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Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually

07-04-2023 , 03:09 AM
Do you mean season 3? Season 2 was definitely great, apart from that worthless episode where Mando transports the woman trying to keep her species from extinction. But I assumed you had seen that one already.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-04-2023 , 08:35 AM
Nope, season 2. I’m way behind on star worms.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-04-2023 , 11:21 AM
Gotcha, well definitely agree about that season. BOBF distinctly exists before Mando S3 on the chronology (and for my money it's the better season of TV besides, though not everyone would agree), so just an FYI to inform viewing order.

You could watch Andor whenever without it making a difference though, since it's way earlier on the timeline.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-04-2023 , 02:25 PM
Gotcha. Will do Book of Boba next, really looking forward to it. The after credits teaser of the last Mando ep was great, mainly Fennic swigging the blue juice.

I’m about halfway through watching Andor my brother. It definitely lives up to the hype.
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07-04-2023 , 04:21 PM
Elon blew up the entire house to catch a fly.

Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-04-2023 , 04:25 PM
Pretty difficult to see the Elon reign of terror as anything but deliberate sabotage.
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07-04-2023 , 04:53 PM
You think the sabotage is intentional? I believe he's developed a bit of a god complex. He thinks he's the great savior.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-04-2023 , 05:14 PM
The moves are just so transparently stupid that it's hard for me to imagine that he actually thinks most of them are good ideas. While he's obviously less intelligent than many would have liked to conclude, this is just too staggering for me to believe that he's even operating in good faith.
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07-04-2023 , 05:17 PM
Dumbest genius ever.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-07-2023 , 09:23 PM
Chas McCormick tries to take Ty France's prone arm off on a cheap shot last night. Tonight, right before McCormick steps to the plate for the first time, the Mariner broadcast replays what happened last night and then spins some completely dishonest story to try to put out the fire.

If the team didn't want to put one in his earhole tonight then that's fine, but forcing the announcers to go out and lie is ****ing shameful and whoever did that should go drink a gallon of their own piss. Zero chance that the announcing on this was independent; as team employees, they were set up to peddle the line that the team wanted. And since McCormick's actions were indefensible, the only thing left for them to do was to force their own announcers to lie.

What a pathetic organization the Mariners are. They simply lie down and allow a classless organization like Houston to do that to them and then their response is to paper it over for them. Surreal.
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07-07-2023 , 09:31 PM
I’m loving Boba Fett, about halfway through. I just ****ing love Star Wars, man. Pump this **** into my veins.

Really digging the deeper exploration into the Tusken Raiders and their culture. They’ve always been a favorite part of the universe for me. Tulak Hord was a Tusken force sensitive, which is pretty much the GOAT combination for combat dominance. Basically the Muad-Dib of Star Wars.

Last edited by whatthejish; 07-07-2023 at 09:36 PM.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-07-2023 , 09:54 PM
Nice. You're having much the same reaction that I did, which is very different to how many react to the first half of that season.

You'll enjoy the second half of the season just as much or very possibly more.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-08-2023 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Chas McCormick tries to take Ty France's prone arm off on a cheap shot last night. Tonight, right before McCormick steps to the plate for the first time, the Mariner broadcast replays what happened last night and then spins some completely dishonest story to try to put out the fire.

If the team didn't want to put one in his earhole tonight then that's fine, but forcing the announcers to go out and lie is ****ing shameful and whoever did that should go drink a gallon of their own piss. Zero chance that the announcing on this was independent; as team employees, they were set up to peddle the line that the team wanted. And since McCormick's actions were indefensible, the only thing left for them to do was to force their own announcers to lie.

What a pathetic organization the Mariners are. They simply lie down and allow a classless organization like Houston to do that to them and then their response is to paper it over for them. Surreal.
Arizona drills Francisco Alvarez the other night because he was a bit boisterous on a big HR in the series. He looks out to the mound, then puts his head down and starts walking to first. All of a sudden, the umpire is chest bumping him, the pitcher has his hands up in the air walking towards him and the dugouts empty. The kid had his head down walking to first base. WTF?

After the game, Alvarez was asked if he thought it was intentional. His reply, "If they want to make me feel bad, then try to strike me out."

Love this ****ing kid.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-08-2023 , 03:43 PM
I wish I had a plausible idea for how they could institute a rule for ejections that would follow a progressive discipline model, e.g. two technicals = ejection in basketball. Umpires can't even regulate their own inner emotional existences, and they're put in charge of regulating entire games.

For whatever other flaws a person wants to put on football, football officials do not go out there and feel emboldened to turn games into their own feelingfests. Basically, if you don't physically bump an official, you're not getting tossed, and unless you REALLY cross a line verbally you're unlikely to get penalized. And I have little doubt that football players bark at officials at least as often as baseball players do. Meanwhile, baseball coddles a system where games suffer big equity swings on a regular basis depending on just how sensitive the umpire is.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-08-2023 , 04:34 PM
The problem is that the head clown in charge (Manfred) is giving them more and more authority and encouraging them to take complete control of games.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-10-2023 , 02:48 PM
The head clown in charge appears to not appreciate that people would loudly boo the organization that he personally coddles.

Seattle fans are far from perfect, but they're A+ at vocalizing their hatred of villains.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-10-2023 , 06:14 PM
I heard where Dusty Baker said they may have just been boing Manfred.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-10-2023 , 06:57 PM
Nah, he was realistic; he just threw in a playful dig at Manfred at the end.

Dusty is the only remotely likable thing about the Astros. They should trade him for Phil Nevin.
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07-10-2023 , 08:17 PM
I googled this and many fans are in favour of the changes.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-11-2023 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by MMSS
I googled this and many fans are in favour of the changes.
I'm not sure what this means in context to the conversations above.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-11-2023 , 05:45 PM

Still optimistic that this could be really good. Only six weeks off now.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-11-2023 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Pretty difficult to see the Elon reign of terror as anything but deliberate sabotage.
Elon Musk is a mouthbreathing imbecile who made a fake offer he thought for sure wouldn’t get called so he could get incel clout. When it did get called he panicked and tried to back out. When he couldn’t back out and he actually had to run the show he whole ass revealed he’s a fraud with no idea how to run a company

SpaceX is nonsense

Boring was and is a failure

Tesla wasn’t his creation, he just gets credited with it for reasons completely unknown

The guy wants so badly to be popular he doesn’t know or care who he’s popular among. Now he’s pandering to the lowest common denominator just to feed his god complex while simultaneously brutalizing Twitter into nothingness through a magic 8 ball of decisions and logic

Long story short: he’s a narcissistic dipshit who has tricked morons into thinking he’s a genius cuz he’s desperate to be some kind of pop culture icon Tony stark/Steve jobs hybrid. **** him. The day I wake up and see news he died overnight will be a day the world is better off
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-11-2023 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
The head clown in charge appears to not appreciate that people would loudly boo the organization that he personally coddles.

Seattle fans are far from perfect, but they're A+ at vocalizing their hatred of villains.
I’m torn on manfred

On one hand I hate him. He’s a terrible person and openly stated he’s not a baseball fan. The bastardization of the home run derby was also unforgivable. Also **** this runner on 2nd extra innings debacle

On the other hand, I gotta hand it to him on the pitch clock and the expansion of the playoffs. I thought I’d hate both but both are quite well executed
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-11-2023 , 08:06 PM
I can't tell if you quoting me is an indication that you think I disagree with you. But to be clear: I have only nasty things to say about Elon as well.

Last edited by LKJ; 07-11-2023 at 08:06 PM. Reason: re: Elon
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
07-11-2023 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
I’m torn on manfred

On one hand I hate him. He’s a terrible person and openly stated he’s not a baseball fan. The bastardization of the home run derby was also unforgivable. Also **** this runner on 2nd extra innings debacle

On the other hand, I gotta hand it to him on the pitch clock and the expansion of the playoffs. I thought I’d hate both but both are quite well executed
Yeah I agree with all of this also. This year's rule changes are a clear success. Ideally the pitch clock would have been paired with the repeal of the ghost runner bullshit since it better addresses the issue they were seemingly trying to, but it seems like we're probably just permanently stuck with the ghost runner.
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