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Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually

10-18-2016 , 10:34 PM
Yeah, I'm not salty about it, I went in with a total dollar amount I was willing to spend on the purchase and came in under it with ease.
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10-18-2016 , 10:39 PM
Tip no, offer of beverage yes, IMO.
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10-18-2016 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
$80 delivery fee sounds really high. Don't most places do that for free (included as part of the price of course)?
I think most do it for free. I got a bed earlier this year from Sam Levitz and got free delivery. I got a big ass sectional couch earlier this year from a regional department store and it cost either $60 or $80 when I live literally a block away. I'm now second guessing myself on tipping. I didn't tip either.
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10-19-2016 , 06:54 PM
Its nice to see the jays get got. I love people that show EMOTION and dug the batflip, but I have no respect for people that do things like that when they do well and then whine about umpires when they hit .143. It helps the dislike that their fanbase literally throw bottles at opposing players from the stands. Plus, good for cleveland. Now we either get to see a "curse" broken with cle and cubs or VIN's team get him a ring on his way out. Win win win.

Also, hot damn Andrew Miller is on fire.
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10-19-2016 , 07:58 PM
Holy ****, I don't want to go full on SE in here, but do you honestly think that there is a fanbase in professional sports that hasn't done something nearly as bad as throw a can on the field? Or things much, much worse? It's such a tired argument.

I'm not a "the umpires are against the Jays" guy, but the strikezones have been horrendous all year, and I bet you would struggle to find more "Ump Show" games than the Jays have had by one other team this year.

The umpiring in the MLB is a joke across the board, and it's baffling to me that they don't use a fixed, robotic strike zone. The zone was especially awful for Edwin in this particular series, and I can dig up the stats if you want.

And lol at people who dislike the batflip (I know you said you didn't, don't worry). Especially Rangers fans. I've never seen a team bat flip more on singles than that joke of a squad.

Anyway, obviously I'm upset that the Jays lost, but I like Cleveland. They shut the Jays down. Only allowing 8 runs against the Jays is a pretty amazing feat even if the absolute lack of decent hitting approach did have a little something to do with it. They have a lot of likeable players and a really fun to watch.

Go Cleveland.
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10-19-2016 , 08:28 PM
First, agree on not wanting to devolve into SE. I used to frequent the mlb threads but I've just had to stay away this postseason because it's gotten so bad. I briefly checked in on the nlcs thread today and it was some dude melting down swearing off the cubs because they are down 2-1. Wasn't a good look. It's a shame because the regular season thread is a lot of fun with mostly everyone getting along.

Second, right there with you on robot umps. Im the kind of guy that thinks pass interference should be reviewable in the NFL though so that's not surprising. I also don't doubt it was bad, but I maintain that when you're 1-14 and the team has 42k in 35 innings after 4 games, telling the media that you're only losing due to "circumstances" is a pathetic move.

The bat flip remains awesome and I'll lol anyone that disagrees with us there. Baseball needs a lot more people having fun and being happy that they achieved something rather than somber cliches being spouted nonstop.

That's not to say the rest of the team is unlikable or anything. THE PARROT remains my favorite trot around the bases, Osuna is a boss, and I don't know anyone that can dislike Tulo or Martin.

Finally, I'll cede the fans thing. It's the thing thats fresh in my mind, but if we focused on the lowest common denominator for any fanbase they'd all look like **** I suppose.

Agree with you on Cleveland. Watching Francona being the only manager in baseball that's grasped +EV bullpen usage is a ton of fun to watch. GGs for the jays. Even if they have people I don't like and I enjoyed watching them lose, they bring the entertainment value like few others and I hope they continue making runs into October for the sweats (not to mention, I kinda enjoy a lot of the Jays posters here).
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10-19-2016 , 08:57 PM
My biggest problem with reviewable PI is watching what a ****show the NFL already has on their hands with trying to rule on catch vs. non-catch.

I'd really rather see them go the college route with PI and make it a 15-yard penalty rather than a spot foul. I hate 50-yard pass interference calls. Even if 9 out of 10 really long PI calls is a legit call, that 10th one is such a crime that it seems like a net negative.
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10-19-2016 , 09:10 PM
Guess you can't cheer for Cleveland either. Go to about 5:30 if it makes you go to youtube. Not sure why it embeds but won't play for me

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10-19-2016 , 10:05 PM
"batflip"? is that referring to how people do this for homers but some on the Jays are doing it for basic ****?
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
10-19-2016 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by mflip
Guess you can't cheer for Cleveland either.
As a city, nobody should. I thought we were done with this "cheer for Cleveland because we feel bad for them" nonsense after the Cavs shipped earlier in the year.

That said, as a team, no real problem with the Indians. My preference is Dodgers >> Indians > Cubs.

Hope the Browns never make the playoffs again.
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10-19-2016 , 11:49 PM
I don't know what SE is, but as a life long Philadelphia sports fan I can say that I have ever seen anything as heinous as what Toronto did.

Just in case you need to be informed, that was sarcasm
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10-20-2016 , 12:11 AM
Bautista is clearly a total bitch and is what Aaron Rodgers would be if he was a baseball player and also worse at his sport.

The rest of the team is whatever.
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
10-20-2016 , 12:39 AM
Speaking of Rodgers, his play is causing me to dream of a day when I can spew bile at him without having to accompany it with "yeah he's an amazing QB etc. etc."
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10-20-2016 , 07:07 AM
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
10-20-2016 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by ChachiArcola
I don't know what SE is,
Sporting Events:
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
10-20-2016 , 06:51 PM
On reviewing PI in football, the CFL has tried it for the last 2 years now and it's actually not too bad. But, like LKJ said, they have pretty clearly defined catch rules, so it makes it more clear-cut.
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10-22-2016 , 02:31 PM
I went ahead and tipped the furniture guy. Would rather risk being a mark than being a dick, I suppose.
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10-22-2016 , 03:45 PM
Speaking of tipping, I ordered pizza last night from Dominos for the kids. It took 1hr 10 min, which isn't all that bad considering it was Friday night, but the driver showed up without a thermal bag for the pizza and of course it was cold. I paid with a cc on the app, so when it came I just had to sign the receipt and I added $3 on to the $20 bill. I didn't call and complain about the pizza being cold because the kids were starving and they don't care.

When I check my bank account today, the charge from dominos was $28. So someone either manually entered it wrong or they changed the 3 to an 8 and tried to get away with it. Needless to say I am pissed. I already fired off an email to dominos about it.
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10-22-2016 , 03:52 PM
Entirely unrelated to your billing issue, but I wish I could go back in life to when nothing was more exciting than Dominos pizza on a friday night
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
10-22-2016 , 04:10 PM
Funny thing about Dominos with me is that I didn't start ordering from there until I actually owned a pizzeria. I don't order from there all that much, but you can order from their website and pay right there. Needless to say I won't be doing that again
Wrestling OT/LC Thread: We'll Stop Talking About Star Wars Eventually Quote
10-22-2016 , 04:17 PM
I would think that lots of national chains do that by now. I know that Pizza Hut does.
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10-22-2016 , 06:01 PM
When the hell did this icing idiocy make its way into kicks at the end of the first half? That's even dumber than end-of-game icing. I just saw UCLA do it, and while I would like to chalk that up to the fact that it's a marvel that Jim Mora Jr. hasn't already drowned to death in his own drool, it feels like I've seen it quite a bit from a number of teams recently.
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10-22-2016 , 06:59 PM
Speaking of Pizza tipping:

There's a pizza place near me that has a pretty good special. For lunch you get a 9 inch pizza + drink for $4.85.

So lets say you and someone walk in, order at the register and pay $9.70, receive your cups, get your own drinks from a fountain, sit down at a table, they bring you the pizzas, and then when you're done you just leave and they clean it up.

Do you leave a tip on the table?

I left 2 dollars on the table sparking a brief discussion about how anytime you order at a register and get your own drink you don't tip. You don't tip at mcdonalds for instance. Now I wonder if I'm wrong here because that does make sense. My thing is "if they bring me something or clean up after me I tip" but wonder what everyone here does
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10-22-2016 , 07:15 PM
I don't leave a tip at Noodles and Company, and the level of service sounds identical.
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10-22-2016 , 08:51 PM
I might possibly tip $1 in that spot, depending on mood. Certainly not more than that.
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