couple days so gonna throw in a puro and indy match now...

Puro: Misawa vs Kawada on 10/21/92. Misawa is the Triple Crown champion and this is Kawada's first shot at the title and it's against his tag team partner. This is also the first of seventeen meetings these two had in their careers. When a standing dropkick elicits a crowd to react like it's a finisher along with the announcer screaming "DROPKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK DROPKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK" you know it's a special match. I can't put this match over enough as it's probably my second favorite match of theirs (yes, i've seen them all).

Indy: Bryan Danielson vs Nigel McGuinness @ Driven 2007. There are many people who believe this match is > their Unified match from 06 and this is fan****ingtastic. Winner gets a shot @ Takeshi Morishima's title to prove they're the #1 wrestler in the world.
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02-28-2012 , 01:35 PM
That Driven match was great.

I preferred Unified, esp the go home, but that was an awesome match.

I hope they let Bryan take his character to the next level at some point this year and let him beat people to unconsciousness with the repeated elbows.

Do you have the 80 minute epic he did with Austin Aries you could upload at some point, ive heard its really good but ive never had chance to see it.
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02-28-2012 , 01:58 PM
i have it but haven't uploaded it because i figured nobody would watch that long of a match.
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02-29-2012 , 06:45 PM
Davey Richards vs KENTA from Supercard of Honor IV. NOAH's GHC Jr. champ makes an appearance for ROH against his protege for the title. Incredible KENTA match which was par for the course during this time.
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03-02-2012 , 01:44 AM
Briscoes vs Kings of Wrestling @ The Big Bang (2010). The Briscoes defend their tag titles vs the KOW and it ends up being a pretty good match.
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03-04-2012 , 03:33 AM
Bryan Danieslon vs Samoa Joe @ Midnight Express Reunion. Joe defends the ROH title vs the American Dragon.
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03-04-2012 , 10:31 AM
Really great match, really nicely paced, told its story well and the go home was great.

Ive only seen one or two Joe matches from ROH, they booked him so well.
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03-05-2012 , 12:09 AM
does anyone have the match when bret hart had a fever and lost to the mountie in a unheard of non televised event
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03-05-2012 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by lipster99
does anyone have the match when bret hart had a fever and lost to the mountie in a unheard of non televised event
i've never seen anybody mention this match in my travels.
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